
EVBRESTCient -- REST Client for Event Builder Statistics


package require EVBRESTClient

EVBRestClient client ?option value...?
client configure option value ?...?

set stats [client inputstats]
set stats [client queuestats]
set stats [client outputstats]
set stats [client barrierstats]
set stats [client completebarrierdetails]
set stats [client incompletebarrierdetails]
set stats [client datalatestatistics]
set stats [client oostatistics]
set stats [client connections]
set stats [client shutdown]



The EVBRESTClient package provides a EVBRestClient snit::type. EVBRestClient provides an object oriented REST client for the event builder's REST statistics server.

Each REST operation performs service discovery, connects to the server, makes a request, gets the data back from the request and disconnects. Thuse the configuration is tolerant in the presence of event builder restarts (which might change the service port) and can made to understand server migration.

Client configuration is via the object options, which can be set either at construction time or via a later configure subcommand. Actual REST operations require calling one of the public methods.


The options are used to configure service discovery and connection with the event builder REST server. They are consulted for every REST operation. Each REST operation performs service discovery (interacting with the port manager to translate the service name into a TCP/IP server port number), connects to the server, performs the HTTP transaction and finally disconnects.

Options are as follows:


Provides the host in which the server is running. This is used both in service discovery and when connecting to the actual server.


The user that ran the event builder. This is used during service discovery to dis-ambiguate services with the same name that were registered by different users.


Name of the service registered by the event builder's REST server. This defaults to ORDERER_REST unless modified by the application. This is used during service discovery.


Most public methods perform REST operations. In order to perform a REST transaction, it's necessary to have the information needed to do both service discovery and to connect to the server. Thus the options described in the previous section must be properly configured prior to the first public method call described below. This configuration can be done either at construction or via the configure method.

The methods that perform REST operations are as follows:


Returns the event builder's input statistics as a dict with the following key/value pairs:


The timestamp of the oldest queued fragment.


The timestamp of the newest queued fragment.


The total number of queued fragments.


Returns the queue statistics as list of dicts. Each dict describes one of the source id queues. The key/value pairs in each dict are:


The source id the queue serves.


Number of fragments in the queue.


Timestamp of the oldest (front) element int he queue.


Number of fragment bytes queued.


Total number of bytes dequeued from the queue.


Total number of bytes that have ever been queued in the queue.


Returns a dict that describes the event builder sorting stage's output statistics. This is a dict with the following key/value pairs;


Total number of fragments otutput by the orderer.


List of dicts showing output statistics for each queue. These dicts have the keys id whichi s the source id the queue serves and fragments, the number of fragments output from the queue.


Returns a dict containing the top level barrier statistics. The dict has two keys, complete which describes the complete barriers and incomplete which describes the incomplete barriers.

Each of key values above is, itself a dict. Both dicts are identical in structure and have the following key/value pairs:


Number of that type of barrier (complete or incomplete).


Number of homogeneous barriers of that type (complete or incomplete).


Number of heterogeneous barriers of that type.


Provides detailed information about the complete barriers. This is a dict with two keys that allow drill down in two directions:

The bytype key contains a list of dicts that give complete barrier statistics by barrier type. Each dict contains the keys type (a barrier type) and count (number of occurences of that type).

The bysource key provides a list of dicts that provide statistics of complete barrier contributions by data source Each list has the keys id (the source id), count (number of barrier fragments from this source that resulted in a complete barrier), and details.

The details field is an array of dicts each with key type, a barrier type, and count, the number of times that source contributed a barrier fragment of that type that resulted in a complete barrier.


Provides full statistical details on incomplete barriers detected by the orderer. This returns a dict containing two keys. histogram and bysource.

The value of histogram is a list of dicts each with two keys. number, which contains the number of missing fragments in an incomplete barrier and count, the number of times an incomplete barrier was missing that number of fragments.

bysource is a list of dicts each with the keys id which is a source id and count, the number of times that source id was missing from a barrier.


Returns a dict of data late statisitcs. This dict contains the following keys:


Number of data late fragments.


Worst gates timestamp difference for data late events.


A list of dicts that provides detailed data late statistics. Each dict contains id, a source id. count number of data lates from that data source. worst worst case time difference for data laste events from that source id.


Provides data on the out of order fragments set to the orderer. The data returned are a dict with the two keys summary and bysource

The summary key provides top level, summary statistics. It contains a dict that has the keys count, which is the number of out of order fragments observed, prior, the timestamp of the fragment prior to the last out of order fragment and offending the timestamp of the most recent offending fragment.

bysource, on the other hand, provides information on the data late fragments by data source. The value of this key is a list of dicts with the keys: id a data source id being described by this list element, count the number of data late fragments from that source, prior, the timestamp of the fragment prior to the last out of order fragment from this source and offending the timestamp of the most recent offending fragment from that source.


Returns a list of the connections of data sources to the event orderer stage of the event builder pipeline. This is a list of dicts. Each dict has the following key/value pairs:


IP or DNS name of the host from which the client connects.


A descriptive text string the connecting client must provide. This is intended to provide information about the sort of data sent along this connection.


String version of the connection state.


Boolean valued idle flag. If the connection has not sent any data within the idle timeout this will be nonzero, otherwise it will be zero.


Returns a boolean which is true if the event builder is currently asserting flow control.

shutdown ?delay?

Requests that the event builder shutdown after delay seconds. The default value of delay is 2. Note that early server implementations may ignore this value.