

hinp -- XLM-XXV with Wash-U HINP firmware.


hinp ceate name ?options?

hinp config name ?options?

hinp cget name


This command was contributed to this framework by Jon Elson from Washington University in St.Louis. It supports readout of an XLM-XXV which runs the HINP firmware and communicates with Wash-U ASICS.


-base base-address

Sets the base address of the XLM board.

-firmware file-name

This option is accepted without error but ignored. The firmware for HINP modules should be loaded and configured using the Chip control program that is available from Wash-U. For that program to operate the VMUSBReadout program must be running.

-readsramb boolean

When used with the XLM-XXV, this option should be false, which is the default. If used with an external FADC (see e.g. hira) this should be true, indicating one set of motherboards must be read from SRAM B.

-havefadc boolean

When used with the XLM-XXV this option shouild be true indicating the XLM has an on-board FADC. Set false if e.g. using in a hira HiRA configuration where the FADCs are external to the XLM.

-clearveto boolean

If true (the default), the veto output is cleared prior to the first event and after each event is read.