26.2. Sample programs that use the package

The following short program probes VME crate 0 for all HYTEC 2530 ADC modules. It uses the fact that offset 2 in the register space of these modules is a 16 bit register that contains the value 2530:

Example 26-4. Using VME Tcl to locate all 2530 modules

lappend auto_path [file join $env(DAQROOT) TclLibs]
package require Vme

# is there an ADC at 'base'?

proc is2530 {base {name hytec}} {
    vme create $name -device standard $base 256
    $value = [$name get -l 2]
    vme delete $name
    return [expr $value == 2530]

#  Main program.

set modules [list]
for {set base 0} {$base < $f80000} {incr base 0x080000} {
    if  {[is2530 $base]} {
        lappend modules $base

if {[llength $modules] > 0} {
    puts "Found Hytec 2530 modules at: "
    foreach addr $modules {
        puts [format %0x6 $addr]
} else {
    puts "No HYTEC 2530 modules found."