

CGlomParameters -- Reports event building parameters.


#include <CGlomParameters.h>
 class CGlomParameters  : public CRingItem  {

  CGlomParameters(uint64_t interval, bool isBuilding, uint32_t tsPolicy);
  virtual ~CGlomParameters();
              CGlomParameters(const CGlomParameters& rhs);
              CGlomParameters(const CRingItem& rhs)
          throws std::bad_cast;
  CGlomParameters& operator=(const CGlomParameters& rhs);
              const int operator==(const CGlomParameters& rhs);
              const int operator!=(const CGlomParameters& rhs);
              const uint64_t coincidenceTicks();
              const bool isBuilding();
              const TimestampPolicy timestampPolicy();
              virtual const std::string typeName();
              virtual const std::string toString();



glom is a stage in the event builder pipeline that actually glues event fragments in close temporal proximity together into events. It is important for consumers of data to know the parameters that glom uses to know how it should operate. Therefore glom emits a ring item of typeEVB_GLOM_INFO describing this information. The CGlomParameters class provides a C++ class the wraps this ring item.

See METHODS for detailed information about how to use this class.


CGlomParameters(uint64_t interval, bool isBuilding, CGlomParameters::TimestampPolicy timestampPolicyconst );

Constructs the ring item. object. The contents of the ring item are goverend by isBuilding which should be true if glom is running in builder mode, and interval, which is only meaningful in build mode and represents the event coincidence interval in timestamp ticks. That is given and event fragment a time t, All fragments up until t+interval will be glommed into a single event at which point glom will start again with the next event found.

glom can also run in non-building mode. That mode means that each fragment results in its own output event.

The timestampPolicy argument sets the timestamp policy used by this version of glom and can be one of CGlomParameters::first, CGlomParametesr::last or CGlomParameters::average

virtual ~CGlomParameters();


CGlomParameters(const CGlomParameters& rhs);

Copy constructor of a glom object. Constructs a new object that is an exact duplicate of rhs.

CGlomParameters(const CRingItem& rhs) throws std::bad_cast;

Creates a CRingItem that is a duplicate of the arbitrary ring item rhs. If rhs is not in fact a CGLomParameters object a std::bad_cast exception will be thron.

CGlomParameters& operator=(const CGlomParameters& rhs);

Assignment operator. The object on the left hand side of an assignment becomes an exact duplicate of rhs (the right hand side object).

const int operator==(const CGlomParameters& rhs);

Compares the object on the left hand side of the == operator to rhs. A nonzero value is returned if the two objects can be said to be equal.

const int operator!=(const CGlomParameters& rhs);

Returns nonzero if operator== would return zero.

const uint64_t coincidenceTicks();

Returns the number of ticks that define a coincidence interval for building an event. This only has meaning if isBuilding returns true

const bool isBuilding();

Returns true if glom was in event building mode false otherwise. The value returned from coincidenceTicks is only meaningful if this method returns true.

const CGlomParametrs::TimestampPolicy timestampPolicy();

Returns the timestamp policy field. This will See the documentation of the constructor for information about the possible values this can have.

virtual const std::string typeName();

Returns a string version of the ring item type associated with this item. This is: Glom Parameters.

virtual const std::string toString();

Returns a human readable string representation of the object.