

mg_seqedit -- Edit DAQ manager sequences


$DAQBIN/mg_seqedit configuration-file


The command mg_seqedit allows you to define and edit sequences of program executions that are run by the manager during state transitions. Sequences are composed of steps. Each step results in running a defined program. Transitory programs are run synchronously while other program types are run in the background.

Sequences are bound to or triggered by states. When a transition is performed into a state, the sequences triggered by those states are run. The sequences are run one at a time in the order in which they were defined.

The GUI for mg_seqedit consists of a listbox that displays the sequences that have been defined. An entry and drop down list provide the ability to define new sequences.

To create a new sequence, ype in a new unique sequence name in the text entry box, and select its trigger state from the drop down. Clicking Add adds the new sequence to the list of defined sequences.

Sequences are edited by double-clicking them in the listbox. This is also how a new sequence is assigned steps. Double clicking a sequence pops up the sequence step editor window.

Each step has a step number, which determines its order in the sequence. The step numbers are floating point numbers ensuring new steps can always be inserted between existing steps. Steps also have a program that is run and optional delays before and after the step

To add a new step, select the program from the pulldown menu near the bottom of the window, optionally set non zero pre and post delay values and click Add by default new steps are added at the end. If a step is selected (single click it), when a new step is added, the step is inserteed above that step.

A context menu is brought up by right clicking any step. The menu allows yout to delete the step, move it up in the order or move it down.

At the very bottom of the page are three action buttons:


Saves the updated (or new) sequence steps.


Prompts for confirmation and then deletes the sequence if you confirm.


Makes no changes. The existing sequence is unmodified and the new sequence is not saved.