
CBDULMTrigger -- control a LeCroy 2637 ULM running trigger firmware on a CAMAC branch


CBDULMTrigger create name base

CBDULMTrigger config name option value ...

CBDULMTrigger cget name


The CBDULMTrigger is intended to control a LeCroy 2367 ULM situated on a camac branch rooted in a VME crate by a CES CBD8210 branch driver. If you intend to utilize the driver in a camac crate controlled by a CCUSB, see the ULMTrigger command. It provides the exact same functionality but understands the CCUSB to be its controller.

The CBDULMTrigger cannot be registered as a stack module by itself. Instead it must be registered first to a CBDCamacCrate. That CBDCamacCrate must then be registered to a CBDCamacBranch module.

Two options need to be specified to function properly. The first is firmware which defines the location of the firmware file to load. The second is the slot number in the camac crate it lives in.

On initialization the module will always be cleared and the GO bit set to 1.

At the end of the run, the GO bit is set to 0.

During stack execution initiated by an event trigger, the following logic is carried out:

if "-registerRead" is true
    Read the register

if "-eventwiseClear" is true
    Clear the register
By default, both -registerRead and -eventwiseClear are set to false.


-slot value

Specifies the slot of the CAMAC crate the target module is occupying. Default is 1.

-firmware path

The path to the firmware file usbtrig.bit. Default is "".

-readRegister bool

Specifies whether to add a hit register read into the event stack. Defaults to true.

-eventwiseClear bool

Specifies whether to send a clear command via the CAMAC dataway at the end of the event. Defaults to true.

-forceFirmwareLoad bool

By default, the ULM will only load the firmware if it fails to validate the configuration. This occurs always after a bad firmware load or after a crate has been power cycled. Firmware loads take a bit of time so it is worthwhile to skip reloading the firmware on every run. However, sometimes it may be considered useful. This option causes the firmware to be loaded at the start of EVERY run. Defaults to false.

-configuration num

Specifies the number that will be used to validate a successful firmware configuration. This number is compared to the value returned by the function A=15 F=0.

-pcDelay num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-pcWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-scDelay num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-scWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-ccWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-ssDelay num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-bypasses num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-pdFactor num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-sdFactor num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-triggerBox num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-inspect1 num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-inspect2 num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-inspect3 num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-inspect4 num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-adcWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-qdcWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-tdcWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.

-coincWidth num

Unknown. Default is 0.


Example 1. Setup of a single ULM trigger module

# Define values for each parameter in TRIGGER array
CBDULMTrigger create sclr -slot 23
CBDULMTrigger config ulm firmware /user/s800/server/fpga/usbtrig.bit
CBDULMTrigger config ulm -pcDelay $TRIGGER(PCDelay) \
                  -pcWidth $TRIGGER(PCWidth) \
                  -scDelay $TRIGGER(SCDelay) \
                  -scWidth $TRIGGER(SCWidth) \
                  -psDelay $TRIGGER(PSDelay) \
                  -ccWidth $TRIGGER(CCWidth) \
                  -ssDelay $TRIGGER(SSDelay) \
                  -bypasses $TRIGGER(Bypasses) \
                  -pdFactor $TRIGGER(PDFactor) \
                  -sdFactor $TRIGGER(SDFactor) \
                  -triggerBox $TRIGGER(TriggerBox) \
                  -inspect1 $TRIGGER(Inspect1) \
                  -inspect2 $TRIGGER(Inspect2) \
                  -inspect3 $TRIGGER(Inspect3) \
                  -inspect4 $TRIGGER(Inspect4) \
                  -adcWidth $TRIGGER(ADCWidth) \
                  -qdcWidth $TRIGGER(QDCWidth) \
                  -tdcWidth $TRIGGER(TDCWidth) \
                  -coincWidth $TRIGGER(CoincidenceWidth) \
                  -configuration $TRIGGER(configuration) 
CBDULMTrigger config trig -forceFirmwareLoad off
CBDULMTrigger config trig -readRegister on
CBDULMTrigger config trig -eventwiseClear off

# Create a crate to stick it in
CBDCamacCrate create crate0 -crate 1
CBDCamacCrate config crate0 -modules [list trig]

# Create a branch to register the crate in
CBDCamacBranch create branch0 -branch 0
CBDCamacBranch config branch0 -crates [list crate0]

Sets up a ULM module in slot 23 of crate 1 on branch 0.