

gdbcontrol -- Slow control client of Wiener/JTec MGGD8


package require gdgcontrol

set object [gdgcontrol name ?options?

$object method args


Provides a class that can be instantiated to control a Wiener/JTec MGDD8 module as an eight channel gate and delay generator. The object communicates with the control server of a VM-USB readout program by being configured with a controlClient object. While objects can be constructed without specifying a controlClient object, one must be configured prior to the first I/O operation to the server.

The object is intended to cooperate with a gdgwidget object. It must be constructed with the -widget option specifying one of those objects as construction time sets up the widget callbacks to methods in gdgcontrol object. The callbacks from gdgwidget to gdgcontrol are the controller logic of an MVC pattern where the model is the gdgcontrol class and the view is the gdgwidget.

See OPTIONS below for configuration options and METHODS below for the operations that can be performed.



This option must and can only be configured at construction time. It specifies a view widget object that will coordinate with this object. The view widget will have calls into this object when the controls on the view change a value and will be called back by refresh methods in this object.

See WIDGET REQUIREMENTS for the interfaces the view widget must export.


Specifies the connection object (controlClient) that will be used to communicate with the control server. This can be configured at anytime prior to the first I/O operation with the server.


Configures the driver instance name as defined in the control configuration file.


Provides a script thati s called if the connection object loses its connection with the server. If this is not supplied connection losses result in error throws. If provided, it is up to the script supplied to handle and, if possible, recover from the error.



Interacts with the view so that the view reflects the values most recentl read fromt he hardware. Specifically calls the refreshWidth nd refreshDelay methods for each gate and delay channel.


Interacts with the hardware to return a two element list. The first element of the list is an 8 element list that contains the width values for each channel of the module, the second element is an 8 element list that contains the delay values.


Given as in put a list like that returned from getAll above, sets the gates widths and delays for all of the channels in the module.

onWidthPlus channel old

This method is attached to the view's -upwidth option. The method sets the width for channel to one nanosecons larger than old.

onWidthDown channel old

Same idea as onWidthPlus except channel's width is set to one nanosecond less than old. This is attached to the widgets -downwidth callback.

onDelayPlus channel old

Simlar to onWidthPlus but the delay for channel is modified rather than the width. This is attached to the widgets -updelay option.

onDelayDown channel old

Same as onDelayPlus but the value of the dealy for channel is set to one nanosecond less than old.

onSetDelay channel value

Attached to the widget's -setdelay option, this method sets the delay for channel to the specified value

onSetWidth channel value

Like onSetDelay but the width of channel is modified.

refreshWidth channel

Calls the widget's setWidth method passing the channel and the current width of that channel.

refreshDelay channel

Calls the widget's setDelay method passing the channel parameter and the current the current delay setting of that channel.


The gdgcontrol class is intended to be tightly coupled to a view widget. The view widget provides a specific set of configuration options and methods that facilitate communication between gdgcontrol and the view widget. The gdgwidget class provides a sample view widget that can be used directly and without modification.

This section describes the interfaces that couple the view and this class together so that, if desired, you can write your own view widget.

Required widget options

-upwidth script

This option provides a script that is called by the widget to increment a channel width by one nanosecond. The script shouild have appended to it a channel number and the current number of nanoseconds believed to be set for that width.

-downwidth script

This option provides a script that is called by the widget to decrement a channel width by one nanosecond. The script shouild have appended to it a channel number and the current number of nanoseconds believed to be set for that width.

-updelay script

This option provides a script that is called by the widget to increment a channel delay by one nanosecond. The script shouild have appended to it a channel number and the current number of nanoseconds believed to be set for that delay.

-downdelay script

This option provides a script that is called by the widget to decrement a channel delay by one nanosecond. The script shouild have appended to it a channel number and the current number of nanoseconds believed to be set for that delay.

-setdelay script

This option provides a script that is called by the widget to set a new value for the delay of a channel. The channel number and new delay value in nanoseconds should be appended as parameters to this script.

-setwidth script

this options provides a script that is called by the widget when it wants to set a new value for the output width of a channel. The channel number and new width in nanoseconds should be appended to the script.

Required widget methods

setWidth channel value

Called by the gdgcontrol object to tell the view widget to display the new value for the new with of channel

setDelay channel value

Called by gdgcontrol to tell the view widget to display value for the delay of channel channel.