VIII. 3daq

Table of Contents
CRingMaster -- RingMaster access.
CRingAccess -- Remote Ring Access
CRingBuffer -- Low level ring buffer primitives
CRingItem -- Encapsulates an item in a ring buffer.
CRingScalerItem -- Encapsulate ring buffer scaler items.
CRingStateChangeItem -- Encapsulate a ring buffer state change item.
CRingTextItem -- Encapsulate ring items that are lists of text strings.
CPhysicsEventItem -- Response to trigger.
CRingPhysicsEventCountItem -- Provides statistics regarding the number of events produced.
CRingFragmentItem -- Encapsulate a EVB_FRAGMENT ring item
CUnknownFragment -- Event fragment likley not containing a ring item
CDataFomatItem -- Describe the format of a stream of ringitems.
CGlomParameters -- Reports event building parameters.
CAbnormaEndItem -- Abnormal end of run.
CRingSelectionPredicate -- Base class for predicates that select items from ring buffers.
CAllButPredicate -- Select all ring items except some.
CDesiredTypesPredicate -- Only accept specified ring item types.
DataFormat.h -- Format of ring items.
format Functions -- Functions to create ring items.
CDataSource -- Abstract base class of data source for ring items.
CRingDataSource -- Ringbuffer data source for ring items.
CFileDataSource -- Ring item data source from a file
CDataSourceFactory" -- Create data sources given a URI
CRingItemFactory -- Upcast ring items to specific ring item objects.
CDataSink -- Abstract base class for data sinks.
CFileDataSink -- Data sink to a disk file.
CRingDataSink -- Data sink that writes to a CRingBuffer
CDataSinkFactory -- Create an appropriate CDataSink object
CEvbClientApp -- Framework event builder client application.
CEVBClientFramework -- Event builder client framework.
CEventOrderClient -- Client of the event orderer
FragmentIndex -- Iterator for event built data.
CPortManager -- Provide a C++ interface to the server port manager daemon.
CPortManagerException -- Report errors conditions in port manager transactions
CADC2530 -- Support the Hytec NADC 2530 Peak sensing ADC.
CAENcard -- Support for the CAEN 32 bit digitizers
CBD8210 -- CES CBD 8210 CAMAC branch highway driver (obsolete)
CCAENV1x90 -- Support for the CAEN V1190 and V1290 multihit, complicated TDC.
CCAENV560 -- Support the CCAENV560 non-latching scaler.
CCAENV830 -- Support driver for the CAEN V820/V830 latching scaler module.
CCAENV977 -- Software support for the CAEN V977 I/O register.
CCAMACScalerLRS2551 -- Support software for the LeCroy LRS 2551 12 channel CAMAC scaler
CCAMACScalerLRS4434 -- High level support software for the 32 channel LeCroy LRS 4434 CAMAC scaler module
CCAMACStatusModule -- Provide computer busy status support for the BiRA CAMAC NIM out module.
CCAMACTrigger -- Trigger module for the CES CBD 8210 VME CAMAC Parallel Branch Highway Driver
CCamac -- Manages CAMAC memory maps.
CCamacModule -- Provide support for a generic CAMAC module.
CCamacNimout -- Provides low level support for the BiRa CAMAC Nim output module.
CCrateController -- Encapsulation of a BiRa 1302 CAMAC controller via CES CBS8210.
CSIS3600 -- Support for the SIS 3600 VME latch module.
CSIS3820 -- Low level support for SIS 3820 32 channel latching scaler module
CScaler -- Abstract base class for reading scalers into a vector
CStatusModule -- Abstract base class for status modules.
CTrigger -- Abstract base class for triggers
CVME -- Pointer like object for accessing the VME
CVMEScalerLRS1151 -- High level support for the LeCroy LRS 1151 VME scaler.
CVMEStatusModule -- Implement a status module using the CAEN V262 module.
CVMETrigger -- VME trigger class based on the CAEN V262 I/O module.
CVMEptr -- 
CaenIO -- Support for the CAEN V262 I/O register module.
CMmapError -- Exception that can be thrown in the event of memory mapping errors.
CNimout -- Low level support for the BiRa VME nim output module
CVmeModule -- Convenience base class for implementing VME module support
CSIS3300 -- Low Level support for the SIS 3300 Flash ADC module
CFilter -- Base class for primitive filters
CCompositeFilter -- A composite filter composed of primitive filters
cvt -- Integer byte order conversions
Thread -- Abstract base class for thread objects.
