17.3. Convenience scripts

The core applications discussed so far can be composed with e.g. RingSelector to create many useful applications. This section describes several scripts that have been written and installed that provide the most commonly used applications.

eventlog-compat. Provides a script that creates a pipeline suitable for eventlogging through the ReadoutShell. If, in your .bashrc you define the environment variable EVENTLOGGER to be $DAQROOT/bin/eventlog-compat, the ReadoutGui will run this script rather than the standard Ring buffer event logger. This will result in ring buffer data being logged directly in spectrodaq formatted event files.

spectcldaq. This script mimics the SpecTcl data source provided by the spectrodaq data acquisition systems installations. It requires a single command parameter, the URI of the ring from which it will take data. Below is an attachOnline proc that accepts a hostname as a parameter and attaches to the default ring for the current user on that host. It is assumed the environment variable DAQROOT points to the ring buffer daq installation.

Example 17-4. Attaching SpecTcl to ring buffers in compatibility mode

proc attachOnline host {
    global tcl_platform
    global env

    set user    $tcl_platform(user)
    set daqroot $env(DAQROOT)
    set spectcldaq [file join $daqroot bin spectcldaq] 

    attach -pipe $spectcldaq tcp://$host/$user


spectcldaq.server. In some cases you'd like to sample data from the ring buffer system to a system that is not running the data acuisition system software. In native mode, this can be done by contacting the ring master server in the source system and requesting that it pipe data to your system.

If, however you want this data to be in spectrodaq buffer format, you can start the spectcldaq.server. This TCP/IP server listens for connection on a specfied port and when contacted sets up a pipeline to send ring data in spectrodaq buffer format across the socket.

Suppose for example you want to export data to a SpecTcl that is running in a system that does not run nscldaq. Assuming that DAQHOST specifies the host that is taking data; on one of the data taking systems:

$DAQROOT/spectcldaq.server tcp:/$DAQHOST/$LOGNAME 22222

spectcldaq.server is now listening for connections on port 22222. In most systems a program called netcat is or can be installed to connect to a server/port and pipe the data sent to it on its stdout. This makes an ideal pipe data source for SpecTcl:

attach -pipe netcat $myserverhost 22222'

Where myserverhost is the name of the host that is runnning spectcldaq.server