

DataFormat.h -- Format of ring items.


#include <DataFormat.h>

typedef struct _RingItemHeader {
  uint32_t     s_size;
  uint32_t     s_type;
} RingItemHeader, *pRingItemHeader;

typedef struct _BodyHeader {
  uint32_t   s_size;		
  uint64_t   s_timestamp;
  uint32_t   s_sourceId;
  uint32_t   s_barrier;   
} BodyHeader, *pBodyHeader;

typedef struct _RingItem {
  RingItemHeader s_header;
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t s_empty;
      uint8_t  s_body[0];
    } u_noBodyHeader;
    struct {
        BodyHeader s_bodyHeader;
        uint8_t s_body[0];
    } u_hasBodyHeader;
  } s_body;
} RingItem, *pRingItem;

typedef struct _StateChangeItemBody {
  uint32_t        s_runNumber;
  uint32_t        s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t        s_Timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;     // Added in V12.0
  char            s_title[TITLE_MAXSIZE+1];
} StateChangeItemBody, *pStateChangeItemBody;

typedef struct _StateChangeItem  {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t            s_empty;      
            StateChangeItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader          s_bodyHeader;
            StateChangeItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} StateChangeItem, *pStateChangeItem;

typedef struct _ScalerItemBody {
  uint32_t        s_intervalStartOffset;
  uint32_t        s_intervalEndOffset;
  uint32_t        s_timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_intervalDivisor; 
  uint32_t        s_scalerCount;
  uint32_t        s_isIncremental;
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;    // Added in v12.0
  uint32_t        s_scalers[0];
} ScalerItemBody, *pScalerItemBody;

typedef struct _ScalerItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t       s_empty;          
            ScalerItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
            ScalerItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} ScalerItem, *pScalerItem;

typedef struct _TextItemBody {
  uint32_t       s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t       s_timestamp;
  uint32_t       s_stringCount;
  uint32_t       s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t       s_originalSid;     // Added in V12.0
  char           s_strings[0];
} TextItemBody, *pTextItemBody;

typedef struct _TextItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t       s_empty; 
            TextItemBody   s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
            TextItemBody   s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} TextItem, *pTextItem;

typedef struct _PhysicsEventItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t      s_empty;
            uint16_t      s_body[];  
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader    s_bodyHeader;
            uint16_t      s_body[0];
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} PhysicsEventItem, *pPhysicsEventItem;

typedef struct __PhysicsEventCountItemBody {
  uint32_t       s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t       s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t       s_timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;    // Added in V12.0
  uint64_t       s_eventCount;
} PhysicsEventCountItemBody, *pPhysicsEventCountItemBody;

typedef struct _PhysicsEventCountItem {
    RingItemHeader   s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t             s_empty; 
            PhysicsEventCountItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader           s_bodyHeader;
            PhysicsEventCountItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} PhysicsEventCountItem, *pPhysicsEventCountItem;

typedef struct _EventBuilderFragment {
  RingItemHeader s_header;
  BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
  uint8_t       s_body[0];
} EventBuilderFragment, *pEventBuilderFragment;

typedef struct _DataFormat {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t       s_empty;   
    uint16_t       s_majorVersion;
    uint16_t       s_minorVersion;
} DataFormat, *pDataFormat;

typedef struct _GlomParameters  {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t       s_empty;
    uint64_t       s_coincidenceTicks;
    uint16_t       s_isBuilding;
    uint16_t       s_timestampPolicy;
} GlomParameters, *pGlomParameters;

typedef strucst _AbnormalEndItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t      s_empty;                   // Empty body header.

} AbnormalEndItem, *pAbnormalEndItem;

