

CVMEInterface -- Class wrapping of the SBS VME library.


#include <CVMEInterface.h>
 class CVMEInterface  static const char* m_szDriverName; // Name of driver (e.g. NSCLBiT3).

  static void* Open(AddressMode nMode, unsigned short crate =  0);
  static void Close(void* pDeviceHandle);
  static void* Map(void* pDeviceHandle, unsigned long nBase, unsigned long nBytes);
  static void Unmap(void* pDeviceHandle, void* pBase, unsigned long lBytes);
  static int Read(void* DeviceHandle, unsigned long nOffset, void* pBuffer, unsigned long nBytes);
  static int Write(void* pDeviceHandle, unsigned long nOffset, void* pBuffer, unsigned long nBytes);
  static void Lock();
  static void Unlock();


This class provides low level access to VME crates connected to the host system via the SBS PCI/VME fibre optic bus bridge. Each interface can connect to a single crate. The crates are numbered from zero in the order deteced at power up by the linux kernel. The utility cratelocator is able to help you determine which crate is which.

A closely related class is CSBSBit3VmeInterface which provides access to the advanced interfaces of the module.

The section below (Public member functions) provides reference information about each member function. Data types that are exported from this class are described in "Types and public data".

Public member functions

static void* Open(AddressMode nMode, unsigned short crate = 0);

Opens a handle to the sbs driver. The nMode defines the address modifier that will be used for all references to the VME crate through this handle. See the "Types and public data" section for the definitions of legal values of AddressMode. The crate selects which of the potentially several VME crates to operate on. You can us the cratelocator utility to determine which crates are which.

The return value from this function is a handle to be used in subsequent calls. The handle is an opaque data type and should not be assumed to have any particular structure other thanbeing the size of a pointer. On error, the function will throw a std::string exception. The exception string will be an error message suitable for display to human users.

static void Close(void* pDeviceHandle);

Closes an open handle. On error, this will throw an std::string exception that contains an error message suitable for display to human users.

static void* Map(void* pDeviceHandle, unsigned long nBase, unsigned long nBytes);

Creates a mapping between an address segment in VME space and an chunk of process virtual address space. Once created, the process can perform VME transactions by simply dereferencing pointers into this adress map. The map persists after the handle is closed, although the handle is needed if you want to explicitly release the map rather than allowing process cleanup to do so.

The pDeviceHandle is a handle returned by a call to the Open method. nBase nBytes describe the desired range of VME address space to map to the process. The address modifier is determined by the modifier passed to the Open method.

On succedss, the method returns a pointer to the base address of the process virtual address space that corresponds to the VME address segment. On error, the method will throw a std::string exception where the string is a human readable error message.

static void Unmap(void* pDeviceHandle, void* pBase, unsigned long lBytes);

Breaks an address space mapping to the VME bus that was established by a call to the Map method. Once broken, the results of memory references to the process address space that was mapped to a VME bus are undefined, but will most likely fail with a SEGFAULT

pDeviceHandle is the handle returned from the Open used to create the map. The pBase and lBytes parameters describe the region in process virtual address space of the map (pBase is the value returned from the Map method).

On error, the method will throw a std::string exception that contains a user readable error message describing the error

static int Read(void* DeviceHandle, unsigned long nOffset, void* pBuffer, unsigned long nBytes);

Peforms a read from several consecutive locations of VME memory into a user buffer. Depending on parameter settings and the transfer count, (see CSBSBit3VmeInterface), the transfer might be done under program control in the device driver, via DMA or via blockmode. The width of the transfer is also determined by driver parameters set via CSBSBit3VmeInterface member functions.

DeviceHandle is the device handle returned from a call to the Open method. nOffset is the base address in VME address space at which the transfer starts, while nBytes is the number of bytes to transfer. The user buffer is pointed to by pBuffer and must be at least nBytes long.

On success, the function returns the number of bytes transferred. If a bus error (BERR) is signalled on the backplane, this is approximately the number of bytes transferred before the BERR occurred, however the hardware is not able to accurately report the partial transfer count.

On failure a std::string error message exception is thrown.

static int Write(void* pDeviceHandle, unsigned long nOffset, void* pBuffer, unsigned long nBytes);

Writes a block of nBytes of data from pBuffer to the address in the VME space starting at nOffset. pDeviceHandle is the handle returned from an Open call.

On success, the number of bytes transferred is returned. As for reads, a BERR is not considered an error. Instead, an approximate transfer count is returned. On failure a std::string exception is thrown containing a human readable errror message.

static void Lock();

Locks a semaphore associated with the VME interface system. While the interface is performing a DMA transfer, program controlled transfers cannot take place. If you are doing a block transfer via Read or Write, and suspect that some other process may attempt a VME transaction via memory map, or vica versa, bracket those operations with a call to Lock and Unlock.

static void Unlock();

Releases the VME semaphore. See Lock for more information about why you would use the VME sempahore.

Types and public data

The CVMEInterface class exports an enumerator, CVMEInterface::AddressMode, that defines the basic address modifiers (address spaces) understood by the module. Some of these are synonymous with others.

Values defined by this enum are:

A16 or ShortIO

Selects the 16 bit address space. This is also known in VME parlance as Short I/O space.

A24 or Standard

Selects the 24 bit address space. For historical reasons, this is also known as the Standard address space.

A32 or Extended

Selects the 32 bit address space. For historical reasons, this is also known as the Extended address space.

MCST or Multicast

Some boards support common initialization and cleanup functions via a multicast address. For those boards that do, the MCST or it synonym Multicast address modifier provides a mechanism to access those modes. Not that at presen this is a synonym for A32.

CBLT or ChainedBlock

Some modules implement a chained block transfer that allows a group of contiguous modules to be read out via a single VME block transfer. This is implemented via the A32 transfer in block mode only.

GEO or Geographical

Some modules provide an extra connector on which the slot number is encoded. These modules implement some addressing shceme tht allows you to access the module via a 24 bit adress that depends in some computible way on the module's slot. Thie GEO adrss space allows you to operate on the module in geo mode.

At present, geographical addredssing is just the same as the A24 address modifier.,


Most functions signal errors via a std::string excpetion. In that case the string contain a human readable error string


See Also

Fake cratelocator link target