Chapter 6. CAEN Firmware loaders

CAEN provides graphical and command line tools that load firmware into the FPGAs in their devices. NSCLDAQ includes ports of the command line tool to both the SBS and VME VME controllers. These tools allow users to update fimrware as well as to install license keys into boards that will hold licensed firmware.

See sbscaenupgrader for information about the SBS firmware maintenance tool. See vmusbcaenupgrader for information about the VMUSB firmware maintenance tool.

Parameter files. CAEN devices vary somewhat in how they are programmed. CAEN uses parameter files to describe to the firmware loader how each devide operates. These files (or at least those available at the time NSCLDAQ was packaged) are installed in $DAQROOT/etc/caenfw where $DAQROOT is the top level directory of your NSCLDAQ installation.