

VX2750Pha -- Provide compile time checked API to CAEN Nextgen digitizers DPP-PHA


#include <VX2750Pha.h>

namespace caen_nscldaq {

class VX2750Pha : public Dig2Device
    VX2750Pha(const char* hostOrPid, bool isUsb = false);
    std::string  getCupVersion() const;     // Get the CUP version
    std::string  getFpgaFWVersion() const;  // Get the firmware Version
    FwType       getFirmwareType() const;   // Get the type of the firmware.
    std::string  getModelCode() const;
    std::string  getPiggyBackCode() const;
    std::string  getModelName() const;
    FormFactor   getFormFactor() const;
    int          getFamilyCode() const;
    std::string  getSerialNumber() const;
    int          getMotherboardRev() const;
    int          getPiggybackRev() const;
    std::string  getLicense() const;
    bool         isLicensed() const;
    int          remainingUnlicensedTime() const;
    int          channelCount() const;
    int          bitsOfResolution() const;
    int          sampleRate() const;
    int          inputRange() const;
    bool         isDifferentialInput() const;
    int          inputImpedance() const;
    int          ipAddress() const;
    int          netMask() const;
    int          gateway() const;
    ClockSource  getClockSource() const;
    void         setClockSource(ClockSource) const;
    bool         isClockOutOnP0() const;
    void         setClockOutOnP0(bool state) const;
    bool         isClockOutOnFP() const;
    void         setClockOutOnFP(bool state) const;
    std::vector<StartSource>  getStartSource() const;
    void         setStartSource(const std::vector<StartSource>& src) const;
    std::vector<GlobalTriggerSource> getGlobalTriggerSource() const;
    void         setGlobalTriggerSource(const std::vector<GlobalTriggerSource>& sources) const;
    std::vector<WaveTriggerSource> getWaveTriggerSource(unsigned ch) const;
    void         setWaveTriggerSource(unsigned ch, const std::vector<WaveTriggerSource>& src) const;
    std::vector<EventTriggerSource> getEventTriggerSource(unsigned ch) const;
    void         setEventTriggerSource(unsigned ch, const std::vector<EventTriggerSource>& src) const;
    std::uint64_t getChannelTriggerMask(unsigned ch) const;
    void          setChannelTriggerMask(unsigned ch, std::uint64_t mask) const;
    TraceRecordMode getTraceRecordMode(unsigned ch) const;
    void           setTraceRecordMode(unsigned ch, TraceRecordMode mode) const;
    TRGOUTMode    getTRGOUTMode() const;
    void          setTRGOUTMode(TRGOUTMode mode) const;
    GPIOMode      getGPIOMode() const;
    void          setGPIOMode(GPIOMode mode) const;
    BusyInSource   getBusyInputSource() const;
    void          setBusyInputSource(BusyInSource src) const;
    SyncOutMode   getSyncOutMode() const;
    void          setSyncOutMode(SyncOutMode mode) const;
    VetoSource    getBoardVetoSource() const;
    void          setBoardVetoSource(VetoSource src) const;
    std::uint64_t   getBoardVetoWidth() const;
    void          setBoardVetoWidth(std::uint64_t ns) const;
    VetoPolarity  getBoardVetoPolarity() const;
    void          setBoardVetoPolarity(VetoPolarity pol) const;
    ChannelVetoSource getChannelVetoSource(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setChannelVetoSource(unsigned chan, ChannelVetoSource src) const;
    std::uint32_t getChannelVetoWidth(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setChannelVetoWidth(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    std::uint32_t getRunDelay() const;
    void          setRunDelay(std::uint32_t ns) const;
    bool          isAutoDisarmEnabled() const;
    void          setAutoDisarmEnabled(bool state) const;
    std::uint32_t      getLEDStatus() const;
    std::uint32_t      getAcquisitionStatus() const;
    std::uint32_t      getMaxRawDataSize() const;
    double        getVolatileClockDelay() const;
    void          setVolatileClockDelay(double value) const;
    double        getPermanentClockDelay() const;
    void          setPermanentClockDelay(double value) const;
    WaveDataSource getWaveDataSource(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setWaveDataSource(unsigned chan, WaveDataSource source) const;
    std::uint32_t getRecordSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setRecordSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t getRecordNs(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setRecordNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    WaveResolution getWaveResolution(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setWaveResolution(unsigned chan, WaveResolution resolution) const;
    AnalogProbe   getAnalogProbe(unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum) const;
    void          setAnalogProbe(unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum, AnalogProbe probe) const;
    DigitalProbe  getDigitalProbe(unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum) const;
    void          setDigitalProbe(
        unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum, DigitalProbe probe
    ) const;
    std::uint32_t getPreTriggerSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setPreTriggerSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t nsamples) const;
    std::uint32_t getPreTriggerNs(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setPreTriggerNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    std::uint64_t getTestPulsePeriod() const;
    void          setTestPulsePeriod(std::uint64_t ns) const;
    std::uint64_t getTestPulseWidth() const;
    void          setTestPulseWidth(std::uint64_t ns) const;
    std::uint32_t getTestPulseLowLevel() const;
    void          setTestPulseLowLevel(std::uint32_t counts) const;
    std::uint32_t getTestPulseHighLevel() const;
    void          setTestPulseHighLevel(std::uint32_t counts) const;
    IOLevel       getIOLevel() const;
    void          setIOLevel(IOLevel level) const;
    double        getAirInTemp() const;
    double        getAirOutTemp() const;
    double        getCoreTemp() const;
    double        getFirstADCTemp() const;         
    double        getLastADCTemp() const;
    double        getHottestADCTemp() const;
    double        getADCTemp(unsigned chip) const;
    double        getDCDCConverterTemp() const;
    double        getDCDCConverterInputVoltage() const;
    double        getDCDCConverterOutputVoltage() const;
    double        getDCDCConverterAmps() const;
    double        getDCDCConverterHz() const;
    double        getDCDCConverterDutyCycle() const;
    std::uint32_t getFanSpeed(unsigned fan) const;
    std::uint32_t getErrorFlagMask() const;
    void          setErrorFlagMask(std::uint32_t mask) const;
    std::uint32_t getErrorFlagDataMask() const;
    void          setErrorFlagDataMask(std::uint32_t mask) const;
    std::uint32_t getErrorFlags() const;
    bool          isBoardReady() const;
    IndividualTriggerLogic getITLAMainLogic() const;
    IndividualTriggerLogic getITLBMainLogic() const;
    void          setITLAMainLogic(IndividualTriggerLogic sel) const;
    void          setITLBMainLogic(IndividualTriggerLogic sel) const;
    unsigned      getITLAMajorityLevel() const;
    unsigned      getITLBMajorityLevel() const;
    void          setITLAMajorityLevel(unsigned level) const;
    void          setITLBMajorityLevel(unsigned level) const;
    PairTriggerLogic getITLAPairLogic() const;
    PairTriggerLogic getITLBPairLogic() const;
    void         setITLAPairLogic(PairTriggerLogic sel) const;
    void         setITLBPairLogic(PairTriggerLogic sel) const;
    bool          isITLAInverted() const;
    bool          isITLBInverted() const;
    void          setITLAInverted(bool invert) const;
    void          setITLBInverted(bool invert) const;
    ITLConnect    getITLConnect(unsigned ch) const;
    void          setITLConnect(unsigned ch, ITLConnect selection) const;
    std::uint64_t getITLAMask() const;
    std::uint64_t getITLBMask() const;
    void          setITLAMask(std::uint64_t mask) const;
    void          setITLBMask(std::uint64_t mask) const;
    std::uint32_t getITLAGateWidth() const;
    std::uint32_t getITLBGateWidth() const;
    void          setITLAGateWidth(std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void          setITLBGateWidth(std::uint32_t ns) const;
    LVDSMode      getLVDSMode(unsigned quartet) const;
    void          setLVDSMode(unsigned quartet, LVDSMode mode) const;
    LVDSDirection getLVDSDirection(unsigned quartet) const;
    void          setLVDSDirection(unsigned quartet, LVDSDirection direction) const;
    std::uint16_t getLVDSIOReg() const;
    void          setLVDSIOReg(std::uint16_t mask) const;
    std::uint64_t getLVDSTriggerMask(unsigned inputNum) const;
    void          setLVDSTriggerMask(unsigned inputNum, std::uint64_t mask) const;  
    void setDACOutMode(DACOutputMode mode) const;
    DACOutputMode getDACOutMode() const;
    std::uint16_t getDACOutValue() const;
    void          setDACOutValue(std::uint16_t value) const;
    unsigned      getDACChannel() const;
    void          setDACChannel(unsigned chan) const;
    double        getVGAGain(unsigned group) const;
    void          setVGAGain(unsigned group, double value) const;
    bool          isOffsetCalibrationEnabled() const;
    void          enableOffsetCalibration(bool enable) const;
    bool          isChannelEnabled(unsigned chan) const;
    void          enableChannel(unsigned chan, bool enable) const;
    int           getSelfTriggerRate(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t getChannelStatus(unsigned chan) const;
    double        getDCOffset(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setDCOffset(unsigned chan, double pct) const;
    double        getGainFactor(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t getTriggerThreshold(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setTriggerThreshold(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t threshold) const;
    Polarity      getPulsePolarity(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setPulsePolarity(unsigned chan, Polarity pol) const;
    std::uint16_t getEnergySkimLowDiscriminator(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergySkimLowDiscriminator(unsigned chan, std::uint16_t value) const;
    std::uint16_t getEnergySkimHighDiscriminator(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergySkimHighDiscriminator(unsigned chan, std::uint16_t value) const;
    EventSelection getEventSelector(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setEventSelector(unsigned chan, EventSelection sel) const;
    EventSelection getWaveformSelector(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setWaveformSelector(unsigned chan, EventSelection sel) const;
    CoincidenceMask getCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan, CoincidenceMask sel) const;
    CoincidenceMask getAntiCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setAntiCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan, CoincidenceMask sel) const;
    std::uint32_t  getCoincidenceSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setCoincidenceSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t  getCoincidenceNs(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setCoincidenceNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    std::uint32_t  getTimeFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t  getTimeFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setTimeFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void           setTimeFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t  getTimeFilterRetriggerGuardTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t  getTimeFilterRetriggerGuardSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setTimeFilterRetriggerGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void           setTimeFilterRetriggerGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t  getEnergyFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t  getEnergyFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setEnergyFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void           setEnergyFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t  getEnergyFilterFlatTopTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t  getEnergyFilterFlatTopSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setEnergyFilterFlatTopTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void           setEnergyFilterFlatTopSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t  getEnergyFilterPeakingPosition(unsigned chan) const;
    void           setEnergyFilterPeakingPosition(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t pct) const;
    EnergyPeakingAverage getEnergyFilterPeakingAverage(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterPeakingAverage(unsigned chan, EnergyPeakingAverage sel) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPoleZeroTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPoleZeroSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterPoleZeroTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterPoleZeroSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    double        getEnergyFilterFineGain(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterFineGain(unsigned chan, double gain) const;
    bool          isEnergyFilterFLimitationEnabled(unsigned chan) const;
    void          enableEnergyFilterFLimitation(unsigned chan, bool enable) const;
    EnergyFilterBaselineAverage getEnergyFilterBaselineAverage(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterBaselineAverage(unsigned chan, EnergyFilterBaselineAverage sel) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterBaselineGuardTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterBaselineGuardSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterBaselineGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterBaselineGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPileupGuardTime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPileupGuardSamples(unsigned chan) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterPileupGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns) const;
    void          setEnergyFilterPileupGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples) const;
    std::uint8_t  getEnergyBits(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint64_t getRealtime(unsigned chan) const;
    std::uint64_t getDeadtime(unsigned chan) const;
    void          Reset();
    void          Clear();
    void          Arm();
    void          Disarm();
    void          Start();
    void          Stop();
    void          Trigger();
    void          ReloadCalibration();
    Endpoint      getEndpoint();
    void          selectEndpoint(Endpoint selection);
    void   initializeRawEndpoint();         
    size_t readRawEndpoint(void* pBuffer);
    void setDefaultFormat();
    void enableRawTimestamp(bool enable);
    void enableFineTimestamp(bool enable);
    void enableFlags(bool enable);
    void enableDownsampling(bool enable);
    void enableAnalogProbes(bool probe1, bool probe2);
    void enableDigitalProbes(bool probe1, bool probe2, bool probe3, bool probe4);
    void enableSampleSize(bool enable);
    void enableRawEventSize(bool enable);
    void initializeDPPPHAReadout();
    void readDPPPHAEndpoint(DecodedEvent& event);
    void initDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);
    void setupDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);
    void freeDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);


