

CTCLTcpServerInstance -- Channel commander that is a server instance for CTCLServer


#include <CTCLTcpServerInstance.h>
 class CTCLTcpServerInstance : public CTCLChannelCommander {

  CTCLTcpServerInstance(CTCLInterpreter* pInterp, Tcl_Channel connection, CTCLServer* pServer);

  virtual ~CTCLTcpServerInstance();

  virtual void onEndFile();
  virtual void returnResult();


Server instance that takes client commands and submits them to an interpreter. The results of each command are sent back to the client. At this point the client can only look at the result value to determine if there was an error as no error indication is passed back.

Public member functions

CTCLTcpServerInstance(CTCLInterpreter* pInterp, Tcl_Channel connection, CTCLServer* pServer);

Constructs a new server instance. pInterp is the interpreter to which commands should be directed. connection is the Tcl_Channel that represents the Tcp/IP connection to the client. pServer is the TCL server object that starts us. That server's instanceExit member should be called to shut down and clean up this object.

virtual void onEndFile();

Override to end of file handling. Closes the channel and invokes the server listener's instanceExit method to get ourselves deleted.

virtual void returnResult();

Returns a command result by fetching it from the interpreter and sending it back to the client on the socket.