Chapter 4. Reference pages

The reference pages here take into consideration both the organization of the library and the order in which classes are likely to be used in a program. Thus we start with a section that has reference material for the factory selector functions the abstract factory and the the abstract format classes that determine the functionality all other format classes have.

Subsequent sections provide reference material for the version 10, version 11 and version 12 factories and format classes.

4.1. Abstract Formatting

Table of Contents
Format Selector -- Select Specific Format Factory
RingItemFactoryBase -- Provide interface for ring item factoires.
CRingItem (abstract) -- Ultimate ring item base class
CAbnormalEndItem (abstract) -- Support ring items that flag abnormally ended runs.
CDataFormatItem (abstract) -- Ring item that describes format version
CGlomParameters (abstract) -- Document event building parameters
CPhysicsEventItem (abstract) -- Encapsulate the data from a physics trigger.
CRingFragmentItem (abstract) -- Ring item to encapsulate event builder fragments.
CRingPhysicsEventCountItem (abstract) -- Ring Item with trigger counts.
CRingScalerItem (abstract) -- Encapsulate periodic scaler readouts.
CRingStateChangeItem (abstract) -- Encapsulate run state change items.
CRingTextItem (abstract) -- Encapsulate a ring item of text strings
CUnknownFragment (abstract) --