

glom -- Glue Ordered Fragments Into Events


$DAQBIN/glom option....


Accepts event orderer fragments on stdin and outputs ring itens consisting of events on stdout. Non event data are relayed, re-tagged with glom's source id. Event data are subject to being built in accordance with the value of the --dt option.

Options, besides the standard --help and --version are:


Specifies the coincidence window of timestamps in which events will be built. This is expressed in units of timestamp ticks. The event builder will take a first fragment and then combine all following fragments within this interval from that timestamp into an event.

This option is mandatory and, therefore has no default value.


If present, event building is not done. Each physics fragment is output as a separate ring item. This can be useful in debuggin.


Selects the timestamp policy for built events. This value determines how the timestamp of output events is constructed. The allowed values are earliest which uses the timestamp of the first fragment, latest which uses the value of the timestamp in the last fragment and average which uses the average value of all timestamps in the event.

Defaults to earliest.


Sets the source id of the output events.


Defines the maximum number of fragments that can be built into an event. This is useful when for any reason (e.g. frozen clock or initialization), a large number of fragments have the same timestamp. Specifying this prevents the program from building up an event consisting of an unbounded number of fragments, which can cause virtual memory exhaustion and failure of glom. The default value is 1000.