  pPhysicsEventItem  formatEventItem(size_t nWords, void* pPayload);
  pPhysicsEventCountItem formatTriggerCountItem(uint32_t runTime, time_t stamp, uint64_t triggerCount);
  pScalerItem         formatScalerItem(unsigned scalerCount, time_t timestamp, 
				      uint32_t btime, uint32_t etime, void* pCounters);
  pScalerItem         formatNonIncrTSScalerItem(unsigned scalerCount, time_t timestamp, 
						       uint32_t btime, uint32_t etime, 
						       uint64_t eventTimestamp, void* pCounters,
						       uint32_t timebaseDivisor);
  pTextItem          formatTextItem(unsigned nStrings, time_t stamp, uint32_t runTime,
				    const char** pStrings, int type);
  pStateChangeItem   formatStateChange(time_t stamp, uint32_t offset, uint32_t runNumber,
				       const char* pTitle, int type);
  pDataFormat           formatDataFormat();
  pGlomParameters       formatGlomParameters(uint64_t coincidenceWindow, int isBuilding,
                            int timestampPolicy);
  pEventBuilderFragment formatEVBFragment(
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    uint32_t payloadSize, const void* pPayload
  pEventBuilderFragment formatEVBFragmentUnknown (
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    uint32_t payloadSize, const void* pPayload
  pPhysicsEventItem formatTimestampedEventItem(
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    uint32_t payloadSize, const void* pPayload    
  pPhysicsEventCountItem formatTimestampedTriggerCountItem (
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    uint32_t runTime, uint32_t offsetDivisor, time_t stamp, uint64_t triggerCount  
  pScalerItem formatTimestampedScalerItem(
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    int isIncremental, uint32_t timeIntervalDivisor, uint32_t timeofday,
    uint32_t btime, uint32_t etime, uint32_t nScalers, void* pCounters
  pTextItem formatTimestampedTextItem(
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    unsigned nStrings, time_t stamp, uint32_t runTime,
    const char**pStrings, int type,
    uint32_t timeIntervalDivisor
  pStateChangeItem formatTimestampedStateChange(
    uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId, uint32_t barrier,
    time_t stamp, uint32_t offset, uint32_t runNumber, uint32_t offsetDivisor,
    const char* pTitle, int type
 pAbnormalEndItem formatAbnormalEndItem();
  // Most of these were added in V12.0
  int  hasBodyHeader(const RingItem* pItem);
  void* bodyPointer(RingItem* pItem);
  void* bodyHeader(RingItem* pItem);

  uint32_t itemSize(const RingItem* pItem);
  uint16_t itemType(const RingItem* pItem);
  int      mustSwap(const RingItem* pItem);

  // Make these visible so that e.g. ring item classes can use
  // proven code.
  void* fillRingHeader(pRingItem pItem, uint32_t size, uint32_t type);
  void* fillBodyHeader(
      pRingItem pItem, uint64_t timestamp, uint32_t sourceId,
      uint32_t barrier
  void* fillEventCountBody(
    pRingItem pItem, uint32_t offset, uint32_t divisor, uint32_t unixTime,
    uint64_t count, uint32_t sid
  void* fillScalerBody(
    pRingItem pItem, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, uint32_t divisor,
    uint32_t unixTime, uint32_t count, int incremental, uint32_t* pScalers,
    uint32_t sid
  void* fillTextItemBody(
    pRingItem pItem, uint32_t offset, uint32_t divisor, uint32_t unixTime,
    uint32_t nStrings, const char** ppStrings, int sid
  void* fillStateChangeBody(
    pRingItem pItem, uint32_t run, uint32_t offset, uint32_t divisor,
    uint32_t unixTime, const char* pTitle, int sid


This header describes the format of data placed in NSCL ring buffers. Each item consists of an envelope and a payload. The envelope, RingItemHeader contains a size: uint32_t s_size; which is the total size of the item (inlcuding the header) in bytes, and an item type uint32_t s_type; which indicates what the item contains. The payload immediately follows the header and varies in structure depending on the value in s_type.

Items are placed in rings in native machine byte ordering. While the data type is 32 bits long, only the least significant 16 bits are nonzero. This allows a determination of the endianness of the system that generated the item.

Starting with NSCLDAQ 11.0, ring items may have an additional BodyHeader. The first field of this is the size of the body header (allowing for future expansion). If the body header size is sizeof(uint32_t) there is no body header. The body header is intended to carry information relevant to data that requires an event builder for assembly.


The use of sizeof(uint32_t) to denote an empty body header is new as of NSCLDAQ V12.0. In NSCLDAQ 11.0, which introduced body headers, the value 0 was used to indicate the lack of a body header. NSCLDAQ 12.0 will properly process either of those body header values.

