

CV977Trigger -- Concrete Trigger class using CAEN V977 module.


#include <CV977Trigger.h>
 class CV977Trigger : public CEventTrigger {

  CV977Trigger(uint32_t base, unsigned crate = 0);
  CV977Trigger(CCAENV977* pModule, bool deleteme = true);

  virtual void setup();
  virtual bool operator()();


CV977Trigger is a concrete trigger class that accepts triggers from a CAEN V977 I/O register module. The trigger is accepted on input 0. Since the module latches inputs input 0 should be pulsed. Normally you should use this class in conjunction with a CV977Busy object to manage the busy.

Public member functions

CV977Trigger(uint32_t base, unsigned crate = 0);

Constructs the object using a description of the electronics module's base address and VME crate number.

CV977Trigger(CCAENV977* pModule, bool deleteme = true);

Constructs the object using an existing hardware object pModule. If deleteme is true, when this object is destroyed, the module passed in will be as well. This is appropriate if a CCAENV977 was dynamically allocated/constructed for this object.

virtual void setup();

CEventTrigger interface. Called to setup the electronics and make it able to accept trigger.

virtual bool operator()();

CEventTrigger interface. Called to poll for a trigger condition. Triggers are latched until they are cleared. Normally this object will be used in conjucntion with a CV977Busy object on the same electronics. The clear of the busy output of that object will reset the trigger as well.


CEventTrigger(3sbsReadout), CV977Busy(3sbsReadout)