XV. 3sbsReadout

Table of Contents
CBusy -- Abstract base class for Busy module management.
CCAENV262Busy -- Concrete busy class for the CAEN V262 input module.
CCAENV262Triger -- Trigger module with CAEN V262
CCompoundEventSegment -- Container for other event segments
CDocumentedPacket -- Encapsulate event data in a packet that is documented.
CEventPacket -- Encapsulate an event segment in a documented packet.
CEventSegment -- Base class for all event segments.
CEventTrigger -- Abstract base class for triggers.
CExperiment -- Encapsulate the experiment.
CInvalidPacketStateException -- Exception thrown by documented packets.
CNullTrigger -- A trigger that never fires.
CReadoutException -- Base class for readout specific exceptions
CScalerBank -- Container for individual Scaler objects.
CTimedTrigger -- CEventTrigger that fires periodically
CV977Busy -- Concrete busy class using the CAEN V977 module
CV977Trigger -- Concrete Trigger class using CAEN V977 module.
RunState -- Encapsulate important state of the software.
CScaler -- Base class for scaler readout classes
module -- Create list and delete scripted readout modules.
Module Subcommands -- Subcommands recognized by all modules
readout -- Maintain list of modules to readout
caenv775 -- CAENV775 module type
caenv785 -- CAENV775 module type
caenv792 -- CAENV792 module type
caenv830 -- CAEN V830 scaler support
packet -- Scripted readout packet encapsulator
sis3300 -- Scripted Readout SIS 3300 support.
v1x90 -- Scripted readout support for CAEN V1190/V1290 TDC
CDigitizerModule -- Scripted readout base class for module support.
CConfigurationParameter -- Configuration parameters
SConfigurableObject -- Scripted Readout Configuration database
CModuleCreator -- Scripted readout base class for module creators
CScriptedSegment -- Scripted readout event segment
CScriptedScalers -- Scaler class that is scriptably configured.