NSCL GET interface software

Ron Fox

Giordano Cerizza

Genie Jhang

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. S800 Quickstart
3. How this all works
3.1. The Private subnet, services and servers.
3.2. Ring Buffers and ringmerge
3.3. Other parameters
3.4. So how does all this work anyway?
4. Interface components.
insertstatechange -- Insert run state change items in NSCLDAQ ringbuffers
ringmerge -- Merge data from multiple rings into one ring.
nscldatarouter -- Receive and dispose of GET data.
ring2graw -- Transform NSCLDAQ GET ring items to GET Raw data
configure -- Configuring CoBos using hardware description and configuration files
GET Run control (new way) -- Start and stop GET data taking with pulser control
GET Run control (old way) -- Start and stop GET data taking.
hitmaker -- Create hit ring items from raw GET ring items.
5. GETmePlots: diagnostics GUI for GET electronics
A. Configurations and GetController