

cvmusbreadoutlist -- SWIG wrappers for CVMUSBReadoutList




::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList name

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList name -this ptr

Simple VME/register operations.


object addRead16 address amod

object addRead32 address amod

object addRead8 address amod

object addRegisterRead address

object addRegisterWrite address data

object addWrite16 address amod data

object addWrite32 address amod data

object addWrite8 address amod data

Block transfer operations.


object addBlockRead32 base amod transfers

object addFifoRead16 address amod transfers

object addFifoRead32 address amod transfers

object addMaskedCountBlockRead32 base amod

object addMaskedCountFifoRead32 address mask amod

object addBlockCountRead16 address mask amod

object addBlockCountRead32 address mask amod

object addBlockCountRead8 address mask amod

Miscellaneous methods.


object addMarker value

object addDelay cycles

object clear

object get

object size

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList_uint32_vector_get v i

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList_uint32_vector_size v





This package encapsulates a CVMUSBReadoutList class/object. The class allows you to create instances of VME operation lists. Once created, you can add operations to that list that can either be executed immediately or stored fro execution in data taking mode in response to an appropriate trigger.

For more information about this class and its methods, see METHODS below. The class also defines a set of variables that contain the VME address modifier values. See VARIABLES for information about those.


Construction. Two construction mechanisms are provided. The first creates an empty list. The second creates an object that wraps itself around a pointer to an existing list.

Constructed objects appear like a command ensemble who's base command name is the name parameter to the constructor command. If the special name %AUTO is specified, the constructor will assign a unique name. In all cases the base name of the command ensemble (or object name) is returned by the constructor.

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList name

Constructs an empty list object named name (see the discussion above however). The name of the object is returned by this command.

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList name -this ptr

Constructs an object around an existing pointer to a list object. The name of the object is name and ptr is a SWIG type safe pointer. Type-safe pointers are just the address of a C++ object as a string that has been decorated with information about the type of the object.

A type-safe pointer to a readout list is passed to a Tcl driver's addReadoutList sub-command.

Simple VME/register operations. This group of methods add single shot VME operations and register transfers to a list. A VME operation is specified by both an address and an address modifier. The address modifier selects a specific address space. See for a table of address modifiers and their meaning.

cvmusbreadoutlist also defines some variables that contain these address modifiers. See VARIABLES below for a description of those variables.

object addRead16 address amod

Adds a 16 bit read from the address and address modifier specified by address and amod respectively. The data are put in either the output buffer if the read is performed by cvmsub::executeList or in the event buffer if the list is triggered in data acquisition mode.

object addRead32 address amod

Same as addRead16 however the data transfer width is 32 bits. The list performs the operation in little endian order. That is the low order part of the longword is placed in the output/event buffer prior to the upper order bits.

object addRead8 address amod

Same as addRead16 however only the data emitted consists of 8 bits of data in the low order 8 bits of a 16 bit word.

object addRegisterRead address

Adds a read of an internal register to the stack. The address parameter specifies which register to read. This is a number that should be taken from the table in section 3.4 of the VM-USB manual.

object addRegisterWrite address data

Adds a register write to the list. address specifies the register address (taken from the table in section 3.4 of the VM-USB manual), data is the value to write.

object addWrite16 address amod data

Writes the 16 bit data to the VME location specified by address and amod. If there are bits set above the least significant 16 bits of data, they are ignored.

object addWrite32 address amod data

Same as for addWrite16 however 32 bits of data are written.

object addWrite8 address amod data

Same as addWrite16 however only the least significant 8 bits are written.

Block transfer operations. The VM-USB is capable of several types of block transfer operations. If the address modifier is a block transfer address modifier, the VM-USB will take advantage of that mode of transfer.

VME block transfer operations allow a significant improvment in performance by reducing the number of address cycles asserted on the bus by the master. Specifically, in steady state operation, an address is only cycled on the bus as the transfer address crosses a 256 byte address boundary. In between these boundaries, slave boards that support block transfers are assumed to maintain counters that keep track of the transfer offset within the 256 byte page.

