38.2. Overview and Examples of ring buffers in action.

This section will provide some annotated examples of ring buffers in action. We will build a pair of simple ring buffer programs.

The first called consumer will create a ring buffer, attach to it as a consumer and just accept all the data that is being written to the ring buffer. consumer will not exit unless you interrupt it. Data will be read in 1Mbyte chunks.

The second program called producer will attach to a ring buffer and write several data buffers to the ring. The data buffers will consist of counting patterns and will be 1Mbyte long.

Used together, these programs can (and have been), used to measure raw ring buffer performance. Throughout, we will do essentially no error checking for the sake of brevity and clarity. Production quality software, should check for errors at every step and consideration must be given to graceful error recovery or at least error reportage.

38.2.1. A Ring Buffer Consumer

Before a ring buffer can be used, it must be created. When creating a ring buffer, the creator can specify the size of the ring buffer (which determines the size of the largest message that can be sent to the ring), as well as the maximum number of consumers that can connect to the ring.

The consumer program will create the ring buffer. It will be run first and sit there expecting buffers from the producer, which will be run later. In this way, the consumer will not miss any data that might have been written prior to its startup.

Let's look at the consumer code:

Example 38-4. Sample ring buffer consumer

#include <string>
#include <CRingBuffer.h>            (1)

using namespace std;                      (2)

int main(int argc, char**argv)
  string ringname("timing");

  CRingBuffer::create(ringname);          (3)
  CRingBuffer ring(ringname, CRingBuffer::consumer); (4)
  ring.setPollInterval(1);                           (5)

  char buffer[1024*1024];
  while(1) {
    ring.get(buffer, sizeof(buffer), sizeof(buffer));  (6)

As you can see, this is a relatively short and simple program.

The CRingBuffer.h header is included. This include defines the CRingBuffer class which provides the ring buffer application programming interface
Incorporating the std namespace into the default compiler scoping list ensures that when we use the string class, which lives in the std namespace, we won't have to specify it as std::string
Ring buffers are created via a the create static member function. This function creates the ring buffer and formats its header. If the ring buffer is already created, it is still formatted. In general, the ring buffer should not be formatted in the middle of a running application. Additional optional parameters to the create method allow you to specify the size of the data region in the ring buffer as well as the maximum number of consumers that can connect to the ring.
Existing ring buffers are accessed by creating and manipulating a CRingBuffer object. There are two types of CRingBuffer objects; producer and consumer objects. As their names imply, producer objects insert data into the ring buffer, while consumers remove data from the ring buffer. There can only be one producer at a time. consumer creates a consumer ring buffer.
When a ring buffer consumer must block because there is not sufficient data to satisfy a get, the library enters a polling loop. In each pass of the polling loop, the library checks for sufficient data and, if sufficient data is not available, sleeps for a specific number of milliseconds. This number of milliseconds is called the poll interval

The polling interval determines the latency and the cost in compute cycles to wait for data. The lower the poll interval, the lower the latency. the lower the poll interval, the more compute intensive waiting is.

setPollInterval sets the poll interval. In this case we set the poll interval to 1 millisecond.

The get member function gets data from the ring buffer blocking if necessary. The two sizes are the size of the buffer (maximum number of bytes that can be read), and the minimum number of bytes that must be available for transfer to this consumer prior to satisfying the get.

If necessary, the get method will block until the minimum required bytes of data are available.

38.2.2. A Ring Buffer Producer

Our ring buffer producer program will assume that the ring buffer has already been created. It will attach to the ring buffer as a producer, and send 10,000 messages, where each message is 1024*1024 bytes (1 Megabyte).

Example 38-5. A sample Ring Buffer producer program

#include <string>
#include <CRingBuffer.h>                  (1)

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  string ringname("timing");

  CRingBuffer ring(ringname, CRingBuffer::producer); (2)
  ring.setPollInterval(1);                           (3)

  char buffer[1024*1024];
  for (int i =0; i < sizeof(buffer); i++) {
    buffer[i] = i;                                  (4)

  for (int i =0; i < 10000; i++) {
    ring.put(buffer, sizeof(buffer));              (5)

Includes the CRingBuffer.h header which makes available the definition of the CRingBuffer class that serves as the API to ring buffers.
See the discussion of the consumer for more information about this function. This sets the poll interval so as to minimize buffer response latencies.
This loop creates a buffer that consists of 1MB counting pattern.
Sends the buffers as a message to ring buffer consumers 10,000 times.

Note that the producer and consumer programs must agree on a message format. In our simple examples, the messages have been fixed length 1Mbytes messages. A more general protocol might include a message size at the front of the message.