This class provides a generic API, with parameter values validated at compile time, to CAEN nextgen digitizers running DPP-PHA mode. Caller error risk is mitigated several ways:

Note that this class is derived from caen_nscldaq::Dig2Device which means that any of the methods of that class can be called directly if the services of this class fall short of the application needs.


The data structures exported by this class are described by the first method that uses them rather than providing a separate data structures section to this manpage.

VX2750Pha(const char* hostOrPid, bool isUsb = false);

See the constructor of caen_nscldaq::Dig2Device for the meaning of theses parameters, which describe how to form a connection with the digitizer.

const std::string getCupVersion();

Return the version string of the CUP firmware file running in the digitizer. This is of the form yyyymmddnn where nn is a sequence number starting from 00 in case more than one firmware file was rolled in that day.

const std::string getFpgaFWVersion();

Returns a string that identifies the firmware loaded in the FPGA of the digitizer. The format of this string is not documented.

const FwType getFirmwareType();

Returns the type of firmware currently running in the digitizer. The firmware type is returned as an enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::FWType which can have the values:

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DPP_PHA - pulse height anaysis firmware.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DPP_ZLE - wave forms in run length encoding compression format.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DPP_PSD - Pulse shape discrimination firmware.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DPP_DAW - Dynamic acquisition window wave form capture firmware.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DPP_OPEN - User written firmware (Open FPGA).

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Scope - Raw waveform capture (Oscilloscope mode).

std::string getModelCode();

Returns the model code string e.g. WV2740XAAAAA.

const std::string getPiggyBackCode();

Returns the CAEN daugherboard type string e.g. WA40BXAAAAAA

const std::string getModelName();

Return the digitizer model string e.g. V2740

const FormFactor getFormFactor();

Returns a caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::FormFactor enumerated value that represents the device formfactor. This can have values

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::VME VME module

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::VME64X VME module compatible with the VME64X standard.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DT Desktop format.

const int getFamilyCode();

Returns the digitizer family code. This is an interger that is the family order number e.g. a vx2740 will return 2740 for this function.

const std::string getSerialNumber()();

Return the digitizer's serial number string. Note that at present, serial numbers are integers, but the API documents this as returning a string so a string is what we return.

const int getMotherboardRev();

Return the motherboard revision level. This is the revision level of the circuit board.

const int getPiggybackRev();

Return the revision of the daughter board's printed circuit board.

const std::string getLicense();

Return the product unlock code for the firmware being run. This is instance specific.

const bool isLicensed();

Returns true if the firmware product is unlocked. false if the product firmware is running in trial (time-bomb) mode.

const int remainingUnlicensedTime();

If isLicensed returned false, this is the number of seconds remaining before the digitizer goes catatonic (trial mode expiry). Once that happens, the digitizer must be rebooted (e.g. power cycled).

const int channelCount();

Returns the number of channels the digitizer has.

const int bitsOfResolution();

Returns the number of bits of ADC resolution. This is the number of bits in the FADC not the resolution of e.g. the extracted pulse height.

const int sampleRate();

Returns the FADC sampling rate in MHz.

const int inputRange();

Returns the input range in VPP.

const bool isDifferentialInput();

Returns true if the input is differential and false if single ended.

const int inputImpedance();

Returns the module input impedance in Ohms.

const int ipAddress();

Return the IP address of the module in host byte order.

const int netMask();

Return the netmask for the module's NIC in host byte order.

const int gateway();

Return the gateway address for the module in host byte order.

const ClockSource getClockSource();

Return the clock source selected. This is an enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ClockSource which can have the values:

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Internal Internal 62.5MHz oscillator.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::FrontPanel Front panel CLK IN.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Clock_P0 P0 VME backplane connnector (not implemented)

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Link Regenerated from the Ethernet (not implemented) (WR?).

