

auth -- Manager Authorization System


package require auth

auth::adduser db username
auth::addrole db rolename
auth::rmrole db rolename
auth::grant db user role
auth::revoke db user role
set usernames [auth::users db]
set roles [auth::listRoles db]
set info [auth::listAll db]



Implements the database for a role based authorization system. In role based authorization systems, there are users and there are roles. Users can be granted one or more roles and roles the currently have been granted can be revoked. The authorized capabilities of the user are then determined by the roles they've been granted.

Note the difference between authorization, and authentication. Authentication is the process of "proving" who you are. For example, when you provide a user name and a password to login, you are authenticating. Authorization is the process of determining, the access appropriate to an authenticated user. For example, the unix file modes determine, for a specific authenticated user the operations that user can perform on that file.

This package explicitly addresses authorization and explictly does not address authentication.


In the command documentation that follows, all commands require an SQLite3 database access command. The parameter db is that access command and will not be mentioned further.

auth::adduser db username

Adds a new user, username to the set of users that can be authorized with roles. username must not have been added in the past or an error will be thrown.

auth::addrole db rolename

Adds a new role, rolenamethat can be granted to users. rolename must not be the name of an existing role or else an error will be thrown.

auth::rmrole db rolename

Removes the role rolename from the list of roles that can be granted to users. A scorched earth policy is adopted in the sense that prior to removing the role it is revoked from any users it has been granted to.

An error is throw if rolename is not an existing role.

auth::grant db user role

Grants the user the role named by role. Both user and role must have been previously defined as a user and a role respectively or else an error will be thrown.

Once the user has been granted this role, the user has all of the capabilities implied by that role.

auth::revoke db user role

Revokes the role named role from the user named user. Any capabilities implied by the role that are not also implied by another role the user was granted are no longer allowed to that user.

By the previous paragraph we mean that the set of capabilities carried by roles may not be orthogonal.

auth::users db

Returns a list of the user names that have been added to the system.

auth::listRoles db

Returns a list of all of the role names that have been added to the system.

auth::listAll db

Lists all of the information in the authorization database. The result is a dict. The dict keys are usernames and the values for each key are a list of roles that have been granted to that user. Users with no roles granted will appear as keys in to the dict and those keys will have empty lists as values.