

evbtagger -- Filter to add fragment headers


$DAQBIN/evbtagger options


This filter accepts a stream of NSCLDAQ ring itemss on stdin and emits a stream of Orderer fragments suitable for input to glom on its standard output. The operation of this program is fully controlled by program options.


Eac option has a short, single letter, form and a longer form.

-h, --help

Print help and exit

-V, --version

Print version and exit

-s, --buffersize=INT

Size of internal item buffer in KBytes. If not specified, this optional parameter defaults to 1024 (1 Megabyte). The input buffer must be large enough to accomodate at least one largest, complete, ring item.

Larger values, up to the size of the pipe buffer can improve performance at the cost of longer latencies in the pipeline itself.

-r, --resetts

This option is a toggle and defaults to true. When true, each time a BEGIN_RUN item is seen the memory of the last timestamp is set to 0. The last timestamp is used as the timestamp in items with no body header or items with the special timestamp value of 0xffff ffff ffff ffff.

-i, --sourceid=INT

Source ID for items with no body header. Just as the last timestamp value is used to tag items with no body header (other than Physics items which must have a body header), this value is used to tag the source id of items without body headers. Normally this shoulid be set to the source id of the rest of the event stream.