

ph7106Widget -- Control panel for Ph7106 LED


package require ph7106Widget

ph7106Widget path ?options?

path configure options...

path cget ?option?

path getMode

path getThreshold

path setThresholdValue newValue

path setMaskValue enables


Provides an integrated control panel for the Phillips PH7106 Leading Edge Discriminator (LED). The control panel interacts with the control server in the CCUSBReadout application to modify the settings in the device.


-name module-name

Configures the name of the module that will be used when communicating with the control server. This module must have been defined in the controlconfig.tcl file.

This value can be dynamically modified.

-host host-name

Provides the name of the host on which the target control server is executing. Note that the control panel opens a connection when it is created and does not dynamically monitor changes in this configuration value. If not provided at construction time, this defaults to localhost, the system the control panel is running on.

-port port-number

Provides the number of the port on which the control server is listening for connections. Note that the control panel opens a connection when it is created and does not dynamically monitor changes in this configuration value. If not provided at construction time, this defaults to 27000, which is the default port on which the CCUSBReadout control server listens for connections.


path configure options...

Configures one of the options accepted by the widget. Note that some of the options are not dynamically modified. To know which these are an the set of options available, see the OPTIONS section of this manpage.

path cget ?option?

Retrieves the value of the single option supplied on the command line. If the option is not supplied, the value of all widget options is returned in a Tcl list. The format of this list is the format of the list returned by any of the 'normal' Tk widgets.

path getMode

Returns the current online/local mode of the device. The value local means the module's local/camac switch is set to local. The value camac means the module's local/camac switch is in the camac position. The module only accepts commands if this method returns camac

path getThreshold

Returns the current value of the module threshold register.

path setThresholdValue newValue

Sets the value of the threshold register to newValue

path setMaskValue enables

Set the current value of the enables mask to enables