Chapter 1. Introduction

This guide provides tutorial and introduction material for NSCL researchers that needto convert their software from the NSCL Spectrodaq data acquisition system to the Ringbuffer data acquisition system. While the ring buffer data acquisition system (RingDaq) attempts to provide a high degree of source code compatibility with Spectrdaq data acquisition (SDAQ), there are some unavoidable differences.

As with SDAQ, the RingDaq provides a data acquisition framework into which experimenters must add a data source program (called Readout by convention), and an online analysis event unpacker (SpecTcl event processor(s)). This guide shows you how to d create these components from scratch as well as from existing SDAQ components you may already have. Each chapter of this guide is intended to be nearly standalone, with supplemental material provided in the reference guide at http://docs.nscl.msu/edu/daq/ringbuffer. This allows you to skip to the chapter that has the material you need next to get going: