

mg_authedit -- Edit NSCLDAQ manager authorization database.


$DAQBIN/mg_authedit configuration-file


The mg_authedit command allows you to edit the authorization configuration of the experiment. Auhorization provide access to functionality of the NSCLDAQ manager to specific users (login usernames). Note that in NSCLDAQ 12.0, authorization is not enforced. We anticipate that in the future as we come to understand the roles in an experiment better, we can layer these protections into the manager.

The user interface of mg_authedit consists of the following sections:

The treeview supports context menus both on user and roles they've been granted. Right clicking on a user brings up a context menu with the following commands:

Remove user...

Prompts for confirmation and, if given, removes the user and, of course. This operation cleans up properly, that is first the user's roles are revoked and then the user him/herself is removed from the list of authorized users.

Grant Roles...

Pops up a list box populated with all of the roles the user does not have. The list box supports multiple selection. Select the rols you want to grant and click the Ok button. The Cancel button makes no changes to the granted roles.

Revoke role(s)...

Pops up a list box populated with the roles that have been granted to the user. Multiple selections are allowed. Select the role(s) you wish to revoke from the user and click Ok to revoke them. The Cancel button makes no changes to the granted roles.

The context menu for a role can be accessed by right clicking on the role. It contains the following menu commands.


Revokes that role, and that role only, from the associated user.

Grant role(s)...

As with the user context menu, allows you to grant additional roles to the user that holds this role.

The Add user frame allows you to add users to the list of authorized users. Simply type the username of the new authorized user and click the Add button to the right of the text entry. If the user you type in is already in the authorized list, an error dialog will pop up to inform you of that.

The Add role frame allows you to add and delete roles. To add a role, simply type the new role name and click the add button. As with adding users, an error message will pop up if you type in an existing role name.

To delete a role, simply click the Delete... button. A list box will pop up populated with the names of all of the roles that have been defined. Select thew role(s) to remove and click Ok to remove them. Roles will be revoked from all that hold them before being deleted so no dangling role references will remain. Clicking the Cancel button makes no changes.