7.3. Customizing Readout Shell

The readout gui is highly customizable. You can provide Tcl code that is called by the Readout Shell and specific times to perform application specific operations. An API allows you to interact with the Readout GUI through these script extensions.

Furthermore, a large number of environment variables allow you to configure how the ReadoutGUI operates.

7.3.1. ReadoutCallouts.tcl

ReadoutCallouts is a script that you can supply. When the Readout Gui starts it sources all scripts by this name in the following directories in order: ~, ~/experiment/current, and .. The script is sourced at the global level.

In addition to performing any desired operations as the script is initially sourced, if these script define any of the following procs they will be called by the Readout GUI at the appropriate time. Please note that Tcl does not support overloading procnames. If you want to chain to previously defined instances of those procs you'll need to use the rename command to rename the old ones and then manually chain to them from your code.

OnBegin runNumber

This proc is called by Readout GUI when the run has been started. By the time this proc is called, the event logger has already started, however the Readout program itself has not yet been told to start the run. As implied by the header above, the proc receives the current run number as a parameter.

OnEnd runNumber

This proc is called just after a run has neded. The Readout program has been asked to end the run, however due to the lack of closed loop control between the ReadoutGui and Readout, it is not yet known that the Readout program actually has finished ending the run and sent its end run item to the ring buffer. The proc is parameterized by the number of the run' that is ending.

OnPause runNumber

This proc is called just after a run has paused. The timing for this call is essentially the same as that for OnEnd.

OnResume runNumber

This proc is called just after a run has resumed. The timing for this is the same as that for OnStart


This proc is called just after the readout program has been asked to start. There is no gaurentee that by the time OnStart begins executing, the readout program is able to accept and act on commands. It may be appropriate to delay some appropriate time period to allow it to initialize. A common use of this callback is to define run and state variables in a readout framework so that it can log those to file.

The toy extension below logs readout loads, and run state transitions to a file ~/readout.log The file is opened and appended to for each log operation.

Example 7-1. ReadoutCallouts.tcl sample extension

set filename [file join ~ readout.log]

if {[info procs OnBegin] ne ""} {
    rename OnBegin PreLogger_OnBegin 

proc logToFile message {
   global filename
   set fd [open $filename "w+"]
   set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
   puts $fd "$timestamp : $message"
   close $fd
proc OnBegin run {
   if {[info procs PreLogger_OnBegin] ne ""} {
        PreLogger_OnBegin $run
   logToFile "Run $run Begun"
proc OnEnd run {
   logToFile "Run $run has ended"
proc OnPause run {
   logToFile "Run $run has been paused"
proc OnResume run {
   logToFile "Run $run has been resumed"
proc OnStart {} {
   logToFile "Readout program has been started"

The code at the top of the file and the code in OnBegin illustrate how to chain to a previously defined OnBegin. As the script starts up, any existing OnBegin proc is renamed to PreLogger_OnBegin. If OnBegin detects the existence of this proc it is called. Obviously this can be extended to any and all of the callback functions.

7.3.2. Environment and configuration variables

ReadoutGUI looks for a large number of environment variables. Setting these overrides default values and symbolic links. This section describes the set of environment variables that are understood by Readout GUI.

Readout GUI processes configuration files, then environment variables and finally command line parameters where appropriate. The cofiguration file is located in ~/stagerea/.readoutconfig. This contains static configuration as a set of Tcl Variables. ~/.daqconfig can contain additional static configuration as can ./.daqconfig. In the tables below, the parameter column is the global Tcl variable to set to modify this parameter in a configuration file.

Table 7-1. Data Acquisition configuration parameters

ParameterEnvironment variableMeaning
SourceHostDAQHOSTName of the system that runs the Readout program.
ReadoutPathRDOFILEFile system path to the readout program
EventLoggerEVENTLOGGERPath to an event logger that substitutes for the standard event logger.

Table 7-2. Directory root configuration parameters

ParameterEnvironment variableMeaning
StageAreaEVENTSOverrides the symbolic link ~stagearea if set
ExperimentEXPDIRMOverrides the root directory where the experiment view is generated. This defaults to ~/experiment which if it does not initially exist is linked to an experiment directory in the stage area.

Table 7-3. State Parameters

ParameterEnvironment variableMeaning
RunTitleEXPTITLEThe title of the run. This is intended to allow you to provide an initial run title. It is usually overidden by the value in .readoutconfig which is rewritten at the start and end of each run
RunNumber--The current run number. This is far too dynamic to merit an environment variable.
ScalerCountSCALERS The value that will be used in the initial set scalers command at the start of the run. The intent of this variable (not much used nowadays). is to allow experiment specific code to bind to it and use its value to determine the number of scalers to read out.
ScalerIntervalSCALERINTERVALValue in the set frequency command performed at the beginning of each run. The original intent of this was to allow users to bind to this value and use it to dynamically set the scaler trigger period.
Recording --Non zero when the recording checkbox is lit. Like the run number this is too dynamic to merit an environment variable.
Timed -- Reflects the state of the timed run checkbox
TimedLength -- Number of seconds the time in the timed run length entries reflects.