

unglom -- Break up an event file into event fragments


unglom ?options?


unglom is a filter that accepts an event file on its standard input and produces and event file on its standard output.

The input event file is assumed to have come from the output of glom in event building mode. The output event file will be decomposed back into the original event fragments that made up the events built by glom.

Normally unglom will be a stage in a pipeline that will rebuild events using a different time value for the coincidence window than originally used to build the event file.



All other options are ignored and brief program usage help is output to stdout. The program then exits without processing stdin.


All other options are ignored and the program version is printed to stdout. The program then exits without processing stdin.


Pre NSCLDAQ-11.0, and NSCLDAQ-11.0 and alter data that do not have body headers, non-event fragments do not have information about their source-ids. The value of this option is used as the source id for non-event fragments in that case. For NSCLDAQ-11.0 data, if the non-event fragments have a body header, the event source in that header is used as the fragment id instead.


The example below converts a glommed event file named run-0001-00.evt into a glommed event file named run-0001-00-dt=100.evt where the coincidence interval is 100 clock ticks. Any non event fragments that don't have an id are given the source id 0.

unglom <run-0001-00.evt --id=0 | glom --dt=100 >run-0001-00-dt=100.evt