

programs -- API For the DAQ Manager Program Database


package require programs

program::exists db name
program::add    db name path type host options
program::replace db oldname newname path type host options
program::remove db name
set def [program::getdef db name]
set defs [program::listDefinitions db]
if {[program::isActive name]} {...}
set namesAndHosts [::program::activeContainers]
set names [::program::activePrograms]
set fd [::program::run db name ?outputHandler?]
::program::kill db name



This package provides access to the program definition part of the experiment database. It also provides procs that allow programs to be run and stopped. See EXPORTED ENTRY POINTS below for details.

A program is defined by the following mandatory data:


An integer that is unique across all programs.


This name is used to identify the program primarily to people. The name must be unique among all programs.


The filesystem path to an executable entity. Executable entities can be binary program sor they can be scripts.

If the program runs containerized the executable entity must be locatable within the containerized environment. This means that if the path to the script is incomplete, the PATH variable in the container must be able to locate the program. Alternatively, if the path to the program is complete, but the image of the filesystem within the container is different that in the host, the path within the container must be used.


The type of the program. Programs can be Transitory, which means it is expected they will exit. There are also two types of persistent programs (programs that are not expected to exit): Critical programs are required for the data acquisition system to function properly. If a Critical program exits, the DAQ manager forces the DAQ system to shutdown. Persistent programs are not expected to exit but, if they do, data taking can continue.


The DNS name of the host in which the program will be run. You should specify exactly the name of the host in which to run the program and not use localhost.

Several optional bits of data can be associated with a program and define the environment in which the program runs. Not all of these items are used at this implementation of the system.


The name of a container in which the program will run. This container must be defined in the containers package.


An initialization script run prior to running the program. This is not yet used. The contents of this script are pulled into the database. Thus changes to the initialization script (once it's implemented) will not bee seen until the program is re-defined.

By not used, I mean that the GUI systems to edit program definitions don't provide a mechanism for providing this script. At program activation time, any initialization script provided is used.

Since the contents of the script are sucked into the database, it's important to provide the path to the script at the time the program is defined.


Not currently used. If the program provides a REST service, its name should be provided here.


A list of environment name, value pairs which will be put into the program's environment before it is started.

For example, when a Tcl script is the program, you may need to supply a TCLLIBPATH=$DAQTCLLIBS environment definition


The working directory in which the program will be started. If not provided, you should make no assumptions about the working directory the program will be run in.

These bits of optional data are used to construct the command used to run the program.


These are the program options and optionally values needed by those options. For example, for a Readout, an option might be --ring with a value like fox. It is legal for options not to have a value (for example --oneshot).

Options are considered to be unordered.


Parameters are placed on the command line following all options. They are considered to be a list of ordered values. An example of program parameters might be the name of the host in which the manager is running.


All of the exported entries are in the ::program namespace. If you are browsing the source code of the package. Note that any proc name beginning with a _ is internal and not gauranteed to be stable over time.

program::exists db name

Determines if the named program; name has been defined in the database whose SQLite3 connection is db

program::add db name path type host ?options?

Adds a new program definition in the SQLite3 experiment configuration database pointed to by db

name is the name that will be given to the new program. The name must be unique across all program definitions in the database. If a program with that name already exists, an error will be thrown.

path is the path to the thing (executable program or script) that will be run when name is run. Note that if the program is containerized, this path must be correct within the container rather than the host system.

type is the program type. This is one of Transitory, Critical or Persistent. Transitory programs are expected to exit, normally relatively quickly. Critical programs are required for the DAQ system to run. If a critical program exits, the manager shuts down the DAQ system. Persistent programs are also intended to not exit, however the DAQ system can continue to run without them.

host is the DNS name of the system in which the program will be run.

The options optional parameter is provided to supply additional information describing the environment and manner in which the program will be run. It consists of a dict that whose keys are parameter names and values for those parameters.

None of the keys are mandatory. The keys are:


If supplied, this must be the name of a container that is already defined via the containers package. If supplied, the program, when run, will be run in the container environment specified by that container definition.


Initialization script. This should be the path to a valid shell script in the context in which the program::add command is run. The contents of this file, at the time program::add is called will be stored in the database and, when the program is run, will be run prior to executing the program.


This is not yet used. If your program publishes a service with the NSCLDAQ port manager, the name of this service should be placed here.


The value of this key is a list of program command line options. If an option is a two element list, the first is considered to be the option name and the second a value associated with the option.

name value pairs become command line options of the form name=value.

The order in which options are specified is not considered to be important, however, they are written on the command line in the same order as provided here.


The value of this is a list of values that will be provided as program command line parameters in the order in which they are given here.


The value of this is a list of name value pairs that will become environment variables available to the program.


Sets a current working directory for the program. Note if the program is containerized, this must be expressed in terms of the containerized file system. If this is not specified, no assumptions should be made about the working directory in which the program is run.

Note that when the program is run, a script is generated to run the program. As such, any shell substitutions can be specified for any of the values used to start a program.

program::replace db oldname newname path type host ?options?

Replaces the program named oldname with the program named newname that is defined by the remaining parameters. These parameters have the same meaning as in program::add above.

The new program definition retains the primary key of the root record of the old program. This means that all references to the program are retained throughout the database.

program::remove db name

Removes the program named name from the database whose connection command is db.

>program::getdef db name

Returns a dict that describes the program name in the database db. The dict will have the following keys and values:


A unique integer that identifies the program. In database terminology, this is the primary key of the root record of the program definition.


Name of the program


Path to the program or script that will be run.


Type of the program in text form. This will be one of Transitory, Persistent or Critical.


Integer value that's related to the type. In fact the legal types are in a database table, and this value is the primary key for the type described in type.


The DNS name of the host in which the program will be run.


Present only if a working directory was specified for the program. The value will be the value of that directory.

container_name, container_id

If present, the program is to be run containerized. The container_name value is the name of the container in which to run the program. The container_id value is the primary key of the container's root record.


If an initialization script was specified, this will be the contents of that script file at the time the program was defined with program::add


If present a service name was provided and the value is the name provided.


List of two element lists where the first element of each sublist is a program option name and the second element its value. If the option has no value, the second element is an empty string.


List of parameters that will be added to the program command line. These are considered to be ordered. That is they are added to the command line after the options and in the same order as this list.


A list of two item sublists that define additions to the environment variables that will be added to the environment prior to running the program. The first element of each sublist is the name of an environment variable and the second is the value of that variable.