In addition to block transfer operations as described above, the VM-USB also supports FIFO block transfers. A FIFO block transfer is just a block transfer that always asserts the base address when an address cycle is required.

Finaly the VM-USB also supports block transfers whose size depends on a bit field in a value read from the VME bus.

object addBlockRead32 base amod transfers

Adds a block read that is 32 bits wide tyo the stack. The first transfer address is base, transfers are all done with amod as the address modifier. transfers operations are performed (transers*sizeof(uint32_t) bytes), unless a transfer causes a bus error.

If a transfer triggered a bus error, a 0xffffffff is placed in the output/event buffer and the transfer terminates. Note that if the last transfer was a bus error and the data in a successful transfer might have been a 0xffffffff, there is some ambiguity about how the transfer actually terminated. If you expect that the tranfer might be terminated by a bus error "normally", ber sure to specify a transfer count very much in exceess of what you might reasonably expect to get.

object addFifoRead16 base amod transfers

Adds a 16 bit FIFO read to the list. All transfers are performed from base with the amod address modifier. At most transfers transfers are performed. In the even to of a bus error, a marker value; 0xffff will be inserted in the read/event buffer, and the transfer will terminate.

object addFifoRead32 base amod transfers

Same as addFifoRead16 however each read transfers 32 bits of data.

object addBlockCountRead16 address mask amod

Adds a 16 bit read that extracts the transfer count for the next variable block read. A 16 bit read is performed from the location specified by address and address modifier amod. The bits that are set in mask determine the final actual value of the transfer count (bits set in mask matter unset bits don't).

object addBlockCountRead32 address mask amod

Same as addBlockCount16 however the tranfer is 32 bits wide.

object addBlockCountRead8 address mask amod

Same as addblockCountRead16 but the transfer is 8 bits.

object addMaskedCountBlockRead32 base amod

Adds a variable block read operation to the VME operation list. The last block count read by one of the addBlockCountReadxxx methods' above is used as the transfer count. The base address of the transfer is base and all transfers are done with the amod address modifier.

The normal rules for bus error termination of block transfers apply.

object addMaskedCountFifoRead32 base amod

Same as addMaskedCountBlockRead32, however any needed address cycles always place base on the address bus. This makes this method usable to get data from a FIFO register.

Miscellaneous methods. The methods in this section don't fit into any other category. Where the method is not a subcommand of a object it is a static method of the class.

object addMarker value

Adds a command to put a literal marker for value in to the buffer/event.

object addDelay cycles

Adds a delay to the list. When this instruction is executed, stack execution stalls for cycles cycles where one cycle is 200ns. The maximum wait time is 255 cycles, however you can insert more than one wait operation to get longer waits.

object clear

Clears the list

object get

Returns a vector to a uint32 where each vector element is one 32 bit stack line. See below for static methods to get information about/from this vector.

object size

Returns the number of 32 bit stack lines in the object.

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList_uint32_vector_get v i

Given a vector v retrived from the get method tells you how many elements it contains.

::cvmusbreadoutlist::CVMUSBReadoutList_uint32_vector_size v

Given a vector v gotten from get returns the nmber of 32 bit entities in the vrctor.


The cvmusbreadoutlist class provides several variables that define the various address modifiers symbolcally:


Defines the address modifier for 16 bit address widths privilege access. 16 bit address space is often refered to as shortio as well.


Same as above, however accesses are in user mode rather than privileged transfer mode.


Defines the address modifier for A24 privileged block transfers. Block transfers are a mechanism the VME bus defines for reducing the number of address cycles required to transfer a contiguous block of data.

A24 bit addressing mode is also called standard addressing.


Defines the address modifier for 24 bit wide addressing of privileged data. A24 address modes are also called standard addressing.


Same as above, however the addressing is to privileged progfam space.


Defines the address modifier for 24 bit wide address block transfers.


Defines the address modifier for 24 bit wide user data transfers.


Defines the address modifier for 24 bit wide user program space.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit privileged block transfers.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit wide privileged data transfers. 32 bit addressing is sometimes called extended addressing.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit privileged program accesses.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit user block transfers.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit user data transfers.


Defines the address modifier for 32 bit user program access.