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DIPSelected Clock source selected by DIP switches on the circuit board (not implemented).

void setClockSource(ClockSource src);

Selects the clock source. Values are described in getClockSource. Note that using an unimplemented value will result in an error (exception) being thrown.

const bool isClockOutOnP0();

Return true if the clock has been enabled to be output on the P0 VME connector. false if not.

void setClockOutOnP0(bool state);

If state is true the clock will be enabled to be output on the P0 connector. Otherwise, not.

const bool isClockOutOnFP();

Returne true if the clock is enabled to be output on the CLK OUT front panel connector (for the clock daisy chain).

void setClockOutOnFP(bool state);

If state is true, the module clock source will be echoed to the CLK OUT front panel connector. This is the most common way to run the modules synchronized with a common clock/timestamp.

const std::vector<StartSource> getStartSource();

The module may have several start sources enabled. The start source is what actually determines both, when the module starts taking data, and the timestamp zero of the clock. Getting the start source right is an essential part of running serveral modules with a synchronized time stamp.

Several start sources may be selected (see setStartSource below). The return value is a vector whose members include all selected start sources. The members of the vector are of enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::StartSource Which can have any of the values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Start_EncodedClockIn, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SIN_Level, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SIN_Edge, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SWCommand, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Start_LVDS, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Start_P0.

One way to get synchronized operation is to program all but the master module to start on SIN_Edget, program the master module to start on SWCommand, program the GPIO to be GPIO_Run for all modules and make a daisy chain of GPIO -> SIN from the master down the chain of modules. In this way, whent he master is given the software start, it's run will propagate as the SIN to all modules in the chain.

const void setStartSource(const std::vector<StartSource>& src);

Progams the module's start sources. See getStartSource. src references a vector that contains all of the desired start sources for the module.

const std::vector<GlobalTriggerSource> getGlobalTriggerSource();

The module can have several global trigger sources. This method returns a vector whose members are the selected global trigger sources. See setGlobalTriggerSource.

Each element of the returned vector is of type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTriggerSource. This is an enumerated type that can be one of: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_TriggerIn, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_P0, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_Software, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_LVDS, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_InternalA, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_InternalB caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_InternalAandB, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_InternalAorB, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_EncodedClkIn, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_GPIO, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GlobalTrigger_TestPulse.

const void setGlobalTriggerSource(const std::vector<GlobalTriggerSource>& sources);

The board can accept several global trigger sources, see getGlobalGriggerSource. This method selects the global trigger sources the board recognizes. The sources parameter references a vector whose elements are the set of desired global trigger sources.

std::vector<WaveTriggerSource> getWaveTriggerSource(unsigned ch);

The wave trigger source for a channel determines when a channel will produce not only timestamp and energy information but make availalbe (should the readout select it), the waveform. As with the global trigger, several wave trigger sources can be selected. The return value is a vector that contains all of the wave trigger sources selected for channel ch.

Elements of the vector are of the enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTriggerSource which can have any of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_InternalA, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_InternalB, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_GlobalTriggerSource, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_TRGIN, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ExternalInhibit, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADCUnderSaturation, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADCOverSaturation, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_Software, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_ChannelSelfTrigger, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_AnyChannelSelfTrigger, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveTrigger_Disabled.

const void setWaveTriggerSource(unsigned ch, const std::vector<WaveTriggerSource>& src);

Sets the desired wave trigger sources for channel ch to the sources in the vector src. See getWaveTriggerSource for a description of the caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::WaveTriggerSource data type.

const std::vector<EventTriggerSource> getEventTriggerSource(unsigned ch);

The event trigger source for a channel determines when the digitizer sends only the energy and timing information for an event. Several event trigger sources can be specified. The elements of the returned value are the selected event trigger sources.

The elements of the returned value are of the enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTriggerSource and can have the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_InternalA, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_InternalB, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_GlobalTriggerSource, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_TRGIN, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_Software, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_ChannelSelfTrigger, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_AnyChannelSelfTrigger, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTrigger_Disabled.

const void setEventTriggerSource(unsigned ch, const std::vector<EventTriggerSource>& src);

Sets the event trigger sources for channel ch to be the sources that are elements of src. See getEventTriggerSource for information about the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventTriggerSource data type and the values it can have.

const std::uint64_t getChannelTriggerMask(unsigned ch);

Returns the channel trigger mask for channel number ch.

const void setChannelTriggerMask(unsigned ch, , std::uint64_t mask);

Sets the channel trigger mask for channel ch to be mask

const TraceRecordMode getTraceRecordMode(unsigned ch);

Returns when a channel; ch will make traces available to the host (which must then request it in the event format). Values returned are caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TraceRecordMode enumerated types which ave the possible values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Always and caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::OnRequest.

const void setTraceRecordMode(unsigned ch, TraceRecordMode mode);

Sets the trace recording mode for channel ch to mode. See getTraceRecordMode for a description of the mode parameter values.

const TRGOUTMode getTRGOUTMode getTRGOUTMode();

Return the signal that has been selected to be output on the TRGOUT NIM output. The value returned is of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TRGOUTMode which can have the following values:

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_TRGIN The front panel TRGIN is propagated to TRGOUT.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_P0 the P0 trigger is propagated to the TRGOUT. This is not (yet) implemented in the hardware/firmware.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_Software Software triggers are propagated as pulses to the TRGOUT

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_LVDS Trigger inputs from the LVDS pins are propagated to TRGOUT.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_InternalA the output of trigger logic block A is propagated to TRGOUT.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_InternalB the output of trigger block B is propagated to TRGOUT

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_InternalAandInternalB outputs the boolean and of the outputs of the internal trigger logic blocks A and B.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_InternalAorInternalB outputs the boolean or of the outputs of the internal trigger logic blocks A and B.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_EncodedClockIn The CLK-In is proppagated to TRGOUT. Can be used to extend the clock daisy chain to NIM.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_Run True when the digitizer is running. This output is timed prior to applying the Run delay time.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_ReferenceClock Monitors the internal 62.5MHz internal clock.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_TestPulse monitors test pulse timing.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_Busy monitors the digitizer's busy.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_Zero Constantly deasserted.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_One Constantly asserted.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_SynchIn reflects the Synch in signal.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_SIN Reflects the SIN input.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerOut_GPIO Reflects the GPIO as an input.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::AcceptedTrigger Indicates a trigger was accepted.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TriggerClock Reflects the clock which determines the resolution of trigger timing.

const void setTRGOUTMode(TRGOUTMode mode);

Selects the functionality of the TRGOUT NIM output. See getTRGOUTMode for a description of the possible values you can supply for mode.

const GPIOMode getGPIOMode();

Returns the functionality selected for the GPIO connector if it is aNIM output. The returned value is a caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode enumerated value which can be one of:

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_Disabled, The GPIO is not used.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_TriggerIn The GPIO is an output that reflects the TRGIN signal.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_P0 The GPIO is an output that reflects the backplane P0 trigger (not yet implemented I believe).

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_SIN Propagates the value of the SIN NIM input as an output.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_LVDS Propagates the LVDS trigger inputs if they are selected as such.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_InternalA reflects the output of internal trigger logic block A

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_InternalB reflects the output of internal trigger logic block B

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_InternalAandInternalB reflects the boolean and of the outputs of the two internal trigger logic blocks.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_InternalAorInternalB reflects the boolean or of the output sof the two internal triger logic blocks.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_EncodedClockIn Propagates the CLK-IN (Not yet implemented).

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_SoftwareTrigger Pulses when the board is given a software trigger command.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_Run Reflects the digitizer Run state.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_RefernceClock Reflects the internal 62.5Mhz oscillator.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_TestPulse reflects the test pulser timing.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_Busy Reflects the board busy state.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_Zero constantly deasserted.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::GPIOMode_One constantly asserted.

void setGPIOMode(GPIOMode mode);

Selects the functionality of the GPIO if used as an output. The values for the mode parameter are described above in the documentation of getGPIOMode.

const BusyInSource getBusyInputSource();

In a lock-step trigger system, all boards may need to run with a common busy in order to prevent some boards from triggering while others are busy. This method returns the source of the external busy for the board.

The result is a caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BusyInSource enumerated type which can have the values:

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BusyIn_SIN The SIN NIM input forces the board busy.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BusyIn_GPIO The NIM GPIO connector is programmed as an input and it can force the board busy.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BusyIn_LVDS LVDS inputs can be used as a busy.

  • caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BusyIn_Disabled The board has no external busy source.

const void setBusyInputSource(BusyInSource src);

Sets the board external busy source. See the documentation for getBusyInputSource for possible values of the src parameter.

const SyncOutMode getSyncOutMode();

Returns the selection for the signal source of the SYNC OUT NIM output. The Possible values are an enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SyncOut which can have the one of the values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SyncOut_Disabled, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SyncOut_SynchIn, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SyncOut_TestPulse, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::InternalClock or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SyncOut_Run.

const void setSyncOutMode(SyncOutMode mode);

Sets the source of the SYNC OUT NIM output. Valid values for mode have been listed above in the description for getSyncOutMode.

const VetoSource getBoardVetoSource();

Return the source of the board level trigger veto. The value retunred is of type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::VetoSource which is an enumerated type with the following allowed values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_SIN, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_LVDS, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_GPIO, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_P0, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_EncodedClock, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Veto_Disabled

const void setBoardVetoSource(VetoSource src);

Select the board veto source. The legal values for src are listed in the documentation for getBoardVetoSource.

const std::uint64_t getBoardVetoWidth();

Returnth width of the number of ns the board level veto is stretched after the veto condition is removed.

const void setBoardVetoWidth(std::uint64_t ns);

Sets the number of nanoseconds the board veto is stretched after the veto condition is removed to ns.

const VetoPolarity getBoardVetoPolarity();

Returns the polarity of the board level veto. If the value is caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ActiveHigh, the veto serves as an inhibit of the trigger. If the value is caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ActiveLow, the veto serves as a gate for the board level trigger.

void setBoardVetoPolarity(VetoPolarity pol);

Sets the polarity of the board veto source to pol. Possible values are described in getBoardVetoPolarity above.

const ChannelVetoSource getChannelVetoSource(unsigned chan);

In addition to a board level veto/gate, each channel has a veto/gate. This method returns the source for the veto for channel chan. The type is caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ChannelVetoSource which is an enumerated type with the following possible values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::BoardVeto, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::OverSaturation, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Undersaturation, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ChanVeto_Disabled.

const void setChannelVetoSource(unsigned chan, ChannelVetoSource src);

Sets the veto source for channel chan to be src. Valid values for src are described in the documentaiton for getChannelVeotSource above.

const std::uint32_t getChannelVetoWidth(unsigned chan);

Each channel veto can be stretched a number of nanoseconds beyond when the veto condition ends. This method returns the stretch in nanoseconds of the veto from channel chan.

const void setChannelVetoWidth(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the stretch for the veto for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const std::uint32_t getRunDelay();

When the start of run is controlled by a RUN signal that is propagated in daisy chain between the boards (for instance through the ClkIn-ClkOut or SIN-GPIO sync chain), it is necessary to compensate for the propagation delay in order for the boards to start exactly at the same time, since it is the start which zeroes the boards timestamp clock. The Run Delay parameter delays the start of the run given number of nanoseconds with respect to the rising edge of the RUN signal

This method returns the run delay parameter in nanoseconds.

const void setRunDelay(std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the run start delay to ns nanoseconds.

const bool isAutoDisarmEnabled();

If external signals are used to start/stop acquisition, it may be necessary to disable restart until the software is ready. Auto disarm mode disarms the digitizer when the run stops making it insensitive to subsequent starts until re-armed. This method retuns true if auto-disarm was enabled.

const void setAutoDisarmEnabled(bool state);

Sets the state of the digitizer auto-disam. If state is true, auto disarm is enabled.

const std::unit32_t getLEDStatus();

Returns the state of the front panel LEDs. The bits in the returned mask have symbolic definition of the form: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::LEDFP_xxxxx: LEDFP_JESD_Y_PASS = 1, LEDFP_JESD_H_PASS = 2, LEDFP_DDR4_0_PASS = 4, LEDFP_DDR4_1_PASS = 8, LEDFP_DDR4_2_PASS = 0x10, LEDFP_FAIL = 0x20, LEDFP_NIM = 0x40, LEDFP_TTL = 0x80, LEDFP_DTLOSS = 0x100, LEDFP_DTRDY = 0x200, LEDFP_TRG = 0x400, LEDFP_RUN = 0x800, LEDFP_PLL_LOCK = 0x1000, LEDFP_CLKOUT = 0x2000, LEDFP_CLKIN = 0x4000, LEDFP_USB = 0x8000, LEDFP_SFP_SD = 0x10000, LEDFP_SFP_ACT = 0x20000, and LEDFP_ACT = 0x40000

const std::uint32_t getAcquisitionStatus();

Returns a 32 bit mask that contains acquisition status bits. The header defines several caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ACQ_xxxx symbolic constants for the bits: ACQ_ARMED = 1, ACQ_RUN = 2, ACQ_RUN_MW = 4, ACQ_JESD_CLK_VALID = 8, ACQ_BUSY = 0x10, ACQ_PRETRIGGER_READY = 0x20, and ACQ_LICENSE_FAIL = 0x40.

const std::uint32_t getMaxRawDataSize();

This should be called after the raw endoint data format has been described. It will return the size of the data buffer that should be declared to receive data from the raw endpoint.

const double getVolatileClockDelay();

Retrieves the current clock edge delay in picoseconds. This delay compensates for the phases drift in the clock daisy chain as the clock propagates from module to module.

Note that there are two clock delay parameters. The volatile clock delay is delay currently in effect. It may differ from the permanent clock delay which is what is programmed in at board power up. One normally plays with the volatile clock delay until the clock phases are aligned on all boards and then, finally, sets the good value to be the new permanent clock delay so that the power up value of the clock delay is correct.

const void setVolatileClockDelay(double value);

Sets the volatile clock delay parameter to value picoseconds.

const double getPermanentClockDelay();

Returns the clock delay that was programmed in at power up. Units are picoseconds.

const void setPermanentClockDelay(double value);

Programs the power up (permanent) clock delay to value picoseconds.

const WaveDataSource getWaveDataSource(unsigned chan);

While normally the data into the DPP-PHA firmware is directly the digitized inputs to the ADC, it is possible to program the digitizing circuitry to use different data sources for each channel. This method returns the DPP-PHA waveform input to channel chan.

The resturn value is one of the values of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveDataSource which can have one of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADC_DATA, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADC_TEST_TOGGLE, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADC_TEST_RAMP, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADC_SIN, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveSource_IPE, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveSource_Ramp, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SquareWave, and caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveDataSource::ADC_TEST_PRBS

const void setWaveDataSource(unsigned chan, WaveDataSource source);

Selects the data source for the DPP-PHA firmware for channel chan to be source. The getWaveDataSource method describes the valid values for source.

const std::uint32_t getRecordSamples(unsigned chan);

Return the number of waveform samples that will be recorded on a trigger for channel chan. This includes the samples prior to the trigger.

const void setRecordSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the totaln number of samples that will be recorded for channel chan to samples.

const std::uint32_t getRecordNs(unsigned chan);

Same as getRecordSamples, but the number of samples is converted to nanoseconds.

const void setRecordNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Same as setRecordSamples but ns is the number of desired nanoseconds of waveform to record. This is converted to the nearest number of samples. Note that this means that calling this method and then calling getRecordNs may give slightly different value than the set value.

const WaveResolution getWaveResolution(unsigned chan);

Returns the waveform resolution selected for channel chan. The returned value is one of the valid values of the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::WaveResolution enumerated data type. The numbers in the symbols represent the resolution in nanoseconds. caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Res8, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Res16, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Res32, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Res64.

const void setWaveResolution(unsigned chan, WaveResolution resolution);

Set the waveform resolution for channel chan to the resolution indicated by the value of resolution.

const AnalogProbe getAnalogProbe(unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum );

In addition to the results of the DPP-PHA analysis of the captured waveform, an event can include zero, one or two analog probes. This is waveform data that is included in the event.

getAnalogProbe interrogates analog probe number probeNum for channel chan. The result is a value from the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::AnalogProbe: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADCInput, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TimeFilter, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilter, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterBaseline, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterMinusBaseline.

const void setAnalogProbe(unsigned chan, unsigned probeNum, AnalogProbe probe);

Sets analog probe number probeNum for channel chan to the probe selected by probe. See getAnalogProbe for a description of the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::AnalogProbe data type.

const DigitalProbe getDigitalProbe(unsigned chan , unsigned probeNum);

Each event from a channel trigger can include up to 4 digital probes. A digital probe is just a set of boolean values aligned in time with input waveform values. Samples from a digital probe are represented by a single byte that contains either 0 or 1.

