

CInvalidArgumentException -- Report invalid function arguments.


#include <CInvalidArgumentException.h>
 class CInvalidArgumentException {

  CInvalidArgumentException(std::string argument, std::string whybad, std::string wasDoing);
  CInvalidArgumentException(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);

  virtual ~CInvalidArgumentException();

  CInvalidArgumentException& operator=(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);
  const int operator==(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);
  const int operator!=(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);
  virtual const const char* ReasonText();


While CRangeError provides an exception that can be thrown if values passed to a function are out of bounds, other argument errors are possible. Consider a function that takes a string and converts it to an integer. If the string cannot be converted, this represents an error in the argument, but CRangeError is not the appropriate exception. CInvalidArgumentException provides a class that can be thrown for arbitrary problems with parameters.

The thrower must be able to create a textual equivalent of the bad argument, a string that describes why the argument is bad as well as supplying the usual context string.

Public member functions

CInvalidArgumentException(std::string argument, std::string whybad, std::string wasDoing);

This is the constructor typically used to create a CInvalidArgumentException. argument is a textual representation of the bad argument. whybad is a text string that describes why the argument was bad. wasDoing is the context string that all exception objects require.

CInvalidArgumentException(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);

Provides for copy construction of CInvalidArgumentException objects.

CInvalidArgumentException& operator=(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);

Provides for assignment to an object from another CInvalidArgumentException object; rhs.

const int operator==(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);

Provides for the ability to check for equality between rhs and a left hand side object.

const int operator!=(const CInvalidArgumentException& rhs);

Provides for the ability to check for inequality.

virtual const const char* ReasonText();

Constructs and returns a pointer to a string that describes the error. This string should not be deleted by the caller.