Module Subcommands


Module Subcommands -- Subcommands recognized by all modules


module-name config config-options...

module-name cget ?pattern?

module-name help


All modules created by the module command themselves become new Tcl commands in the interpreter that executes the configuration file. The command word is the module name (e.g. module adc1 caenv785 creates a command adc1). Each of these commands is a command ensemble. Command ensembles are commands whose first parameter word is a subcommand. An example of a command ensemble in standart Tcl is the string command.

The following subcommands are supported, though an individual module driver can define more subcommands.

config config-options...

The remaining parameters are configuration option names followed by a new value for the option. The config sub-command is used to describe to each module the way it should run.

Each module will define a set of configuration parameters that match the settable capabilities of the module. The module's initialization and read methods will use the values of these options to determine how to set up the module for data taking and how to read the module out.

cget ?pattern?

Returns Tcl list whose elements are themselves two element sub-lists consisting of an option keyword and its value in that order. If pattern is provided it is a pattern with glob wild-card characters and only those options whose names match the pattern will be listed. If omitted, the pattern defaults to * which lists all options.


Returns information about the module and the set of configuration parameters supported.


The actual options vary from module type to module type. Each module type has a manpage in this section that describes the options it supports.