This method returns the digital probe selected as probe number probenum for channel chan. The result is a member of the enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DigitalProbe: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DProbe_Trigger, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TimeFilterArmed, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ReTriggerGuard, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterBaselineFreeze, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterPeaking, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterPeakReady, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterPileupGuard, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventPileup, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADCSaturation, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ADCSaturationProtection caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::PostSaturationEvent, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterSaturation, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::AcquisitionInhibit

const void setDigitalProbe(unsined chan, unsigned probenum , DigitalProbe probe);

Selects which digital probe, probe, will be used as probe number probeNum for channel number chan.

const std::uint32_t getPreTriggerSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns the number of samples that will be collected prior to the trigger from channel chan and submitted to the DPP-PHA firmware.

const void setPreTriggerSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t nsamples);

Sets the number of samples that will be collected prior to the trigger of channel chan to nsamples.

const std::uint32_t getPreTriggerNs(unsigned chan);

Same as getPreTriggerSamples, but the number of samples is converted to nanosecond units.

const void setPreTriggerNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Same as setPreTriggerSamples but ns are converted from nanosecond to the nearest number of samples. Note that the actual number of nanoseconds pretrigger will can be gotten using getPreTriggerNs.

const std::uint64_t getTestPulsePeriod();

Return the period of the test pulser in nanoseconds.

const void setTestPulsePeriod(std::uint64_t ns);

Set the test pulser period to ns nanoseconds.

const std::uint64_t getTestPulseWidth();

Returns the test pulser pulse width in nanoseconds.

const void setTestPulseWidth(std::uint64_t ns);

Set the test pulse pulse width to ns nanoseconds.

const std::uint32_t getTestPulseLowLevel();

Returns the low level of the test pulser in FADC units (0-65535).

const void setTestPulseLowLevel(std::uint32_t counts);

Set the test pulser low level to counts FDAC units.

const std::uint32_t getTestPulseHighLevel();

Returns the high level of the test pulser in FADC units (0-65535).

const void setTestPulseHighLevel(std::uint32_t counts);

Set the test pulser high level to counts FDAC units.

const IOLevel getIOLevel();

Return the NIM connector signalling levels. The return value is of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::IOLevel and can be one of caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::TTL or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::NIM.

const void setIOLevel(IOLevel level);

Sets the I/O signalling level of the front panel NIM connectors. See getIOLevel for legal values of level.

const double getAirInTemp();

Returns the temperature in C at the board air intake.

const double getAirOutTemp();

Returns the temperature in C at the board outflow.

const double getCoreTemp();

Returns the temperature at the FPGA core.

const double getFirstADCTemp();

Returns the temperature of the first ADC along the airflow

const double getLastADCTemp();

Returns the temperature of the last ADC along the airflow.

const double getHottestADCTemp();

Returns the temperature of the hottest ADC.

const double getADCTemp(unsigned chip);

Returns the temperature at the specified ADC ship. chip is in the inclusive range 0-7.

const double getDCDCConverterTemp();

Returns the temperature at the DC-DC converter.

const double getDCDCConverterInputVoltage();

Return the input voltage (in volts) to the board's DC-DC converter.

const double getDCDCConverterOutputVoltage();

Return the DC-DC converter output voltage in volts.

const double getDCDCConverterAmps();

Returns the current output of the DC-DC converter in amps.

const double getDCDCConverterHz();

Return the DC-DC converter frequency in Hz.

const double getDCDCConverterDutyCycle();

Returns the DC-DC converter duty factor in percentage.

std::uint32_t getFanSpeed(unsigned fan);

Returns the speed, in RPM of fan number fan. Ther are two fans, 0, and 1.

const std::uint32_t getErrorFlagMask();

Return the value of the mask which, when ORd with the actual error conditions determines the error flag LEDs that are lit on the front panel. The bits for this mask are defined symbolically as:

caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ERR_power_fail, caen_nscldaq::ERR_board_init_fault, caen_nscldaq::ERR_si5341_unlock , caen_nscldaq::ERR_si5395_unlock, caen_nscldaq::ERR_LMK04832_unlock, caen_nscldaq::ERR_jesd_unlock, caen_nscldaq::ERR_ddr_pl_bank0_calib_fail, caen_nscldaq::ERR_ddr_pl_bank1_calib_fail, caen_nscldaq::ERR_ddr_ps_calib_fail, caen_nscldaq::ERR_fpga_config_fail, caen_nscldaq::ERR_bic_error, caen_nscldaq::ERR_adc_overtemp, caen_nscldaq::ERR_air_overtemp, caen_nscldaq::ERR_fpga_overtemp, caen_nscldaq::ERR_dcdc_overtemp, caen_nscldaq::ERR_clkin_miss, caen_nscldaq::ERR_adc_shutdown,

const void setErrorFlagMask(std::uint32_t mask);

Set the value of the error flag mask. See getErrorFlagMask for the symbolic bit definitions.

const std::uint32_t getErrorFlagDataMask();

Fetches the value of the error flag data mask. This serves the same purpose as the error flag mask, except that it determines, along with the actual error flags, the value of the error bits in the data.

const void setErrorFlagDataMask(std::uint32_t mask);

Sets the value of the error flag data mask.

const std::uint32_t getErrorFlags();

Returns the actual value of the bits that define error conditions within the module.

const bool isBoardReady();

Returns true if the board has no error flags set.

const IndividualTriggerLogic getITLAMainLogic();

The module has two trigger logic blocks. ITLA and ITLB. This retrieves the trigger setting for ITLA. The reusult is a memboer if the enumerated type caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::IndividualTriggerLogic which can have the values: caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_OR, caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_AND, or caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_Majority.

const IndividualTriggerLogic getITLAMainLogic();

Returns the trigger setting for ITLB.

const void setITLAMainLogic(IndividualTriggerLogic sel);

Selects the trigger setting of ITLA to sel

const void setITLBMainLogic(IndividualTriggerLogic sel);

Selects the trigger setting of ITLB to sel

const unsigned getITLAMajorityLevel();

Returns the majority level setting of the ITLA block. This only has meaning if ITLA has been set to caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_Majority

const unsigned getITLBMajorityLevel();

Returns the majority level setting of the ITLB block. This only has meaning if ITLB has been set to caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_Majority

const void setITLAMajorityLevel(unsigned level);

Sets the majority level for ITLA. This only has meaning if ITLA has been set to caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_Majority.

const void setITLBMajorityLevel(unsigned level);

Sets the majority level for ITLB. This only has meaning if ITLB has been set to caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::ITL_Majority.

const PairTriggerLogic getITLAPairLogic();

Adjacent pairs of channel trigger inputs to the ITLA/ITLB logic blocks can be grouped together via a logical function. This method returns the pair logic setting of the channel trigger inputs to ITLA. Valid values come from the caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::PairTriggerLogic enumerated type: caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::PTL_AND, the two inputs for the adjacent channels both reflect the boolean and of the channels themselves. caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::PTL_OR, if either input is triggered, both inputs to the logic block trigger. caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::NONE. THe individual channel triggers in the pair are passed un-modifed to the logic block.

const PairTriggerLogic getITLBPairLogic();

Same as getITLAPairLogic but for ITLB.

void setITLAPairLogic(PairTriggerLogic sel);

Programs the channel par logic for ITLA to sel

void setITLBPairLogic(PairTriggerLogic sel);

Programs the channel par logic for ITLB to sel

const bool isITLAInverted();

Returns true if the sense of the ITLA output is inverted, that is asserted when there is no trigger condition.

const bool isITLBInverted();

Returns true if the sense of the ITLB output is inverted, that is asserted when there is no trigger condition.

const void setITLAInverted(bool invert);

If invert is true then the ITLA output will be inverted.

const void setITLBInverted(bool invert);

If invert is true then the ITLB output will be inverted.

const ITLConnect getITLConnect(unsigned ch);

The internal trigger logic blocks have channel by channel inputs. This determines how a channel is connected to those logic blocks. chan. Results are from the enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ITLConnect and can have one of the values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ITL_Disabled, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ITL_ITLA, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ITL_ITLB.

const void setITLConnect(unsigned ch, ITLConnect selection);

Sets the ITL connection for channel ch to selection. For more, see the description of getITLConnect.

const std::uint64_t getITLAMask();

Rather than using the ITLConnect methods, it is possible to set masks for ITLA and ITLB that determine which channels participate in each trigger logic block. Use of the trigger ITLMasks or ITLConnections are mutually exclusive. Use only one.

