Support for XIA DDAS at the NSCL
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Jeromy Tompkins


The Traiter (i.e. TRAce-ITERator) package is meant to analyze traces using iterator type objects (TrIterator). Though a generic trace type is defined by the Basic_Trace interface, one need not have a waveform stored as a Basic_Trace object. The reason for this is that all of the algorithms are based on the TrIterator type, which is constructed from a pointer.

The foundation of the analysis library is, therefore, the TrIterator template class. All algorithms built within the library use these objects to access the data of a Trace object. They typically operate over a range specified by either a begin and end iterator object, akin to the STL algorithms. Because these range specifications are so prevalent, the TrRange class is provided, which is really just a class containing a begin and end TrIterator. There is additional functionality though in this class to allow the range to iterate itself.

The algorithms are separable into static algorithms and algorithm iterator (AlgoIterator) objects. The former are simply functions that perform primitive operations like computing a baseline (ComputeBaseline). The latter are objects that iterate and evaluate to a value based on their internal state. The simplest example of an AlgoIterator-derived object is the SumIterator. It maintains a range definition and sums up all of the values within that range. As it iterates, it updates the sum.

It is important to note that these functions place responsibility on the user to provide valid range specifications over which to compute values. For example, the following code would not necessarily complain:

// ... code ...
// define a very primitive trace
int trace[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
// construct an iterator pointer to the first element
TrIterator<int> begin(trace);
// construct an iterator that references well beyond the end of the array
TrIterator<int> end(trace+12);
// Run the algorithm
// On a good day, this would segfault. On a less fortunate day
// this would run happily and create gibberish.
BaseLineProcResult res = ComputeBaseLine(begin, end);
// ... more code ..

Finally, to clean up the code, some precompiled typedefs are provided if you include TraceDefs.h.

TraceS = TraceT<uint16_t>

TrRangeS = TrRange<uint16_t>

TrIterS = TrIterator<uint16_t>

SumIterS = SumIterator<uint16_t>

TrFilterS = TrapFilter<uint16_t>

Also, all of the algorithms can be included by including the TraceAlgorithms.h header.

The user can now write code such as:

#include "TraceDefs.h"
#include "TraceAlgorithms.h"
using namespace TrAnal;
// fill the ddaschannel object with data
// ...
TraceS trace(dch->GetTrace());
TrRangeS range(trace.begin(), trace.end());
TrIterS it = Threshold(range, 20);
// ...

Building the package

The package is now included in the unified DDAS softgware package and will be installed when you install it.