Chapter 30. Experiment Configuration utility

The experiment configuration utility works together with the statemanager and boot programs to allow you to define the software and data flow elements for your experiment. For information about the state manager see The state manager. For information about the boot managerr see The Boot utility

The experiment configuration utility is a graphical editor. The editor lets you configure:

The remainder of this chapter will describe how to:

30.1. Starting the program and choosing a configuration

Before starting the experiment configurationprogram, NSCLDAQ installation specific environment variables must be defined. This is done by sourcing the dasetup.bash script from the root of the installation directory for your DAQ distribution.

If, for example, NSCLDAQ is installed in /usr/opt/daq/11.0:

. /usr/opt/daq/11.0/daqsetup.bash

makes the necessary environment variable definitions.

Once the daqsetup.bash script has been run, you can start up the experiment configuration tool via the command:


The editor looks like this immediately after it was started:

Figure 30-1. experimentConfiguration utility initial display

The top of the display has the File menu from which you can open existing or create new experiment definition files. Definition files are sqlite3 databases. All editor operations are immediately reflected in the database.