This method returns the 64 bit channel mask for ITLA

const std::uint64_t getITLBMask();

Returns the channel input mask for ITLB.

void setITLAMask(std::uint64_t mask);

Sets the 64 bit channel input mask for ITLA.

void setITLBMask(std::uint64_t mask);

Sets the 64 bit channel input mask for ITLB.

const std::uint32_t getITLAGateWidth();

The optput of the ITL logic blocks can be stretched. This returns the length of the ITLA output in nanoseconds. Note that the granularity of this gate width is 8ns units.

const std::uint32_t getITLBGateWidth();

The optput of the ITL logic blocks can be stretched. This returns the length of the ITLB output in nanoseconds. Note that the granularity of this gate width is 8ns units.

void setITLAGateWidth(std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the ITLA gate width to ns nanoseconds. Note that the actual gate width granularity is 8ns units.

void setITLBGateWidth(std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the ITLB gate width to ns nanoseconds. Note that the actual gate width granularity is 8ns units.

const LVDSMode getLVDSMode(unsigned quartet);

The module has 16 LVDS general purpose I/O pins. The use of these can be programmed in four pin units (or quartets). This returns the functionality selected for quarted quartet.

Valid values are from the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::LVDSMode which can have any of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SelfTriggers caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Sync, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::IORegister.

When used in SelfTriggers mode, see setLVDSTriggerMask.

void setLVDSMode(unsigned quartet, LVDSMode mode);

Sets the mode of the four LVDS pins selected by quartet to mode. See getLVDSMode for more.

const LVDSDirection getLVDSDirection(unsigned quartet);

Returns the directionality if the quartet of pins. This can be one of: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Input or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Output

const void setLVDSDirection(unsigned quartet, LVDSDirection direction);

Sets the directionality of LVDS quartet to direction.

const std::uint16_t getLVDSIOReg();

Returns the I/O register bits of the LVDS. Note that the only meaningful bits are those for quartets in which the LVDS pins have been set to be caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::IORegister.

const void setLVDSIOReg(std::uint16_t mask);

Sets the I/O register for the LVDS. This only has meaning for bits in quartets that have been set to caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::IORegister and the direction caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Output

const std::uint64_t getLVDSTriggerMask(unsigned inputNum);

Pins in quartets programmed as caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::SelfTriggers, have associated with them a trigger mask. The pin will show the boolean or of all triggers for all channels in that trigger mask.

This returns the tigger mask for pin number inputNum. Note that these pins are outputs and you can think of inputNum representing inputs to the register that drives those pins.

const void setLVDSTriggerMask(unsigned inputNum, std::uint64_t mask);

Sets the trigger mask for pin number inputNum to mask. This is only meaningful if the quartet inputNum is a member of is programmed to be self triggers and is an output.

const void setDACOutMode(DACOutputMode mode);

The board as a DAC with an output on the front panel. This method selects the input to the DAC. mode is of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DACOutputMode which can be one of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Static caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DACOut_IPE caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DACOut_ChInput caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::MemOccupancy caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ChSum caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::OverThrSum caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DACOut_Ramp caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Sine5MHz caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Square

const DACOutputMode getDACOutMode();

Returns the selected DAC output mode.

const std::uint16_t getDACOutValue();

If the DAC output mode is Static returns the value set as the input to the DAC

const void setDACOutValue(std::uint16_t value);

Sets the value of the input to the DAC when it is set in Static mode.

const unsigned getDACChannel();

Returns the channel selected when the DAC mode is DACOut_ChInput

const void setDACChannel(unsigned chan);

Sets the channel to be monitored by the DAC when the mode is DACOUt_ChInput.

const double getVGAGain(unsigned group);

The 2745 digitizers have a set of variable gain amplifiers. Each amplifier applies its gain to a gropu of 16 channels. The gain values are floating point numbers in the range 0-40.0. This method returns the gain set for a group of channels.

const void setVGAGain(unsigned group, double value);

Sets the gain of the variable gain amplifier for the group of 16 channels to value.

const bool isOffsetCalibrationEnabled();

The input DCoffset that determines the position of the signal baseline (zero volt) is controlled by individual channel DACs. Due to the tolerance of the components, there is some spread in the offset setting that is compensated by the offset calibration. This is normally enabled and automatically applied in the firmware of the board. The calibration can be disabled; This method returns true if that is the case.

const void enableOffsetCalibration(bool enable);

If enable is true, disables the DC offset calibration. Otherwise this calibration is enabled. The most normal reason to do this is to determine a new calibration fucnction as is done at the factory.

const bool isChannelEnabled(unsigned chan);

Returns true if channel number chan is enabled.

const void enableChannel(unsigned chan, bool enable);

Sets the enable state of channel number chan. If enable is true the channel is enabled. if not it is disabled.

const int getSelfTriggerRate(unsigned chan);

Returns the self trigger rate of channel chan in Hz.

const std::uint32_t getChannelStatus(unsigned chan);

Returns the channel status mask. Bits in this mask are defined symbolically by the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::CHST_xxxx sybmols in the VX2750Pha.h header file.

const double getDCOffset(unsigned chan);

Returns the DC offset applied to the input of channel number chan. The offset value is returned in percentae of full-scale. The granularity is that of a 16 bit DAC. Note that if the offset calibration is enabled (normal), it is applied to linearize the DAC.

const void setDCOffset(unsigned chan, double pct);

Sets the DC offset for channel number chan to pct of full scale. If the DC offset calibration is enabled, it is applied to linearize the DAC output that applies the DC Offset. The granularity of the pct parameter is that of a 16 bit ADC.

const double getGainFactor(unsigned chan);

Read the gain calibration value for the ADC associated with channel chan. This value is stored in internal flash memory and is determined at factory setup time.

const std::uint32_t getTriggerThreshold(unsigned chan);

Returns the trigger threshold for channel chan. Note that this is applied to bipolar signal that is the output of the fast triangular filter. The actual threshold arms the trigger which then actually fires on the zero crossing of the triangular filter output.

const void setTriggerThreshold(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t threshold);

Sets the self trigger threshold for channel number chan to threshold.

const Polarity getPulsePolarity(unsigned chan);

Returns the pulse polarity selecte for input chan. The polarity is relative to the zero determined by the DC offset.

The value returned is an element of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Polarity and can be one of caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Positive or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Negative.

const void setPulsePolarity(unsigned chan, Polarity pol);

selects the signal input polarity of the signal for channel chan to be pol. See getPulsePolarity for legal values for pol.

const std::uint16_t getEnergySkimLowDiscriminator(unsigned chan);

The digitizer allows a cut to be set on the computed energy of pulses - a software gate. If the computed energy of a pulse in channel chan is less than the value returned by this method, it will not be transferred if the energy skim is enabled.

const void setEnergySkimLowDiscriminator(unsigned chan, std::uint16_t value);

Sets the low threshold of the energy selection window for channel chan to value.

const std::uint16_t getEnergySkimHighDiscriminator(unsigned chan);

Returns the high value of the energy acceptance window defined by the energy skim discriminator for channel chan. Note again, that the energy cut is only enabled if the event selector (see setEventSelector and setWaveSelector below) is set to only accept events that fall in the energy skim window.

void setEnergySkimHighDiscriminator(unsigned chan, std::uint16_t value);

Sets the high value of the energy acceptance window on channel chan to value.

const EventSelection getEventSelector(unsigned chan);

Returns the value of the event selector. This determine which triggers actually transfer data back to the host. Valid values are members of the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EventSelection enumerated type which are: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::All, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Pileup, or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergySkim.

const void setEventSelector(unsigned chan, EventSelection sel);

Sets the event selection criteria for input number chan to sel.

const EventSelection getWaveformSelector(unsigned chan);

Returns the event selection criteria for waveforms for channel chan. Presumably if an event is selected but does not meet the wave form selection criteria its energy and timing information will be returned but not it waveform.

void setWaveformSelector(unsigned chan, EventSelection sel);

Sets the waveform selection criteria for channel chan to sel.

