

CTCLInterpreter --  Encapsulate a Tcl interpreter.


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <TCLInterpreter.h>

class CTCLInterpreter
  CTCLInterpreter ();
  CTCLInterpreter (Tcl_Interp* am_pInterpreter  );

  Tcl_Interp* getInterpreter()
  std::string Eval (const char* pScript) ;
  std::string Eval(const CTCLString& rScript);
  std::string Eval(const std::string& rScript);
  std::string EvalFile (const char* pFilename)   ;
  std::string EvalFile(const CTCLString& rFilename);
  std::string EvalFile(const std::string& rFilename);

  std::string GlobalEval (const char* pScript)   ;
  std::string GlobalEval (const CTCLString& rScript) ;
  std::string GlobalEval(const std::string& rScript) ;

  std::string RecordAndEval (const char* pScript, Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const CTCLString& rScript,
                            Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const std::string& rScript,
                            Bool_t fEval = kfFALSE);

  std::string ExprString (const char* pExpression)   ;
  std::string ExprString(const CTCLString& rExpr);
  std::string ExprString(const std::string& rExpr);

  Long_t ExprLong (const char* pExpression)   ;
  Long_t ExprLong (std::string& rExpression);
  Long_t ExprLong (const CTCLString& rExpr);

  DFloat_t ExprDouble (const char* pExpression)   ;
  DFloat_t ExprDouble (const CTCLString& rExpression);
  DFloat_t ExprDouble(const std::string& rExpression);

  Bool_t ExprBoolean (const char*  pExpression)   ;
  Bool_t ExprBoolean (const CTCLString& rExpression);
  Bool_t ExprBoolean(const std::string& rExpression);

  std::string TildeSubst (const char* pFilename) const  ;
  std::string TildeSubst (const CTCLString& rName) const;
  std::string TildeSubst (const std::string& rName) const;
  std::string EvalFile (const char* pFilename)   ;
  std::string EvalFile(const CTCLString& rFilename);
  std::string EvalFile(const std::string& rFilename);

  std::string GlobalEval (const char* pScript)   ;
  std::string GlobalEval (const CTCLString& rScript) ;
  std::string GlobalEval(const std::string& rScript) ;

  std::string RecordAndEval (const char* pScript, Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const CTCLString& rScript,
                            Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const std::string& rScript,
                            Bool_t fEval = kfFALSE);

  std::string ExprString (const char* pExpression)   ;
  std::string ExprString(const CTCLString& rExpr);
  std::string ExprString(const std::string& rExpr);

  Long_t ExprLong (const char* pExpression)   ;
  Long_t ExprLong (std::string& rExpression);
  Long_t ExprLong (const CTCLString& rExpr);

  DFloat_t ExprDouble (const char* pExpression)   ;
  DFloat_t ExprDouble (const CTCLString& rExpression);
  DFloat_t ExprDouble(const std::string& rExpression);

  Bool_t ExprBoolean (const char*  pExpression)   ;
  Bool_t ExprBoolean (const CTCLString& rExpression);
  Bool_t ExprBoolean(const std::string& rExpression);

  std::string TildeSubst (const char* pFilename) const  ;
  std::string TildeSubst (const CTCLString& rName) const;
  std::string TildeSubst (const std::string& rName) const;
  Tcl_Interp* operator-> ();
  operator Tcl_Interp* ();



CTCLInterpreter encapsulates a Tcl_Interp* in an object. Method invocations on that object provide access to many of the Tcl interpreter. See METHODS below for more information about htis.


CTCLInterpreter ()

CTCLInterpreter ( Tcl_Interp* pInterp)

Constructs an interpreter object. The first form of this constructor creates a new Tcl_Interp* using Tcl_CreateInterp() and wraps the object around it. All members of the object will operate on that newly created interpreter. The second form, wraps an object around pInterp, a previously created Tcl_Interp*. Note that in either case on destruction, Tcl_DeleteInterp() is called on the wrapped interpreter.