NSCLDAQ 12.0 introduces a new s_originalSid field for state change, scaler, event count and text ring items that is used to hold the source id used to construc the item. This allows the event builder to modify the body headers in ways it always has, but to nonetheless retain the ability to determine which data source originally emitted the item.

STRUCTURES below describes each of the ring items defined at this time. CONSTANTS defines the set of values that s_type can take (once converted to the localh host's endian-ness).


The following ring items have been defined:


This structure appears at beginning of each ring item. The type pRingItemHeader represents a pointer to a RingItemHeader. RingItemHeader structs contain the following fields:

uint32_t s_size

The size in bytes of the entire ring item. The size includes the size of the RingItemHeader as well.


Contains the ring item type. See the section CONSTANTS below for valid ring item types. While the s_type field is uint32_t, the most significant 16 bits of this field are always zero, and the least significant bits are always non-zero allowing code to determine the endianness of data in this item (including the size).


Contains data about the event as a fragment of a larger event. The type pBodyHeader represents a pointer to this type.

The body header has the following fiels:


Contains the size of the ring item header. note that if this field is 0 there are no more fields (the item has no body header). This possibility in general means that ring items are described best by unions. See the documentation about the remaining ring item structures for more information.


The timestamp of the event in ticks of the clock that defines event building.


The id of the source that produced this item. Note that the event builder can modify this source id. For ring items where the original source id is important, the version 12.0 adds the field s_originalSid to maintain that value.


If nonzero, this item is part of a barrier synchronization event.


This is a generic ring item. The type pRingItem defines a pointer to a ring item. This item has the following structure:

typedef struct _RingItem {
  RingItemHeader s_header;
  union {
    struct {
      uint32_t s_empty;
      uint8_t  s_body[0];
    } u_noBodyHeader;
    struct {
        BodyHeader s_bodyHeader;
        uint8_t s_body[0];
    } u_hasBodyHeader;
  } s_body;
} RingItem, *pRingItem;

The s_header is the RingItemHeader decribed above. The union that follows provides support for ring items that have (u_hasBodyHeader) and do not have (u_noBodyHeader) body headers.

The s_empty field is zero (Version 11) or sizeof(uint32_t) (Version 12+) indicating that the item has no body header.

The s_bodyHeader is the full body header.

In both branches of the union, the field s_body is where the actual payload (body) of the ring item actually is.


These contain information about a run state change. They have the following form:

typedef struct _StateChangeItem  {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t            s_empty;       /* Must be sizeof(uint32_t) - no body header*/
            StateChangeItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader          s_bodyHeader;
            StateChangeItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} StateChangeItem, *pStateChangeItem;

As you can see this is a union whose inner struture depends on whether or not there is a body header (u_hasBodyHeader) or not (u_noBodyHeader). You can tell which version of the union to use by examining the s_empty field. If this is zero (version 11) or sizeof(uint32_t) (version 12+) use u_noBodyHeader otherwise use u_hasBodyHeader

The s_header field is the ring item header. If there is a Body header is is s_bodyHeader

Regardless of which branch of the union you select, the payload of the ring item is a StateChangeItemBody in s_body which has the following structure:

typedef struct _StateChangeItemBody {
  uint32_t        s_runNumber;
  uint32_t        s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t        s_Timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;     // 12.0 original source id.
  char            s_title[TITLE_MAXSIZE+1];
} StateChangeItemBody, *pStateChangeItemBody;

s_runNumber is the number of the run that is undergoig a transition. s_timeoffset together with s_offsetDivisor determine when relative to the start of the run this state change occured. s_timeoffset is a time offset in unites of 1/s_offsetDivisor seconds.

The unix time_t for the absolute time at which this occured is truncated to 32 bits and stored in s_Timestamp (note that on 64 bit systems time_t is 64 bits but on 32 bit systems 32 bits making it intrinsically non-portable). This 32 bit time is good into the year 2038. s_offsetDivisor stores the units of s_Timestamp in 1/seconds. Thus s_Timestamp/s_offsetDivisor is the offset in to the run in floating point seconds (floating point values are also not as portable as fixed length integers).

s_title is the run title. The title string is a null terminated string at most TITLE_MAXSIZE non null characters long. The additional char allocated ensures the title has a null terminator. See CONSTANTS below for more information about TITLE_MAXSIZE.

