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ddasdumper : Converting data for ROOT analyses

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Jeromy Tompkins
April 21, 2016


It is quite common for experimenters to repackage their data from raw event file file formats to ROOT. The DDAS provides a tool to accomplish this called ddasdumper. The ddasdumper processes an event file and generates a ROOT TTree. The tree that is generated will have only a single branch whose name depends on the command line options. We will discuss in this documentation how to use the ddasdumper and its output format. We will also discuss basically how to process the generated TTree.

Running the program

The ddasdumper program is run in much the same way as any other program created within the NSCLDAQ Filter Framework or the NSCLDAQ dumper. You can see the various options for running it by passing the -h or --help option.

ddasdumper 1.1

Formatted dump of selected data items and conversion of ddas PHYSICS_EVENTS to
root trees.

Usage: ddasdumper [OPTIONS]...

  -h, --help            Print help and exit
  -V, --version         Print version and exit
  -s, --source=STRING   URL of source, ring buffer or file
  -m, --skip=INT        number of items to skip before dumping
  -c, --count=INT       Number of items to dump before exiting
  -S, --sample=STRING   List of item types to sample
  -e, --exclude=STRING  List of item types to exclude from the dump
  -f, --fileout=STRING  Path of output file
  -l, --legacy-mode     Legacy data format enabled. This is not a default
                          setting  (default=off)

The key options here are --source, --fileout, and --legacy-mode. The --fileout option will specify the path to the ROOT file that is outputted. The –source option specifies where to read data from and its value should be in the form of a URL ( protocol://host:port/path ). The supported protocols are "file" and "tcp" for reading from files or ringbuffers, respectively. For file protocols, the host and port are ignored and left off the URL. If you want to read from a file at /path/to/my/evtfile.evt then you would run:

ddasdumper --source=file:///path/to/my/evtfile.evt --fileout=output.root

If you would like to attach to a ringbuffer to process online data you would need to identify the name of the ring buffer and the hostname of the computer. Let's say you want to read data from a ring buffer named "myring" on host "somecomputer", you would do that as follows:

ddasdumper --source=tcp://somecomputer/myring --fileout=output.root

The --legacy-mode option specifies whether the data is being from a point that is or was downstream of an event builder. If --legacy-mode is set to on (--legacy-mode=on), then that implies the data is formatted as though it were directly outputted from the Readout program. Otherwise, the data is treated as though it were built with the event builder.

The other options are described in the table below:

Option Description
--skip, -m The program will skip this number of ring items at the beginning
--count, -c The program will process on this number of items before exiting
--sample, -S This is not particularly useful and should be ignored
--exclude, -e This is not particularly useful and should be ignored

Understanding the Output File

The first thing to understand is that ddasdumper does not convert any ring items besides physics events. The ddasdumper processes all of the ring items in the file, but it does not output anything besides the physics event data to the ROOT file. THe name of that ROOT file will be the same as was provided to the --fileout option.

The ROOT file will contain a tree named "dchan". The structure of the tree will be different depending on whether the --legacy-mode option was passed. If it was passed, then the tree will have a single branch called "dchan" that consists of ddaschannel objects. If the --legacy-mode option was not passed, then the tree will have a single branch consisting of DDASEvent objects. Both the ddaschannel and DDASEvent classes documented and can be used in user code.

Attaching to and Processing the TTree

For completeness, we will discuss how to process the data in the TTree. A complete discussion of processing TTrees is beyond the scope of this document and NSCLDAQ in general. This will simply get you started down the path of processing your data. For more information about processing TTrees, refer to the ROOT website. Because the tree structure differs depending on --legacy-mode, we will show how to do this in two parts.

Processing the "Legacy-mode" Data

The first thing that must happen is to load the libddaschannel.so shared library into the ROOT interpreter.

tompkins@daqdev-wheezy:ddasdumper$ root -l
root[0] .L /usr/opt/ddas/VERSION/lib/libddaschannel.so

The next step is to open the ROOT file containing our data and to get the TTree from the file. Remember the TTree is named "dchan"

root [1] TFile* pFile = new TFile("legacy.root", "READ")
root [2] TTree* pTree;
root [3] pFile->GetObject("dchan", pTree)

At this point, you should be able to call methods of the TTree, like pTree->Print() or pTree->Scan(). We can also associate a ddaschannel object with the "dchan" branch so that when we get an entry from the tree, the object will be filled with the data. Here is how you do that:

root [4] ddaschannel* pChan = ddaschannel
root [5] pTree->SetBranchAddress("dchan", &pChan);

At this point, you need only get entries from the TTree and do something with the data. For example:

root [6] pTree->GetEntry(1)
root [7] pChan->GetEnergy()
(unsigned int)8838
root [8] pTree->GetEntry(2)
root [9] pChan->GetEnergy()
(unsigned int)8849

From there, you can do whatever you need. For example, to process the entire tree you could do so by:

TH1* pHist = new TH1F("pHist", "Energy; Energy (a.u.); Counts", 16000, 0, 16000);
for (int i=0; i<pTree->GetEntries(); ++i) {

Processing the Standard Data

By "standard data" I intend to mean the ROOT file generated by ddasdumper without the --legacy-mode flag. The steps are similar in this to the previous section on the legacy-mode data. The difference is that the name of the branch is not "dchan". It is "ddasevent" instead. It also will contain DDASEvent objects instead of ddaschannel objects.

As before, we first need to load the libddaschanel.so and then we need to get the TTree from the file. Here is how that looks once again:

tompkins@daqdev-wheezy:ddasdumper$ root -l
root [0] .L /usr/opt/ddas/VERSION/lib/libddaschannel.so
root [1] TFile* pFile = new TFile("normal.root", "READ")
root [2] TTree* pTree;
root [3] pFile->GetObject("dchan", pTree)

Now we need to associate an object with the branch we care about. Because the "ddasevent" branch is filled with DDASEvent object, we need to create a DDASEvent object and associate it with the branch. In code, that is done by:

root [4] DDASEvent* pEvent = new DDASEvent;
root [5] pTree->SetBranchAddress("ddasevent", &pEvent);

Now you can once again gain access to the data by calling TTree::GetEntry(long int). Here is now you might analyze the entire tree to plot the multipicity.

TH1* pHist = new TH1F("pHist", "Multiplicity; Multiplicity; Counts", 10, 0, 10);
for (int i=0; i<pTree->GetEntries(); ++i) {