Chapter 62. TCPIP classes

This library provides a simplified C++ encapsulation of the system interface to TCP/IP socket stream sockets. This chapter provides:

This tutorial information is no substitute for the reference pages:

62.1. Library concepts

The library supports three types of sockets.

Client sockets

These sockets initiate connections with some service. Once connected typically they will make requests of the program that manages that service and that program will fulfil those requests as well as send response data back to the client

Server Sockets

These sockets define a service and passively await connections. When a connection is made, a new CSocket object is created and the client and server subsequently communicate over that new socket until their interaction is complete.

Encapsulated sockets

An encapsulated socket is one that has been opened by directly invoking the socket(2) operation. If you know the socket state (more about socket states later), you can wrap that socket in a CSocket class.

It is important to know that sockets are a stateful entity. The ` CSocket::State and an internal state member variable that captures this. Depending on the state of the object, some operations may be illegal. Invoking an operation that is forbidden by the current state will cause the object to throw a CTCPBadSocketState exception.

A socket can be in one of the following states:


When a socket is initially created, or after it has been detected that the peer has closed its end of the socket, the socket is Disconnected.

Disconnected sockets can be Bound, turning the socket into a server socket in the Bound state or Connected which, if successful turns the socket into a Connected client socket.


A server socket is Bound when it has been configured to offer a specific service. Once Bound an application can listen on the socket for a connection.


A server socket is listening if it it can accept connections. This is normally the case once the Listen is invoked. Typically Listen is followed at some point in time by a call to Accept which accepts the next connection received.


Connected sockets come about in one of two ways. Either Accept called on a server returns a socket that is connected to a new peer, or a client socket successfully performss a Connect call connecting to a server.

Connected sockets can be closed written to an read from.

The Read and Write methods can be invoked on any connected socket to transfer data to the peer.