3.4. Porting scaler readout to RingDaq

Scaler readout classes area also supported by RingDaq. This section describes how to port an SPDAQ Production readout scaler class to RingDaq and how to register it with the readout skeleton.

Let's start out with a scaler class that can read out a SIS 3820 scaler module for the SPDAQ production readout framework. The header for the starting point of our work is shown below:

Example 3-8. Production readout scaler class (header)

#include <CScaler.h>
#include <stdint.h>

class CSIS3820;

class MyScaler : public CScaler
  CSIS3820* m_pScaler;
  MyScaler(uint32_t base, unsigned vmeCrate=0);
  virtual ~MyScaler();

  void Initialize();
  void Read(std::vector<unsigned long>& scalers);
  void Clear();
  unsigned int size();


The implementation of this event segment is shown below.

Example 3-9. Production readout scaler class (implementation)

#include <config.h>
#include "MyScaler.h"
#include <CSIS3820.h>

MyScaler:: MyScaler(uint32_t base, unsigned vmeCrate) :
  m_pScaler(new CSIS3820(base, vmeCrate))

MyScaler:: ~MyScaler()
  delete m_pScaler;



unsigned int
MyScaler::size() { return 32; }

MyScaler:: Read(std::vector<unsigned long>& scalers)
  uint32_t              channels[32];

  m_pScaler->LatchAndRead(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(channels));
  scalers.insert(scalers.end(), channels, channels + 32);

As we will see scaler classes in RingDaq are quite similar:

  1. Function names are the same but begin in lower case rather than upper-case (e.g. Initialize should be changed to initialize).

  2. The read method simply returns an std::vector<uint32_t> rather than appendint to one passed in.

  3. There is no size method

A straightforward applictation of these rules leads to a header that looks like:

Example 3-10. SPDAQ Scaler to Ring Buffer (I)

#include <CScaler.h>
#include <stdint.h>

class CSIS3820;

class MyScaler : public CScaler
  CSIS3820* m_pScaler;
  MyScaler(uint32_t base, unsigned vmeCrate=0);
  virtual ~MyScaler();

  void initialize();
  std::vector<uint32_t> read();
  void clear();


Not really much to point out here. The method names are all now lower case, the size method has bee removed, and the signature of the read method has been modified to return a vector of the data read.

The implementation really only differs in the read method and even there only trivially. Confining ourselves to that code fragment from the port to the RingDaq we see:

Example 3-11. SPDAQ Scaler to Ring Buffer (II)

MyScaler:: read()              (1)
  uint32_t              channels[32];  
  std::vector<uint32_t> scalers; (2)

  m_pScaler->LatchAndRead(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(channels));
  scalers.insert(scalers.end(), channels, channels + 32);
  return scalers;   (3)
The read method now returns a vector rather than accepting a reference to one as a parameter.
We have declared a local vector into which the data can be moved. That vector will be returned. Doing this makes the remainder of the code almost identical to the previous code.
Almost identical that is. The vector we fill must be returned to the caller as the function result.

Once we have ported our scalers we need to register them with the Skeleton.cpp. This is done in a manner that is identical to the way it is done for production readout code in SPDAQ:

Example 3-12. Registering scaler objects with RingDaq

#include "MyScaler.h"  (1)
Skeleton::SetupScalers(CExperiment* pExperiment) 
  CReadoutMain::SetupScalers(pExperiment);      // Establishes the default scaler trigger.

  // Sample: Set up a timed trigger at 2 second intervals.

  timespec t;
  t.tv_sec  = 2;   (2)
  t.tv_nsec = 0;
  CTimedTrigger* pTrigger = new CTimedTrigger(t);

  // Create and add your scaler modules here.

  pExperiment->AddScalerModule(new MyScaler(0x80000000)); (3)

Includes the MyScaler.h header so that the class can be instantiated into an object which will be registered as a scaler.
This is the number of seconds between scaler readouts.
Adds the scaler to the ordered list of scalers that will be read out in response to the scaler trigger.