

ReadoutState -- Show Readout State and Request Transitions (VIEW)


package require ReadoutRESTUI

ReadoutState name ?option value ...?
name configure option value ?...?



Provides a view that allows users to see and attempt to modify the state of a Readout program. The view consists of a label that shows a programmable state value, and three pushbuttons. One pushbutton has a variable function lable that depends on the value of the state display. The other two can request hardware initialization and Readout program shutdown.

Two options determine what the user sees and what action is performed as a result of clicking a button:


Provides the Readout's current state to the view. Valid values are the text strings: idle, active, paused and inconsistent. The value of this determines the label and state of the variable purpose button.

Legal values are, for the most part, self explanatory. The inconsistent value allows for a case when the view is displaying data from several Readout programs and the states of those programs is momentarily not consistent.


Provides a script that is invoked when any button is clicked. THe script gets a value passed to it that indicates what the button wanted done. This value is one of begin, end, init or shutdown.