

VX2750EventSegment -- Event segment for single VX2750 DPP-PHA module


#include <VX2750EventSegment.h>

namespace caen_nscldaq {

class VX2750EventSegment : public ::CEventSegment

        CExperiment *pExperiment, uint32_t sourceId,
        const char* pModuleName, VX2750TclConfig* pConfig,
        const char* pHostOrPid, bool fIsUsb = false
    VX2750Pha* getModule() {return m_pModule;}

    // Event segment interface
    virtual void initialize();                  // at begin run.
    virtual void disable();                     // at end run.
    virtual void onPause();                     //  Just will disable.
    virtual void onResume();                    // just will initilialize.
    virtual size_t read(void* pBuffer, size_t maxwords);  // At trigger.



We have seen that the TclConfiguredReadout manages a set of modules. Techinically, it is what the SBS readout framework calls a compound event segment. Compound event segments are containers for other event segments. Their event segment interface methods simply visit all of the event segments they contain invoking the corresponding method for the contained segments.

The TclConfiguredReadout class is special purpose in that it only contains event segments of type VX2750EventSegment. These event segments are responsible for reading a single nextgen CAEN digitizer running DPP-PHA firmward.


Once more the event segment interface methods are omitted for brevity.

VX2750EventSegment(CExperiment* pExperiment, uint32_t sourceId, const char* pModuleName, VX2750TclConfig* pConfig, const char* pHostOrPid, bool fIsUsb = false);

Constructor for an instance of the class. pExperiment is a pointer to the SBS readout framework's CExperiment singleton instance. That object controls the overall flow of acquisition and provides services to other components of the framework.

sourceId is a unique integer that will tag the event identifying the source to the event builder. The source id will carry through the fragment of the built event all the way down the event acquisition pipeline.

pConfig is a Tcl drive configuration object that includes the configuration of, at least this module. The configuration for this module is identified by pModuleName within the configurations held by pConfig. If, by the time the module needs to be initialized there is no configuration for pModuleName, initialization (and hence the start of a run) will terminate in failure.

pHostOrPid is the connection paramter. Either a host IP address or the module PID depending on how it is connected to the host. fIsUsb identifies the connection type. This parameter is optional and defaults to false meaning ETHERNET is used to connect the module (pHostOrPid is an IP address), if provided and true, the module is connected via USB and pHostOrPid must be the module's PID.

VX2750Pha* getModule()();

When the VX2750EventSegment is constructed it also constructs a VX2750Pha object which is used to communicate with the physical module. This object has a lifetime that is the same as the lifetime of the VX2750EventSegment that created it. This method allows client software to obtain a pointer to the module for e.g. special applications.