The s_originalSid field is new in V12.0 and allows the body to maintain knowledge of the ring item's original source id in the presence of the event builder's manipulation of body headers. The functions prototyped in DataFormat.h that format ring state change items set this field properly. CRingStateCHangeItem uses those functions to format its ring item and therefore also properly sets this field.


The ScalerItem item contains a set of periodically read scaler items. Starting in NSCLDAQ-11.0 these may or may not be incremental and may have interval start/stop time values that have a sub-second resolution.

As with most ring item data, the actual structure of this is represented as a union:

typedef struct _ScalerItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t       s_empty;              /* Must be sizeof(uint32_t).. no header */
            ScalerItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
            ScalerItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} ScalerItem, *pScalerItem;

The union has the standard branches that most RingItems have, u_noBodyHeader when s_empty is zero (version 11) or sizeof(uint32_t) (version 12) indicating a lack of a body header and s_hasBodyHeader when it is the size of an action BodyHeader struct.

Regardless, s_body has the actual scaler data body and looks like this:

 typedef struct _ScalerItemBody {
  uint32_t        s_intervalStartOffset;
  uint32_t        s_intervalEndOffset;
  uint32_t        s_timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_intervalDivisor;  /* 11.0 sub second time intervals */
  uint32_t        s_scalerCount;
  uint32_t        s_isIncremental;    /* 11.0 non-incremental scaler flag */
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;      /* V12.0 */
  uint32_t        s_scalers[0];
} ScalerItemBody, *pScalerItemBody;

The fields s_intervalStartOffset, s_intervalEndOffset and s_intervalDivisor allow you to determine the time relative to the beginning of the run at which the counting interval started and ended. Dividing the offsets by the divisor produces seconds (if done in floating point arithmetic).

s_timetamp provides the unix time of day (trucated time_t) of the end of the counting interval.

The s_isIncremental is non-zero if the the scalers are zeroed at the start of each interval. Otherwise it is assumed that history is required to be able to compute rates.

s_scalerCount is the number of scalers in item and s_scales is the location of the first element of the array of 32 bit wide scalers.

s_orignalSid contains the sourceid of the data source that originally emitted this item. This field is immune from the manipulations the event builder performs on the body header. The DataFormat.h functions that format scaler items, as well as the CRingScalerItem initialize this field correctly.

s_scalers is actually an array of s_scalerCount members containing the actual scaler values.


TextItem items contain a set of text strings that are used for documentation purposes or to allow the data acquisition system to track a set of slow controls parameters. As with almost all ringt items, the top level structure is a union:

 typedef struct _TextItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t       s_empty;            /* Must be sizeof(uint32_t) (no body header) */
            TextItemBody   s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
            TextItemBody   s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} TextItem, *pTextItem;

The TextItemBody has the following shape:

typedef struct _TextItemBody {
  uint32_t       s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t       s_timestamp;
  uint32_t       s_stringCount;
  uint32_t       s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t       s_originalSid;   /* Added in V12.0   */
  char           s_strings[0];
} TextItemBody, *pTextItemBody;

The s_timeOffset and s_offsetDivisor are used to represent the time at which this item was emitted relative to the start of the run. s_timeOffset is the offset. Doing a floating point by s_offsetDivisor produces the seconds into the run at which the item was emitted.

s_timestamp is the truncated time_t that represents the absolute time at which this item was emitted.

s_stringCount is the number of strings in the body. s_strings points to the first byte of an array of bytes that contain the null terminated strings carried by the item. The format of these strings is entirely up to the emitter.

s_originalSid contains the source id of the data source that emitted this item. This value is immune to the modifications event builders can make on the source id in the body header. The functions prototyped in DataFormat.h and CRingTextItem properly initialize this field for you.


This item represents the response of a readout subsystem to a trigger. This may be passed as an event fragment to an event building pipeline. The struture of the item is the normal union shape:

typedef struct _PhysicsEventItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t      s_empty;
            uint16_t      s_body[];      /* Aribrtary length body */
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader    s_bodyHeader;
            uint16_t      s_body[];
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} PhysicsEventItem, *pPhysicsEventItem;

s_body is the first word of the event body. The size of the body can be determined from the s_size field of the s_header ring item header. Typically, the readout frameworks place a word or longword into the s_body that contains the length of the event.


