

sis3820 -- Create and configure SIS 3820 scaler modules


sis3820 create name base ?option value...?

sis3820 config name option value ...

sis3820 cget name


Creates and configures the SIS3820 32 channel scaler for use in a stack. The create subcommand creates a new module with a base address of base, and a name name which will be used to refer to this module in later configuration commands.

The scaler readout will result in an array of 32 channels of scaler data placed in the buffer. The first longword of this data is channel 0, the last, channel 1, unless the scaler in in -timestamp mode in which case the data are three longwords that consist of channel 0, channel 16 and the high bits register that has the top 16 bits of each of those channels as a 48 bit scaler. In the timestamp mode, the scaler values are latched when a logic signal arrives on control input 1, because the module is configured for control input mode 1.

The config sub-command configures the options for the scaler name. The configuration is expressed as a series of one or more option value pairs. Options may have default values and are validity checked to ensure that valid values are supplied. See OPTIONS below for more information about the option keywords that are supported and their legal values.

The cget sub-command returns the current module configuration. The configuration is returned as a Tcl list of option value pairs. See OPTIONS below for a description of the options ans values that are returned. You should not rely on the list being in any specific order. While the list will have a deterministic order, if additional option keywords are added later on, this order may change.


-base value

Allows you to override the initial base address of the module, specified when the module was created.

-timestamp on | off

If this option is true, the scaler is read in timestamp mode as 2 48 bit scalers. If false (the default), 32 bits are read for each channel. This defaults to off. Note that normally if -timestamp is on, this module will be put in the event stack.

-inputmode mode

Sets the input mode for the module. The input mode determines the meaning of the NIM inputs on the module. Note that the default value for this depends on the value of -timestamp. Valid values for mode are:


Choose the appropriate default value for the the input mode depending on the value of -timestamp. See the discussion of the default value below.


Selects input mode 0. None of the inputs have any meaning.


Selects input mode 1. In this input mode, input 1 latches the scaler value and input 4 inhibits that signal. The other inputs are connected to external user bit 1 and 2 and are irrelevant because this driver does not provide access to those bits..


Selects input mode 2. This mode is identical to LNEInhLNE except that input 3 additionaly inhibits all scaler channels from counting.


Selects input mode 3. In this mode, input 1 is the latch input and input 4 inhibits all scaler channels from counting


The inputs inhibit 4 banks of 8 scalers (Mode 4). As there is no input dedicated to LNE (latch) using this mode in timestamp mode will result in a warning. Input 1 inhibits channels 0-7, Input 2 8-15 and so on.


Mode 5. Input 1 is a latch input, input 1 starts the module Hiscal count. This mode is not supported by NSCLDAQ at present.


Mode 6. Input 1 is a latch pulse, Input 2 inhibits counting in all channels Input 3 clears all scalers.

The default value for this parameter depends on the value of -timestamp and is computed at the start of each run, if necessary. In timestamp mode the default value is LNEInhLNE. If not timestamp mode, the default is Inh4s.

-outputmode mode

Configures the module's oputput mode; The meaning of the outputs. If not configured clock50Mhz (mode 1) is used by default. Legal values for the mode are:


Mode 1 (default), Output 5 echoes the LNE. Outupt 7 is a 50MHz clock.


Mode 0 - Output 5 echoes the LNE and output 8 is the user output (not used by this software).


Mode 2 - Output 5 is the LNE. Output 6,7 are both 10MHz clocks. Output 8 is the user LED (not used by this software).


Mode3 - Output 5 is the LNE, output 6 a 10MHz clock. Output 7,8 are not usable by this software.


The example below configures an SIS 3820 scaler to have a base address of 0x38000000

Example 1. Configuring an SIS3820 scaler module

sis3820 create scaler1 0x38000000

Example 2. Configuring an SIS3820 module as a timestamper

sis3820 create timestamper 0x38000000
sis3820 config timestamper -timestamp on

By configuring with -timestamp on, SIS3820 module is by default set to input mode LNEInhLNE and only accepts 2 inputs at channels 1 and 17 to achieve 2 48-bit-wide counters.

Channel(s) 1 and/or 17 needs to have a clock signal. Whenever LEMO1 receives signal (LNE), both counter values are read and stored into the shadow registers independent to the actual trigger signal VME controller receives which reads out the recorded values.

In most cases, LNE signal should be the same as VME controller trigger signal.

Then, make sure to add the module as the first stack item, which adds 6 words item (96 bits) after the total data size item with format that can be extracted using the following timestamp extraction library:

#include <stdint.h>
#include <DataFormat.h>
#include <iostream>

extern "C" {
  uint64_t getEventTimestamp(void* item) {
    uint16_t *body = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(item);

    body++; // Skipping size item

    uint64_t tstamp1 = 0, tstamp2 = 0;

    // Timestamp item format
    // tstamp1 for Channel 1 and tstamp2 for Channel 17
    tstamp1 |= *body++;
    tstamp1 |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*body++) << 16;

    tstamp2 |= *body++;
    tstamp2 |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*body++) << 16;

    tstamp1 |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*body++) << 32;
    tstamp2 |= static_cast<uint64_t>(*body++) << 32;

    return tstamp1; // or tstamp2

  uint64_t getScalerTimestamp(void *pBuffer) {
    return 0xffffffffffffffff;

Compile with the command below:

g++ -std=c++11 -fPIC -shared -I$DAQROOT/include -o timestamp.cpp