46.3. Manager User Interface API

This section descsribes support for building user interfaces that interact with the Manager. While these are intended to interact through the REST interface, in fact the architecture is, in many cases quite a bit more general.

Before digging into the user interface support classes in subsections to this section, it's important to say something about the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture on which most of these GUI classes are based.

MVC provides a generlized patter for building software that requires user interaction. In MVC, applications consist of three interacting objects:


A view object provides presentation and interaction controls. It specifies what the user sees, given data, and how the user can attempt to interact with that data.

For the purposes of the following discussion, our view objects are represented by snit megawidgets.


Model objects provide access to the data. This access can be read-only or read-write depending on the application.

For the purposes of the following discussion, our model objects are represented by REST, interface objects or database APIs.


Controller objects mediate between the view and the application's model. It is controllers that get data from the models and load them into the view for presentation. Controllers also respond to events detected by the view and, interact with the model either to get more or different data to present or to request the model to modify data it managers.

In the following discussion, the controllers are implemented as snit::type instances.

46.3.1. Eventlog database configuration MVC

Model. The evlogeditmodel provides a model, in the form of the snit::type evlogEditModel that supports obtaining and modifiying the event log configuration.

The model is instantiated with the -database option set to be a data base configuration file. This is the underlying database the model abstracts through the following methods:


Returns a list of the names of all the containers defined in the database.


Returns a list of the dicts defining the current set of event loggers. This is a thin wrapper around ::eventlog::listLoggers

updateEventLogs newLoggerDefs

Removes existing event log definitions and replaces them with those in the newLoggerDefs list of dicts. The dicst in newLoggerDefs have the same form as those returned from listEventLogs. Note, however that the id key, if provided is ignored and the underlying API will assign its own ids.

View. The package evlogEditViews provides several view like snit::widgetadaptors (using ttk::frame as hulls). These views are:


Which provides a view of a single logger and the capability to modify its definition.


Provides an overview presentation of a list of event loggers with the ability to choose from the list.


Provides a fully featured editor view class that allows users to select from an logger in a evlogListView and then use evlogEditLogger to modify its definition.

evlogEditLogger can be loaded with the definition of a single event log and provides the ability to edit it. It has the following options and methods:


The list of container names that p;opulate the drop down from which a container can be selected.


The label of the button that saves the definition. This can be customized to allow it to read e.g. Create when creating a new editor or Update or Save when editing an existing one.


Script to be executed when the button is clicked. Note that this is normally the hook the controller uses to respond to saved event loggers.

load logger

Loads the logger eventlog definition dict into the view. logger is a dict with the same key/value pair definitions an element of the list returned from eventlog::listLoggers.


Returns the contents of the editor as a logger definition dict with the keys: daqroot, ring, host, partial, destination critical, enabled and container.

selectContainer name

Sets the container selection dropdown to name. This is normaly done after a load call, after the -containers option has been configured to set the default container name to be the container the loaded event logger is using.

The evlogListView view provides a table of event log editor definitions. It allows the client to set up a context menu activated via a right click and handlers for that menu. Instances of evlogListView have the following options and methods:


The value of this option is the data that comes from ::eventlog::listLoggers, or some identically formatted list of dicts.


A list of text strings. These text strings will be the entries in the context menu activated by right clicking over a definition line in the table.


Command invoked when a context menu entry is seleted. The script is passed the text of the menu entry and the definition of the item the menu was selected on.

This provides the hook for controllers or other clients to actually process context menu selections.

highlight def

Given a logger definition dict, def, highlight that entry in the table in reverse video.

unhighlight def

Given a logger definition dict def, remove any highlight from that entry that might have been added by highlight.


Removes the highlighting from all entries that are currently highlighted as a result of applying highlight to them.

The evlogEditorView provides an integrated editor view. It builds on the evlogListView, providing context menu definitions that support editing via the evlogEditLogger view. evlogEditorView does not export any public methods but does export the following configuration options:


Suplies/fetches the list of logger definitions in the form eventlog::listLoggers produces.


List of containers to provide to the evlogEditLogger instance created to edit a logger.


Script that will be called when the Save button is clicked.


Command executed when the Cancel button is clicked.

Controller. Mediates between a evlogEditorView or compatible (via duck typing) view object and a evlogEditModel or compatible mode object. The controller supports only two options: -model configures the model object and -view configures the view object.

46.3.2. Output Monitor MVC.

This subsystem uses the pre-existing OutputWindow view object which will not be documented here, other than to say that it provides a scrolling window into which read-only text can be placed. The result of this MVC triad is to provide a user interface into which output from programs relayed by the manager to clients can be presented to users.

ManagerOutputModel (Model). Instances of this class provide the data from the manager. Specifically, what's provided are lines of text that have been output by programs under the control oft the manager. Some features of this modela re:

Note that to immplement these features requirs that the client application be event loop driven.

The ManagerOutputModel provides several configuration options:


The value of this option is the host the manager is running in. This option can only be set at construction time.


This option is the service the manager is advertising for the output relay service. This defaults to DAQManager-outputMonitor which is the default name of this service.

This option can only be specified at constrution time.


The user that started the DAQ manager this object will connect to. This defaults to the current user which may not be correct. This option can only be specified at construction time.


The script to be invoked when program output has been relayed to the model. This script will receive the object instance command and output received in that order as parameters.


Script to be invoked when a connection has been made to the manager's output relay service. This script will receive the object instance command as a parameter.


Script to be invoked when the connection to the server has been lost. This script will receive the object instance command as a parameter.


The number of times the object will try to reconnect if the connection is lost or cannot be made. This defaults to 100


Number of seconds between connection retries. This defaults to 1.


Script that's invoked if the connection retry count was exceeded. The object instance command is passed as a parameter.

Only one public method is provided connect which starts attempting connections. If the object is already connected it is disconnected. If the object is attempting to connect but not yet succeeded, this resets the connection retry count.

Note that connect is invoked by the constructor and therefore is typically not needed unless the -connectionabandoned script is invoked and the application wants to start another cycle of connection requests./

ManagerOutputController (controller). Instances of this class bind togehter a ManagerOutputModel with a OutputWindow or compatible object(s). Instances of the class latch onto the model's -output option script and relay data received to the OutputWindow.

Two options configure instances:


The value of this option is the model object instance command. If there is previously an object configured as the model, the -output option of that model is configured to be an empty script.

Supplying a -model object configures that object's -output option to be handled by this controller.


The value of this object is the view object instance command to which output will be sent via it's log method. When output is received and a view is configured, it is logged using the output log level.