This ring item (new starting in NSCLDAQ-11.0) describes the oldest version of NSCLDAQ that is capable of handling this form of data in the ring buffer. The structure of this item is:

typedef struct _DataFormat {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t       s_empty;              /* No body header */
    uint16_t       s_majorVersion;     /* FORMAT_MAJOR */
    uint16_t       s_minorVersion;     /* FORMAT_MINOR */
} DataFormat, *pDataFormat;

As the s_empty implies, This item does not have a body header. All data submitted to a single ring buffer is assumed to be in a compatible format. The s_majorVersion and s_minorVersion fields are the major and minor versions of the oldest NSCLDAQ that can deal with this data. For example for NSCLDAQ-11.0 s_majorVersion is 11 while s_minorVersion is 0


This ring item provides counts of the number of triggers a readout subsystem has responded to. This can be used to keep track of trigger rates and, for software that samples data, the fraction of data that has ben seen.

The structure of this data item is the usual union:

typedef struct _PhysicsEventCountItem {
    RingItemHeader   s_header;
    union {
        struct {
            uint32_t             s_empty;      /* Must be sizeof(uint32_t) - no body header*/
            PhysicsEventCountItemBody s_body;
        } u_noBodyHeader;
        struct {
            BodyHeader           s_bodyHeader;
            PhysicsEventCountItemBody s_body;
        } u_hasBodyHeader;
    } s_body;
} PhysicsEventCountItem, *pPhysicsEventCountItem;

The union is used so that individual contributors of fragments to the event builder can create uniquely identifiable trigger count items.

The s_body field of both branches of the union has the following shape:

typedef struct __PhysicsEventCountItemBody {
  uint32_t       s_timeOffset;
  uint32_t       s_offsetDivisor;
  uint32_t       s_timestamp;
  uint32_t        s_originalSid;     /* Added with version 12.0 */
  uint64_t       s_eventCount;	/* Maybe 4Gevents is too small ;-) */
} PhysicsEventCountItemBody, *pPhysicsEventCountItemBody;

The time into the run is determined in the usual way from s_timeOffset and s_offsetDivisor. Furthermore, s_timestamp provides the truncated time_t value that identifies the absolute time at which this item was emitted.

The s_originalSid, added in NSCLDAQ V12.0 contains the source id of the data source that originally emitted this item. This field is immune to the transformations the event builder performs on the source id in the body header and, therefore, should be used to get the source id that generated this item. The functions prototyped in DataFormat.h, as well as the CRingPhysicsEventCountItem transparently set this field's value appropriately.

s_eventCount are the number of triggers that have been responded to since the start of the run.


An event builder fragment item is produced in event builder monitor rings. These rings allow users to monitor the ordered data data from the ordering stage of the event builder pipeline. These data are produced by the teering program, and are also inputs to glom.

Since the event builder operates on timestamps and needs to know about barriers and event sources all event fragments have a body header:

typedef struct _EventBuilderFragment {
  RingItemHeader s_header;
  BodyHeader     s_bodyHeader;
  uint8_t       s_body[];	/* Really s_payload bytes of data.. */
} EventBuilderFragment, *pEventBuilderFragment;

s_body is the first byte of the payload of the fragment. The size of the fragment can be determined from s_header.s_size (specifically s_header.s_size - sizeof(RingItemHeader) - sizeof(BodyHeader))).

It is also not unusual for the structure of the body to describe the size of the s_body independent of the rest of the item..


This item type is produced by the glom stage of the event building pipeline. glom is the stage that can glue (or glom) ordered event fragments into full events.

This event item captures the values of the run time parameters handed to ghlom at startup time so that consumers of this data know what they mean,

typedef struct _GlomParameters  {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t       s_empty;
    uint64_t       s_coincidenceTicks;
    uint16_t       s_isBuilding;
    uint16_t       s_timestampPolicy;
} GlomParameters, *pGlomParameters;

As you can see by the s_empty field, this item does not have a ring body header. The s_isBuilding, is non zero if glom is gluing events together and zero otherwise. s_coincidenceTicks is therefore only meaningful if s_isBuilding is nonzero. It represents the timestamp interval that glom considers defines a fragment coincidence window. Finally the s_timestampPolicy contains the timestamp policy that glom used to determine how timestamp fields in body headers of built events should be chosen. This is one of GLOM_TIMESTAMP_FIRST, GLOM_TIMESTAMP_LAST or GLOM_TIMESTAMP_AVERAGE.

typedef strucst _AbnormalEndItem {
    RingItemHeader s_header;
    uint32_t      s_empty;                   // Empty body header.