const CoincidenceMask getCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan);

Returns the coincidence mask that generates triggers on channel chan. This value is from the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::CoincidenceMask and can have any of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Coincidence_Disabled, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Ch64Trigger, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Coincidence_TRGIN, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Coincidence_GlobalTriggerSource, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Coincidence_ILA or caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Coincidence_ILB

const void setCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan, CoincidenceMask sel);

Sets the coincidence mask for channel chan to sel

CoincidenceMask getAntiCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan);

Returns the selection for the anit-coincidence mask for channel chan

const void setAntiCoincidenceMask(unsigned chan, CoincidenceMask sel);

Sets the anti-coincidencde mask for channel chan to be sel.

const std::uint32_t getCoincidenceSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns the coincidencde window for channel chan in samples.

const void setCoincidenceSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the coincidence window for channel nmber chan to samples digitizer samples.

const std::uint32_t getCoincidenceNs(unsigned chan);

Same as GetCoincidenceSamples, but the units are nanoseconds.

const void setCoincidenceNs(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Same as setCoincidenceSamples but the units of ns are nanoseconds.

const std::uint32_t getTimeFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan);

Returns channel chan's timing filter rise time in units of nanoseconds. The timing filter operates on the incoming waveform to determine the trigger and trigger timing.

const std::uint32_t getTimeFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns channel chan's timing filter rise time in units of FADC samples.

const void setTimeFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the timing filter rise time for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const void setTimeFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the timing filter rise time for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const std::uint32_t getTimeFilterRetriggerGuardTime(unsigned chan);

If the time filter oscillates around the zero crossing, it is possible to have false pile up triggers. The retrigger guard time sets a time window over which addition zero crossings in the time filter will not be considered as triggers.

This method returns the retrigger guard time in units of nanoseconds for channel chan.

const std::uint32_t getTimeFilterRetriggerGuardSamples(unsigned chan);

This method returns the retrigger guard time in units of FADC samples for channel chan.

const void setTimeFilterRetriggerGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the retrigger guard time for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const void setTimeFilterRetriggerGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the retrigger guard time for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan);

Returns the value set for the energy (trapezoidal) filter rise time for channel chan in nanoseconds.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns the value set for the energy (trapezoidal) filter rise time for channel chan in FADC samples.

const void setEnergyFilterRiseTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the rise time of the trapezoidal energy filter for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const void setEnergyFilterRiseSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the rise time of the trapezoidal energy filter for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterFlatTopTime(unsigned chan);

Returns the energy filter (trapezoidal) flattop time setting for channel chan in nanosecond units.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterFlatTopSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns the energy filter (trapezoidal) flattop time setting for channel chan in FADC samples.

void setEnergyFilterFlatTopTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the energy filter flattop time for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

void setEnergyFilterFlatTopSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the energy filter flattop time for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPeakingPosition(unsigned chan);

Retuns the peaking position for the energy filter of channel chan. The value is in percentage of the flat top

void setEnergyFilterPeakingPosition(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t pct);

Sets the energy filter peaking position for channel chan to pct percent of the flattop.

const EnergyPeakingAverage getEnergyFilterPeakingAverage(unsigned chan);

Returns the number of samples averaged over to determine the energy for channel chan. Note that the returned value is a member of the enumerated type caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyPeakingAverage which has the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average1, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average4, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EPeakAvg_Average16 caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EPeakAvg_Avcerage64.

const void setEnergyFilterPeakingAverage(unsigned chan, EnergyPeakingAverage sel);

Sets the energy peaking average for channel chan to the value indicated by sel. See getEnergyFilterPeakingAverage for information about the values the sel parameter can take.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPoleZeroTime(unsigned chan);

Return the energy filter pole 0 compensation value in nanoseconds for channel chan

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPoleZeroSamples(unsigned chan);

Return the energy filter pole 0 compensation value in FADC samples for channel chan

const void setEnergyFilterPoleZeroTime(unsigned chan, td::uint32_t ns);

Set the energy filter pole zero compensation for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const void setEnergyFilterPoleZeroSamples(unsigned chan, td::uint32_t samles);

Set the energy filter pole zero compensation for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const double getEnergyFilterFineGain(unsigned chan);

Return the fine gain parameter set on channel chan. Note that this is a digital multiplier of the final computed energy for a given pulse.

const void setEnergyFilterFineGain(unsigned chan, double gain);

Sets the fine (digital) gain for channel chan to be the multiplier4 gain.

const bool isEnergyFilterFLimitationEnabled(unsigned chan);

Returns true if the low frequency energy filter for channel chan is enabled.

const void enableEnergyFilterFLimitation(unsigned chan, bool enable);

If enable is true, enables low frequency filtering for channel chan.

const EnergyFilterBaselineAverage getEnergyFilterBaselineAverage(unsigned chan);

Returns the number of samples that are averaged to compute the signal baseline. The returned value will be one of the values in the enumerated type: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EnergyFilterBaselineAverage. This can take one of the following values: caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Fixed, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EFilterBlineAvg_Average16, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::EFilterBlineAvg_Average64, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average256, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average1024, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average4K, caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::Average16K

const void setEnergyFilterBaselineAverage(unsigned chan, EnergyFilterBaselineAverage sel);

Sets the number of sample averaged to determine the running baseline for channel chan to be the number of samples indicted by sel.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterBaselineGuardTime(unsigned chan);

Reads the number of nanoseconds the baseline computation will be frozen after the end of the trapezoid for channel chan. This guard time prevents artifical bumps in the baseline that would otherwise occur if the baseline computation resumed overlapping the signal tail.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterBaselineGuardSamples(unsigned chan);

Reads the number of FADC samples the baseline computation will be frozen after the end of the trapezoid for channel chan.

const oid setEnergyFilterBaselineGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the baseline guard time for channel chan to ns nanoseconds.

const void setEnergyFilterBaselineGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the baseline guard time for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPileupGuardTime(unsigned chan);

Returns the energy filter pileup guard for channel chan in nanosecond units. The pileup guard defines the time required in addition to the rise time and flattop time the trapezoidal filter requires additional triggers within this time are considered pileup events.

const std::uint32_t getEnergyFilterPileupGuardSamples(unsigned chan);

Returns the energy filter pileup time for channel chan in digitizer samples

const void setEnergyFilterPileupGuardTime(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t ns);

Sets the energy filter pileup time for channel chan to ns nanoseconds. The actual pileup guard duration my be slightly different betcause the granluarity of the setting is determined by the FADC sampling frequency.

const void setEnergyFilterPileupGuardSamples(unsigned chan, std::uint32_t samples);

Sets the energy filter pileup time for channel chan to samples FADC samples.

const std::uint8_t getEnergyBits(unsigned chan);

Return the number of bits of energy value for channel chan.

const std::uint64_t getRealtime(unsigned chan);

returns the Real time measured by the FPGA. Note that the value is in units of 524288ns. That is a value of 3 represents a bit more than 1.5 seconds.

const std::uint64_t getDeadtime(unsigned chan);

Return the deadtime for channel chan. As with the realtime the units are 524288ns.

void Reset();

Sends a Reset command to the digitizer.

void Clear();

Sends the digitizer a clear command.

void Arm();

Arms the digitizer so that the start from one of the start sources will start data taking.

void Disarm();

Disarms the digitizer. so that start sources are ignored and the digitizer will remain in the stopped state.

void Start();

Sends a start command to the digitizer. This is only effective if the digitizer is armed and a software start is one of the start sources.

void stop();

Sends a stop command to the digitizer.

void Trigger();

Sends a software trigger to the digitizer. This is only effective if the digitizser is running and the software trigger is a trigger source.

void ReloadCalibration();

Delete calibration file and reload it from flash or, if invalid, use default calibration.

Endpoint getEndpoint();

Returns the current digitizer endpoint as a value from the enumerated type caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::Endpoint which has the following legal values: caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::Raw or caen_nscldaq:VX2750Pha::PHA.

void selectEndpoint(Endpoint selection);

Sets the current end point from which data will be read. Note that once selected, the endpoint data format must be programmed. The data from the raw endpoint is relatively fixed and is programmed by calling initializeRawEndpoint.

