

LogBook.Run, LogBook.Transition -- Encapsulate runs and their transitions for Python


PYTHONPATH=$DAQROOT/pythonLibs/nscldaq python3

import LogBook.LogBook as LogBook
book = LogBook.LogBook('logbookfile.log')
run  = LogBook.find_run(1)

id     = run.id
number = run.number
title  = run.title


n   = run.transition_count()
tnum = 0
begin_run = run.get_transition(tnum)
if run.is_current():
     #  Run is the current/active run
last_transitionid = run.last_transitionid()
last_text         = run.last_transition()

if run.is_active():
      # Run is still active.



id             = transition.id
transitionid   = transition.transition
transitiontext = transition.transition_name
timestamp      = transition.time
comment        = transition.comment
shift          = transition.shift



This page describes two classes: LogBook.Run which encapsulates a run and the associated LogBook.Transition which encapsulates a single run state transition.


This section desccribes the LogBook.Run class which provides readonly attributes and methods to access and modify runs.


Integer id

Contains the run's primary key.

Integer number

Provides the run number. This differs from the primary key because some experimenters assign skip run numbers for organizational purposes.

String title

Provides the run title string.


Integer transition_count();

Returns the number of transitions the run has undergone.

LogBook.Transition get_transition(Number n);

Returns a LogBook.Transition object that encapsulates transition number n numbered from zero. If n is out of range LogBook.error is raised.

Boolean is_current();

Returns True if this object is the current run.

Boolean is_active();

Given the constraints enforced by the database API, this is equivalent to is_current because the API enforces that there only be one active run at a time and that it is the current one.

Integer last_transitionid();

Returns the numerical value that specifies the last transition.

String last_transition();

Returns the transition name string of the last transition.

LogBook.Run end(optional String remark);

Logs an end run for the run. If provided remark is a text string that is logged along with the transition. The return value of this method is the run being operated on, this supports Chaining like

print(run.end('end run example').title + ' ended just now')

LogBook.Run pause(optional String remark);

Pauses the run. If remark is provided it is a text string that's loggeda long with the pause transition. The return value is the run itself to support chaining. See the example in end

LogBook.Run resume(optional String remark);

Logs a pause run with the optional remark string. The return value is the run being resumed.

LogBook.Run emergency_end(optional String remark);

Logs an emergency end of run for the run with the optional remark string remark. The retrun value is the run operated on.


Transitions (LogBook.Transition objects) are fetched from a LogBook.Run object via the get_transition method. These have no methods but support the following read-only attributes:

Integer id

Primary key of the transition

Integer transition

Integer code that defines the transition.

String transition_name

Human readable string that defines the transition.

int time

Timestamp that can be passed to e.g. datetime.fromtimestamp.

String comment

Comment associated with the transition.

LogBook.Shift shift

Returns a LogBook.Shift object that wraps the shift that was on-duty at the time the transition was logged.