Tcl_Interp* getInterpreter()

Returns the interpreter that is being wrapped by this object. This interpreter can be used as an interp parameter for any Tcl_xxxxxx call in the Tcl API.

std::string Eval(const char* pScript) ;
std::string Eval(const CTCLString& rScript);
std::string Eval(const std::string& rScript);

Evaluates the script passed as a parameter. The only differences between these functions is the form of the script parameter. Each function will return the result of the script. If there is an error in the script, a CTCLException will be thrown that will describe what happened. For example:

    std::string commands;
    CTCLInterpreter interp;     // New intepreter.
    // after commands has been built up:

    string result
    try {
        result = interp.Eval(commands);
        cout << "Eval of " << commands << " was "
             <<  result << endl;
    catch (CTCLException &e) {
        cerr << "Eval of " << commands << " failed: "
             << e.ReasonText() << endl;
    // If no exception, result is usable as the output of the eval.


  std::string EvalFile(const char* pFilename)   ;
  std::string EvalFile(const CTCLString& rFilename);
  std::string EvalFile(const std::string& rFilename);

Sources the specified file in and executes it as a script in the interpreter that is wrapped by the object. The only difference between these functions is how the name of the file is passed. The return value is the script result. A CTCLException will be thrown in the event the script reports an error. See the example in CTCLInterpreter::Eval to see how to catch and report this kind of exception.

  std::string GlobalEval(const char* pScript);
  std::string GlobalEval(const CTCLString& rScript);
  std::string GlobalEval(const std::string& rScript);

This function evaluates a script at the global level. Note that CTCLInterpreter::Eval, and CTCLInterpreter>::EvalFile evaluates the script at whatever call level the interpreter is currently executing at. The only difference between the methods above is how the script is passed. The functions all return the interpreter result after the script executes. If the script reports an error, a CTCLException will be thrown.

  std::string RecordAndEval (const char* pScript,
                       Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const CTCLString& rScript,
                       Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);
  std::string RecordAndEval(const std::string& rScript,
                      Bool_t fEval=kfFALSE);

Records a script in the Tcl interpreter history and, if fEval is kfTRUE, evaluates it as well. The return value is the interpreter result, which is only meaningful if the script was evalutated. If the script reports an error, a CTCLException is thrown.

  std::string ExprString(const char* pExpression);
  std::string ExprString(const CTCLString& rExpr);
  std::string ExprString(const std::string& rExpr);

Evaluates an expression (as if with the expr Tcl command), and returns the result of the evaluation as a string. If the expression has an error, a CTCLException will be thrown. The only difference between these functions is how the expression is passed.

  Long_t ExprLong(const char* pExpression)   ;
  Long_t ExprLong(std::string& rExpression);
  Long_t ExprLong(const CTCLString& rExpr);

Evaluates an expression (as if with the expr Tcl command). If the result can be converted into an integer, it is returned as a Long_t. If the expression either cannot be converted to an integer (e.g. it's a non-numerical expression), or if the expression contains an error, a CTCLException will be thrown.

  DFloat_t ExprDouble(const char* pExpression)   ;
  DFloat_t ExprDouble(const CTCLString& rExpression);
  DFloat_t ExprDouble(const std::string& rExpression);

Evaluates the parameter as an expression (as if with the expr Tcl command). If the result can be converted to a floating point value it is returned as the function value. If not, or if there is an error in the expression, a CTCLException is thrown.

  Bool_t ExprBoolean(const char*  pExpression)   ;
  Bool_t ExprBoolean(const CTCLString& rExpression);
  Bool_t ExprBoolean(const std::string& rExpression);

Evaluates the parameter as an expression (as if with the expr Tcl command). If the result can be interpreted as a boolean, it is returned as the function value. If not, or if there is an error in the expression, a CTCLException is thrown.

  std::string TildeSubst(const char* pFilename) const  ;
  std::string TildeSubst(const CTCLString& rName) const;
  std::string TildeSubst(const std::string& rName) const;

Performs tilde substitution on its parameter. Tilde substitution means that leading characters are expanded to the current user's home directory path, while a leading followed by a word that is a username will be expanded to the home directory path of that user. The expanded value is returned. Note thatthe use of this member is deprecated as the underlying Tcl library function is also deprecated.

  Tcl_Interp* operator->();
  operator Tcl_Interp* ();

These two functions allow objects that are CTCLInterpreter objects to be treated as if they were Tcl_Interp*'s. operator-> supports dereferncing to fields of the wrapped interpreter (note that this is now deprecated within Tcl itself). operator Tcl_Interp* supports dynamic type conversion from a CTCLInterpreteter object and a Tcl_Interp* pointer.


It is not possible to avoid destroying the interpreter when the object is destroyed.


CTCLException, CTCLApplication, CTCLChannel, CTCLCommandPackage, CTCLFileHandler, CTCLList, CTCLObject, CTCLObjectProcessor, CTCLTimer, CTCLVariable