CSynchronizedThread -- Thread with synchronized initialization
Synchronizable -- Wait queue for threads
SyncGuard -- Provide Critical Regions, Monitors
CMutex -- C++ encapsulation of pthread mutexes.
CriticalSection -- Simple, safe critical section
CCondition -- Encapsulate POSIX condition variables.
CGaurdedObject -- Provide entry/exit guards for object critical regions.
CBufferQueue -- Templated class for safe inter-thread messaging.
CAuthenticator -- Abstract base authenticator class.
CPasswordCheck -- Authenticate against a stored password.
CUnixUserCheck -- Authenticate against a unix user name and password.
CTclAccessListCheck -- Authenticate against a Tcl List.
CAccessListCheck -- Authenticate against a list of allowed credentials.
CHostListCheck -- Authenticate from a list of TCP/IP hosts
CInteractor -- Base class for security interactions.
CStringInteractor -- Provide an interactor that processes strings.
CFdInteractor -- Interact with file descriptor
CIOInteractor -- Separate prompt and input interactors.
URL -- Parse Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
CopyrightNotice -- Generate license/author credits.
io -- Binary I/O operations.
Os -- Operating system interfaces.
CDAQShm -- class description
CSocket -- Encapsulation of a socket file descriptor.
CTCPBadSocketState -- class description
CTCPConnectionFailed -- Exception thrown for TCP/IP connection failures.
CTCPConnectionLost -- Exception thrown when connection to peer is lost
CTCPNoSuchHost -- CTCPNoSuchHost
CTCPNoSuchService -- Exception thrown if a nonexistent service is referenced
CTCLApplication 3 --  Base class for TCL/Tk applications.
CTCLException --  Class for reporting exceptional conditions in Tcl applications via the C++ try/catch mechanism.
CTCLInterpreter --  Encapsulate a Tcl interpreter.
CTCLInterpreterObject 3 --  Base class for objects that are associated with a Tcl Interpreter.
CTCLList --  Provide access to Tcl List parsing.
CTCLObject --  Encapsulate Tcl Dual ported objects.
CTCLObjectProcessor --  Abstract base class to encapsulate the Tcl object command interface exposed by Tcl_CreateObjCommand.
CTCLVariable --  Encapsulate Tcl interpreter variables.
CTCLProcessor --  Provide argc, argv extension commands to Tcl.
CTCLChannel --  Provide a C++ abstraction wrapper for Tcl Channels.
CTCLCommandPackage --  Group several related Tcl command extensions and common services they may require together.
CTCLCompatibiltyProcessor --  Adaptor between CTCLOjbectProcessor and CTCLProcessor.
CTCLFileHandler --  Base class for building object oriented Tcl File event handlers.
CTCLHashTable --  Object oriented interface to Tcl's hash table functions.
CTCLHashTableItem --  Encapsulation of an entry in a Tcl Hash table as encapsulated in CTCLHashTable
CTCLHashTableIterator --  Iterator for visiting all elements of a CTCLHashTable
CTCLIdleProcess --  Allows the establishment of an executable object that can be scheduled to be invoked when the Tcl/Tk intperpreter has no events that require processing.
CTCLPackagedCommand --  Base class for a command that lives in a CTCLCommandPackage
CTCLResult --  Provide an object oriented interace to the Tcl interpreter result.
CTCLString --  Provide a wrapper for the Tcl_DString data type and its API
CTCLTimer --  Abstract base class for C++ objects attached to timer events.
CTCLLiveEventLoop -- Run Tcl with event loop.
CTCLChannelCommander -- Accept commands on a Tcl channel from the event loop.
CTCLStdioCommander -- Event driven command input on stdin/stdout
CTCLServer -- Listener for a Tcl server.
CTCLTcpServerInstance -- Channel commander that is a server instance for CTCLServer
CTCLObjectPackage -- Provide common functionality for a set of related commands.
CTCLPackagedObjectProcessor -- Base class for commands living in a CTCLObjectPackage
CItemConfiguration -- Hold a configuration
CConfigurableObject -- Base class for objects tht have a configuration.
CException -- Abstract base class for the exception class hierarchy.
CErrnoException -- Exceptions that wrap the Unix errno
CRangeError -- Reports and exception for a value out of allowed range.
CStateException -- Exception for invalid state transitions.
CStreamIOError -- I/O error on a C++ stream.
CURIFormatException -- Report errors in universal resource identifiers (uri)s.
CMonitorException -- Exceptions for synchronization class abuse.
CInvalidArgumentException -- Report invalid function arguments.