

cccusbreadoutlist -- Tcl wrapping of CCCUSBReadoutList


::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList name

::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList -args

::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList ?name? -this ptr

object -delete

object get

object size

object clear

object addWrite16 n a f d

object addWrite24 n a f d

object addRead16 n a f ?lamwait?

object addRead24 n a f ?lamwait

object addControl n a f

object addQStop n a f max ?lamwait?

object addQStop24 n a f max ?lamwait?

object addQScan n a f max ?lamwait?

object addRepeat n a f count ?lamwait?

object addMarker value


This Tcl package is a SWIG wrapper around the CCCUSBReadoutList C++ package. The purpose of this class is to construct list of CC-USB operations which can either be executed immediately or loaded for execution in response to an event or scaler trigger in data taking mode.

This extension is an object oriented package. Users construct lists, they stock them with commands, execute or load them and then destroy the list.


::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList name

Constructs a new readout list giving it the object name/id name. The command returns a wrapped pointer to the underlying CCCUSBReadoutList object.

::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList -args

Creates a new readout list allowing SWIG to choose the name of the command bound to it. The return value of the command is the object command e.g.:

set l [cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList -args]
$l addWrite16 $n $a $f $d

::cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList ?name? -this ptr

Wraps a SWIG object id for a readout list in a new object. If the optional name parameter is supplied it specifies the object command name, otherwise the object pointer will be the name of the object command.

object -delete

Destroys a CCCUSBReadoutList SWIG object. object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object get

Returns an object id for a std::vector<uint16_t> that contains the values of the list. The elements of this vector can gotten by using ccccusb::uint16_vector get See cccusb(3ccusb) for more information about that command.

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object size

Returns the number of 16 bit words currently in the list object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object clear

Clears the list making it emtpy. object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addWrite16 n a f d

Adds a 16 bit CAMAC write of d to a list. n and a determine the module and subaddress targeted by this opertion. f specifies the function code which must be in the range [16..23]

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addWrite24 n a f d

Same as addWrite16 but adds a 16 bit write to the list.

object addRead16 n a f ?lamwait?

Adds a 16 bit read to the list. The CAMAC read is specified by n (slot), a (subaddress) and f (function code). Valid read function codes must be in the range [0..7]. If the optional lamwait parameter is present and true (nonzero) it specifies that the CC-USB should stall until either the module's slot signals a LAM or the LAM times out. This should not be true for lists that are executed in immediate mode, but only for lists that execute in data acquisition mode.

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addRead24 n a f ?lamwait

Same as addRead16 above, however 24 bits of data and the Q, X will be transferred as shown in section 4.6 of the CC-USB manual. Note that the CCUSB Readout Framework will remove those bits from data in the Scaler stack as it is assumed that all of those transfers are 24 bits and that the scaler stack will eventually be passed off to scaler display programs that won't know the Q/X bits are present.

object addControl n a f

Adds a CAMAC non data transfer (control) operation to the list. n and a identify the module slot and subaddress targeted by the operation and f is the CAMAC function code to be performed. f by CAMAC standard must be in the ranges [8..15], [24..31].

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addQStop n a f max ?lamwait?

Adds a Q-stop operation to the list. Q-Stop operations are block transfers that perform the Same operation at the same target until a transfer count is exhausted or an operation does not result in a Q response from the module.

n, and a identify the slot and subaddress to which the function code f is addressed. The assumption is that the operation is a read, that is f is in the range [0..7]. max is the maximum number of transfers allowed. If the optional lamwait parameter is true (default is false), the CC-USB will wait for the module to signal a LAM (or LAM timeout) prior to performing the operation. lamwait should not be set to true on lists performed in via executeList.

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addQStop24 n a f max ?lamwait?

Same as addQStop above but the data transfers are 24 bits wide rather than 16 bits wide.

object addQScan n a f max ?lamwait?

Same as addQStop however the operation is a Q-Scan. In a Q-Scan, after each operation the subaddress is incremented. If the subaddress would be 16 the slot is incremented and the subaddress reset to zero.

If there is no Q response, the sub address is reset to zero and the slot incremented. The transfer terminates if either max operations have taken place or if a transfer results in a false X response (indicating the scan advanced to an empty slot).

object addRepeat n a f count ?lamwait?

This is the same as addQStop however count operations are unconditionally performed.

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList

object addMarker value

Writes the 16 bit literal value to the output buffer. For immediate operations this is the buffer of data returned by the executeList operation. For data acquisition lists, this is the event buffer.

object is the command name of a SWIG CCCUSBReadoutList object that has been gotten from one of the forms of cccusbreadoutlist::CCCUSBReadoutList


cccusb(3ccusb) CCCUSB(3ccusb) CCCUSBReadoutList(3ccusb)