The data from the PHA endpoint is very flexible and, rather than burdening the programer with the JSON required to set that up, we provide several methods that will be described below to enable or disable various elements.

void initializeRawEndpoint();

As described above, this should be called after the first time the raw endpoint is selected. It provides the JSON that describes what the raw end point should return on a read.

void ReadRawEndpoing(void* pBuffer);

Reads data from the raw endpoint to the memory pointed to by pBuffer. The size required for this read can be gotten by calling getMaxRawDataSize once initializeRawEndpoint has been called.

initializeRawEndpoint initializes the format so that you can expect the data to begin wth a size_t containing the number of bytes of subsequent data. The format of the data are described by 4.2.1 of the FELib PHA Parameters User Manual.

void setDefaultFormat();

Returns the format flags for the DPP endpoint to their default values. The default is to read the channel number, the timestamp calibrated to nanoseconds (used in event building), and the energy. See the methods below for other optional values that are available and how to enable/disable them.

Once the format flags have been appropriately set, initialzeDPPPHAReadout should be called to send the appropriate JSON to the board to describe the desired data format.

void enableRawTimestamp(bool enable);

If enable is true, the raw timestamp is also included in the event otherwise it is not. Note that the raw timestamp units are module dependent.

Once the format flags have been appropriately set, initialzeDPPPHAReadout should be called to send the appropriate JSON to the board to describe the desired data format.

void enableFineTimestamp(bool enable);

If enable is true, then the fine timestamp from the module fast filters will be returned in the event. If false, that information is omitted.

void enableFlags(bool enable);

If enable is true status and error flags will be included with the event. Otherwise, they wll be omitted.

void enableDownSampling(bool enable);

If enable is true, the downsamping value will be included in the event. Otherwise it will be omitted.

void enableAnalogProbes(bool probe1, bool probe2);

If probe1 is enabled, analog probe 1 data is included in the event. If probe2 is enabled the analog probe 2 data is included in the event.

void enableDigitalProbes(bool probe1, bool probe2, bool probe3, bool probe4);

The proben parameters control the presence or absence of the associated digital probe in the event.

void enableSampleSize(bool enable);

Controls the presence or absence of the number of samples of acquired data in the event. Note that since each channel can have a different sampling window, if you enable probes it's probably a good idea to enable this as well so you know how much data is actually acquired by the probes.

void enableRawEventSize(bool enable);

Controls the presence or absence of the size of a raw event in the event. This value is relatively useless for the DPP-PHA endpoint.

void initializeDPPPHAReadout();

Taking the format flags that have been set/cleared, this method generates the appropriate format description JSON and sends it to the board to determine the data returned by the DPP-PHA endpoint.

void readDPPPHAEndpoint(DecodedEvent& event);

Reads an event from the digitizer blocking until one is available. Note that Dig2Device provides the hasData method to test for the presence of data, if it is unacceptable for the application to block indefinitely.

The event data is read ito a caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::DecodedEvent struct. The fields that are actually filled in depend on the items enabled at the time the initializeDPPPhaReadout call was made.

DecodedEvent may, depending on the enabled data, have dynamically allocated fields. The methods initDecodedBuffer, setupDecodedBuffer and freeDecodedBuffer should be used to initialize and maintain instances of DecodedEvent. See below.

Managing DPP-PHA decoded event buffers

Three methods are provided to manage the storage for a DecodedEvent. initDecodedBuffer, setupDecodedBuffer, and freeDecodedBuffer.

Upon defining a DecodedEvent instance, the first thing you shold do is call initDecodedBuffer to initialize the pointers in that buffer to the deallocated values. Once the event structure has been deinfed and initializeDPPPHAReadou called, use setupDecodedBuffer to allocate any dynamic data needed for the event. If the shape of the event is subsequently changed (through another call to e.g. initializeDPPPHAReadou), but you want to continue using the same decoded event, call freeDecodedBuffer to release dynamic memory followed by setupDecodedBuffer to make new appropriate allocations.

The signatures of these methods are shown below:

void initDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);

Initialize the contents of a DecodedEvent prior to the initial call to setupDecodedBuffer. Among other things all pointers in the event are set to nullptr so that delete calls will behave appropriately.

void setupDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);

Taking into account the format flag information that has been established, allocates appropriate dynamic memory for the event. This can mean allocating space for the analog and/or digital probes that have been enabled.

void freeDecodedBuffer(DecodedEvent& event);

Dyanimcally allocated data in event is freed and pointers to those data are set to nullptr in preparation for the next call to setupDecodedBuffer for this event.

The DecodedEvent struct

When acquiring data, events are read using a DecodedEvent struct. This struct has fields which may or may not be set and storage that may or may not be allocated depending on the formatting flags that were set prior to the call to initializeDPPPHAReadout.

This section describes the fields of this struct and when to expect them to contain valid data.


This field is always filled in and contains the channel number (0-63) for this event. Note that events from the digitizer are data from individual channel triggers and must be assembled into physically meaningful events using e.g. the NSCLDAQ Event builder.


This field is always filled in and contains the timestamp for the event converted to a nanosecond value. Note that in NSCLDAQ, this field is used to set the event fragment timestamp for event building so that the event builder shouild work properly across a heterogeneous set of digitizers.


This field is only filled in if enableRawTimestamp is called with true prior to initializing the DPP-PHA readout format. It contains the digitizer timestamp in digitizer timing units.


Only filled in if enableFineTimestamp is called with true prior to initializing the DPP-PHA readout format. This contains the fine timestamp from the fast filter zero crossing interpolation.


This field is always filled in. It contains the energy reconstructed from the DPP-PHA algorithm.


Filled in only if enableFlags is called with true. Contains the low priority status flags from the digitizer.


Filled in only if enableFlags is called with true. Contains the high priority status flags from the digitizer.


Filled in only if enableDownsampling is called with true contains the code describing the digitizer downsampling.


This field is only not nullptr if analog probe 1 has been enabled by calling enableAnalogProbes. It points to a buffer for the data from the analog probe. Each sample is a std::uint32_t.

The pointer should never be modified.


This field is only filled in if analog probe 1 has been enabled by calling enableAnalogProbes.

In that case it contains a code that describes which data analog probe 1 represents.


This field is only not nullptr if analog probe 2 has been enabled by calling enableAnalogProbes. It points to a buffer for the data from the analog probe. Each sample is a std::uint32_t.

The pointer should never be modified.


This field is only filled in if analog probe 2 has been enabled by calling enableAnalogProbes.

In that case it contains a code that describes which data analog probe 2 represents.


Only not nullptr if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 1. In that case, this is a pointer to where the digital probe 1 samples will be stored. Digital probes require one byte per sample an are either 0 or 1 for deasserted and asserted respectively.


Only filled in if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 1. In that case, this is a code that describes what digital probe 1 represents.


Only not nullptr if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 2. In that case, this is a pointer to where the digital probe 2 samples will be stored. Digital probes require one byte per sample an are either 0 or 1 for deasserted and asserted respectively.


Only filled in if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 2. In that case, this is a code that describes what digital probe 2 represents.


Only not nullptr if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 3. In that case, this is a pointer to where the digital probe 1 samples will be stored. Digital probes require one byte per sample an are either 0 or 1 for deasserted and asserted respectively.


Only filled in if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 3. In that case, this is a code that describes what digital probe 3 represents.


Only not nullptr if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 4. In that case, this is a pointer to where the digital probe 4 samples will be stored. Digital probes require one byte per sample an are either 0 or 1 for deasserted and asserted respectively.


Only filled in if enableDigitalProbes has been used to enable digital probe 4. In that case, this is a code that describes what digital probe 4 represents.


Only filled in if enableSampleSize has enabled it. In that case, this will hold the number of samples present in the analog and digital probes. Otherwise, initDecodedBuffer will initialize this field to zero.


This is only filled in if enableRawEventSize is used to enable it. In that case it will be filled in with the relatively useless size of the raw event. The size of the raw event is the number of bytes that would have been used to hold the event had it been read over the raw endpoint.


The class exports several maps to allow string values to be mapped to enumerated values. These are intended to be used by VX2750PHAConfiguration but can be used for other application software.

These data structures are all of types like std::map<std::string, some-enumerated-type> which allow you to look up an enumerated type which corresponds to a string value. These are also named things like stringToenumeraged-type. For example stringToClockSource maps string names of clock sources to the caen_nscldaq::VX2750Pha::ClockSource enumerated types.

If you must use these, see their initializations in the file VX2750Pha.cpp.