} AbnormalEndItem, *pAbnormalEndItem;


This can be emitted to let downstream software know that a run was ended prematurely. When emitted no more data shouild be emitted for the current run.


DataFormat.h provides constant definitions for the possible item type values as well as other definitions:

static const uint16_t FORMAT_MAJOR = 11;

This is the value that should normally be put in the s_majorVersion member of the DataFormat ringitems. At the time of writing the value is as shown above, however check the DataFormat.h file you are using in case this has been updated.

static const uint16_t FORMAT_MINOR = 0;

This is the value that should normally be put in the s_majorVersion member of the DataFormat ringitems. At the time of writing the value is as shown above. Since data format changes require a change in the major version number of NSCLDAQ I would expect this value to be zero.

static const uint32_t BEGIN_RUN = 1;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a state change item that documents the start of a run.

static const uint32_t END_RUN = 2;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a state change item that documents the end of a run.

static const uint32_t PAUSE_RUN = 3;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a state change item that documents a pause in a run.

static const uint32_t RESUME_RUN = 4;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a state change item that documents a resume from a paused run.

static const uint32_t ABNORMAL_ENDRUN = 5;

Ring items of this type indcate a run ended abnormally. This should be treated, in most respects, like the end of run marker.

static const uint32_t PACKET_TYPES = 10;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a text list ring item that contains information about the types of packets that may appear in events.

static const uint32_t MONITORED_VARIABLES = 11;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a text list ring item that contains a set of monitored variable values. Each string in items of this type will be a Tcl set command that will recreate the value of the variable at the time the item was created.

static const uint32_t RING_FORMAT = 12;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a DataFormat ring item. These items describe the format of the items in the ring in terms of the first version of NSCLDAQ capable of decoding them.

static const uint32_t PERIODIC_SCALERS = 20;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a ScalerItem ring item. These items contain data from periodically read scalers.

static const uint32_t PHYSICS_EVENT = 30;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a PhysicsEventItem ring item. These items contain physics event data.

static const uint32_t PHYSICS_EVENT_COUNT = 31;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a PhysicsEventCountItem ring item. these items contain information about the number of triggers that have been accepted thus far into the run.

static const uint32_t EVB_FRAGMENT = 40;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a EventBuilderFragment ring item. These are used to encapsulate event fragments that have been ordered by the time ordering phase of the event builder pipeline. Note that These are typically only visible in the order monitoring ring.

Items of this type are believed to have payloads that look like ring items.

static const uint32_t EVB_UNKNOWN_PAYLOAD = 41;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a EventBuilderFragment whose payload looks like it probably is not a ring item. Note that form of the payload of an event builder fragment can only be guessed at not known with certainty.

static const uint32_t EVB_GLOM_INFO = 42;

The s_type value in the RingItemHeader of a GlomParameters ring item. This type of ring item is used by the glomming phase of the event builder to describe the parameters being used to build events.

static const uint32_t FIRST_USER_ITEM_CODE = 32768;

There is nothing sacred about the specifific set of ring items defined by DataFormat.h users can define application specific ring items. In order to do so without present and future collisions in ring item types with standardf values, users should allocate ring item types from types that are no less than FIRST_USER_ITEM_CODE.

static const uint16_t GLOM_TIMESTAMP_FIRST = 0;

A possible value for the timestamp policy of the glom format ring item. This value means the output event timestamps are filled in from the fragment with the smallest timestamp value.

static const uint16_t GLOM_TIMESTAMP_LAST = 0;

A possible value for the timestamp policy of the glom format ring item. This value means the output event timestamps are filled in from the fragment with the largest timestamp value.

static const uint16_t GLOM_TIMESTAMP_AVERAGE = 0;

A possible value for the timestamp policy of the glom format ring item. This value means the output event timestamps are filled in from the average of all timestamps in fragments in the event.

#define TITLE_MAXSIZE 80

Defines the maximum number of characters in a Run State change item's title field.