2.4. Tying the pieces together

Now that we have an event segment and a scaler module, we must tie this all together into a readout program by registering the appropriate objects with the readout framework. In this section we will:

All of these operations involve editing the Skeleton.cpp file that was distributed as part of the skeleton.

2.4.1. Specifying the event trigger.

In this section we'll look at how to specify the event trigger for the readout framework. Really we need to specify two things. How to know when an event should be read, and how to indicate to the electronics when the event readout is complete.

Each readout must specify an object that is a CEventTrigger as the trigger object. This object is repeatedly asked if an event is ready to be read. Each readout may optionally specify an object that is a CBusy object. The readout framework interacts with that object (if specified) to determine how to indicate to the electronics that additional triggers can be responded to.

While you can write your own event trigger and busy classes, the framework comes with support for the CAEN V262 and CAEN V977 as trigger/busy electronics in the form of Busy and trigger classes. See the reference information for more about those. For now, we will set up our readout to trigger and report busy-ness via the CAEN V262 module.

Example 2-16. Sepcifying the trigger/busy

#include <config.h>
#include "Skeleton.h"
#include <CExperiment.h>
#include <TCLInterpreter.h>
#include <CTimedTrigger.h>

#include "CCAENEventSegment.h"

#include "CSIS3820Scaler.h"

#include <CCAENV262Trigger.h>  (1)
#include <CCAENV262Busy.h>

Skeleton::SetupReadout(CExperiment* pExperiment)
  pExperiment->EstablishTrigger(new CCAENV262Trigger(0x444400, 0) ); (2)
  pExperiment->EstablishBusy(new CCAENV262Busy(0x444400, 0));        (3)

This header and the next define the CV262Trigger and CV262Busy classes which we will be using as trigger and busy classes respectively.
This line of code creates a new CV262Trigger object for a module with base address of 0x444400 in VME crate 0. This is the traditional location of this module in the NSCL DAQ. The all to the EstablishTrigger method of the CExperiment object makes this trigger module the experiment event trigger.
Similarly, this line creates a CV262Busy object at the same VME base address and establishes it as the module that will handle and maintain the program's busy state.

2.4.2. Specifying what is read out by an event trigger

The Skeleton::SetupReadout method of the skeleton is also where event segment should be registered. You can imagine the CExperiment as a CCompoundEventSegment in the sense that it implements the AddEventSegment method. This method allows you to specify the set of event segments you want to respond to the event trigger.

CExperiment and CCompoundEventSegment invoke corresopnding methods of the event segments added to them in the order in which they were registered. This allows you to control the exact sequence in which event segments put their data into the output event.

The sample code fragments below:

  1. Build a compound event segment from several CCAENEventSegment objects

  2. Wraps the compound event segment into a CEventPacket and adds it to the readout.

  3. Wraps a single CCAENEventSegment object in a CEventPacket and adds that to the readout as well.

Example 2-17. Adding event segments to the experiment

#include "CCAENEventSegment.h"
#include <CCompoundEventSegment.h>   (1)
#include <CEventPacket.h>
Skeleton::SetupReadout(CExperiment* pExperiment)
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc0 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x10000000, 0);
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc1 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x11000000, 1);
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc2 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x12000000, 2); (2)
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc3 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x13000000, 3);
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc4 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x14000000, 4);
   CCAENEventSegment* pTdc5 = new CCAENEventSegment(0x15000000, 5);
   CCompountEventSegment* pCompound = new CCompoundEventSegment;   (3)
   pExperiment->AddEventSegment(new CEventPacket(*pCompound,    (4)
                                                  0xff01, "Compound",
                                                  "Sample compound event segment",
   pExperiment->AddEventSegment(new CEventPacket(*pTdc5,        (5)
                                                0xff02, "Simple",
                                                "Sample simple event segment",
These headers must be included to get the class definitions we need for our readout definitions. The CCAENEventSegment.h header is assumed to hold the class definitions for the CCAENEventSegment we developed earlier in the chapter.
Creates the event segments that manage the individual TDC modules. Each module is given a unique virtual slot number and base address.
Creates a compound event segment that contains the first 5 TDC events egments (pTdc0 through pTdc4).
Wraps the compound event segment in a packet whose id will be 0xff01 and whose short name is Compound. The event segment is added as the first segment to be read by the readout framework in response to a trigger.
Wraps pTdc5 in a packet whose id will be 0xff02 and whose short name will be Simple. This event packet is added as the second segment to be read in response to a trigger.

To conclude this section, let's look at how the software responds to an event trigger.

When the trigger fires, The Readout framework will first invoke the read method of Compound event packet. The event packet will save space for the packet size and insert the header. It will then call the read method of its event segment, pCompound. pCompound in turn will invoke the read method of each of the event segments it wraps in the order in which they were added: pTdc0, pTdc1,... pTdc4. Once all events egments are read, the compound event segment will compute and fill in the size field of the header.

The readout framework will next invoke the read method of the Simple event segment. This will perform in the same way as Compound except that it will directly call the read method of pTdc.

Once the event has been read out, the same algorithm will be applied, however the clear method will be invoked.

2.4.3. Specifying the scaler readout

Specifying the scaler readout is very similar to specifying the event trigger response. This is done in the method Skeleton::SetupScalers.

At present, this method sets up a timed trigger as the scaler readout trigger. The default code sets the scaler readout trigger period to 2 seconds.

You must add code to this method to define the response to the scaler trigger. If you don't want a timed trigger, you can substitite some other trigger object if you have some special application need.

In the example below, several SIS3820 scalers are combined to form a scaler bank. That scaler bank is registered, and then a single SIS3820 module is registered.

Example 2-18. Setting up scaler readout

#include "CSIS3820Scaler.h>"      (1)
#include <CScalerBank>"
Skeleton::SetupScalers(CExperiment* pExperiment) 


  timespec t;
  t.tv_sec  = 2;
  t.tv_nsec = 0;
  CTimedTrigger* pTrigger = new CTimedTrigger(t);

    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler0 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80000000);
    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler1 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80010000);
    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler2 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80020000);
    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler3 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80030000);
    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler4 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80040000);
    CSIS3820Scaler* pScaler5 = new CSIS3820Scaler(0x80050000);
    CScalerBank* pBank = new CScalerBank;


Includes the headers we will need in the code that follows. The assumption is that the CSIS3820Scaler class header is named CSIS3820Scaler.h.
This code sets up a timed trigger for scalers. The line that reads t.tv_sec = 2; sets the readout period to 2 seconds. Since the scaler timestamp resolution is whole seconds, you shoule leave the tv_nsec field set to zero.
This code creates 6 CSIS3820Scaler objects and assigns their addresses to pScaler0 ... pScaler5.
Adds the scalers pScaler0 through pScaler4 to the scaler bank. The order in which they are added determines the order in which they will be read.
The scaler bank and remaining scaler module are added to the set of scalers the readout will read/clear when the scaler trigger fires. Once more these are read in the order in which they were registered.