Chapter 2. The ringbuffer command

The ringbuffer command provides a set of utilities that allow you to administrate ring buffers at the command line. In most cases, you will not need do anything other than list and get the status of ring buffers as the NSCLDAQ software will manage the ring buffers it needs to function correctly.

You may, however use ring buffers for your own low latency communication needs, in which case, of course you can use these commands to administrate your own rings.

To make the ringbuffer command easily available, you should add the directory it lives in to your PATH environment variable. In the examples for this, we assume as usual, that the envirionment variable DAQROOT points to the top level of the NSCL DAQ installation.

For the bash shell, this is done by either typing the following, or by adding the following to a shell initialization profile script such as .bashrc.

Example 2-1. Adding ringbuffer's directory to bash's search path:

export PATH=$PATH:$DAQROOT/bin


Similarly for C shells:

Example 2-2. Adding command paths to csh

setenv PATH $PATH:$DAQROOT/bin

Complete reference documentation of the ringbuffer can be found in the ringbuffer reference pages