

CEventOrderClient -- Client of the event orderer


#include <CEventOrderClient.h>
#include <fragment.h>

class   CEventOrderClient {
  CEventOrderClient(std::string node-name, unsigned int port);
  void Connect(std::string description, const char* pEvbName = 0)
          throws CErrnoException;
    void disconnect();
      void submitFragments(pFragmentChain pChain);
      void submitFragments(size_t nFragments, pFragment ppFragments);
      void submitFragments(FragmentPointerList fragments);
    static int Lookup(std::string host);


Provides the client API to the event fragment orderer component of the event builder. The normal operation sequence would be to use the Lookup static method to locate the event builder server port, create a CEventOrderClient instance and invoke Connect to connect to the event builder.

Once connected, submitFragments would be used to send data to the server until it's time to disconnect at which time the connection is dropped either by destroying the object or by calling the Disconnect method.


CEventOrderClient(std::string node-name, unsigned int port);

Constructs an instance of an event order client object. The node-name and port define the Tcp/IP of the connection that will be made with the event builder.

The connection is not actually made until the Connect method is invoked (see below).

void disconnect();

Disconnect a connected client object.

static int Lookup(std::string host, const char* pEvbName = 0); CErrnoException

Attempts to look up the port on which an event builder for the current user is running. This is done by contacting the NSCL port manager on the specified host.

If the optional pEvbName parameter is supplied and is not a null pointer, it is taken to be the name of the event builder to which the connection should be made. If this parameter is null or missing, the port looked up is that of the default event orderer for the caller's username.

On failure, a CErrnoException is thrown which will describe the reason and context of the error.

void Connect(std::string description) throws CErrnoException;

Attempts to connect to the event builder described by the constructor parameters. description will be passed to the event builder as a description of the event source. The description will be used on the event builder GUI.

void submitFragments(pFragmentChain pChain);

pChain is a pointer to the first element of the fragment chain that will be sent to the event builder

void submitFragments(size_t nFragments, pFragment ppFragments);

nFragmnents is the number of fragments to submit while ppFragments is a pointer to the first element of an array of Fragments.


The fragment.h header defines several event fragment related data structures:

The FragmentHeader data type is the main data type. It defines the struct that contains meta-data about an event fragment: This data structure contains the following fields.

uint64_t s_timestamp;

Each event must have an extracted timestamp. The first stage of the event builder does an absolute total time ordering of all input fragments by increasing timestamp.

The timestamp must be synchronized between all data sources to a high degree of accuracy if this total ordering is going to represent a true time ordering of fragments, since the second stage of the event builder builds events by matching fragments that live within a coincidence window.

uint32_t s_sourceId;

Each data source has a unique id chosen by the source itself. Furthermore, each client can represent several data sources (all sourcdes system wide must be unique). This field contains the source id that corresponds to the fragment data.

uint32_t s_size;

Contains the size of the fragment payload in bytes. this size does not include the size of this fragment header.

The <fragment.h> header also defines a Fragment type which contains the fields s_header which is a a FragmentHeader and a void* s_pBody; which is a pointer to the body of the event described by s_header.

Finally the FragmentChain contains the fields s_pNext which is a pFragmentChain and points to the next item in the chain, and s_pFragment which points to a single fragment. The last item in the chain has a s_pNext that is a null pointer. Fragment chains are required to be in timestamp order by event source.


The following exception types can be thrown:


Reports Linux system service errors.