

attach -- Connect SpecTcl to a data source


attach ?options? ?sourcetype? connection...


attach connects SpecTcl to a data source. If SpecTcl is already connected to a data source, the previous data source is first disconnected. Once connected to a data source the start and stop commands control when data is analyzed from that source.

There are fundamentally two types of data sources; files and programs connected to SpecTcl by a pipe. The source type is a required parameter on the attach command. Other options control SpecTcl's understanding about the data format and how to process it.

The data source type determines the format of the connection parameters.


The attach command must have exactly one data source option, which determines how the connection parameter(s) are processed. This can be one of:


Data comes from a file. The connection consists of a single parameter that is the path to the file in the filesystem.


Data comes from a program. The program is started using the connection words as command and arguments. Any number of connection words are allowed but they must, of course, make sense to the program.

Programs attached in this way have their stdout connected to a pipe from which SpecTcl reads data.


Not actually a data source type, this provides information about the currently attached data source. If this is provided all other options are ignored.

The remaining options can be used in any combination:


The number of bytes SpecTcl will read from the data source at any given time. For some data source formats, this is important (see -format below), for others this just says something about the I/O efficiency of SpecTcl

-format format-value

Specifies the format of the data being analyzed. SpecTcl comes with a set of formats it knows about. This set of formats can be extended as well, however that process is not in the scope of this manual.

The value of the -format flag can say something about how strictly the value of -size must be. Specifically, if you are anlyzing data from a format that uses fixed sized buffering, the -size parameter must match the buffer size.

The built in format values are:


This is the 'traditional' nscl daq format for NSCLDAQ data from versions 8.0 and earlier.

At this time this is only useful for legacy data.


A specialized version of nscl that allowed for buffer sizes larger than 128Kbytes.


The file is an XDR Filter file. SpecTcl must be properly prepared to analyze filter data. See the User Guide for more information.


Data is from nscldaq 10.0 and later, ring buffer data. Note that the ringformat command may be required to specify the ring buffer format prior to starting analysis.

If a ring buffer event file is seen from its very beginning, SpecTcl can and will automatically determine the ring buffer format. If, as is often the case in online analyais, the data source connects to the middle of a run, the ringformat command must correctly specify the ring format prior to issuing the start command.


Only the -list produces anything. If the data source is a pipe data source, the words that were used to invoke the program are returned. If the source is a file data source, the return value will be File: file-name.


Example 1. Attaching to a data file for nscldaq-11:

attach -format ring -file /user/fox/stagearea/complete/run-0001-00.evt

The command above attaches the ring buffer file: /user/fox/stagearea/complete/run-0001-00.evt the start command is needed to start analyzing data. Since this is segment 0 of a file data source, by definition SpecTcl will haves sufficient information to determine the ring item format.

Example 2. Attaching to the online system via a pipe data source

attach -format ring -pipe /usr/opt/daq/current/bin/ringselector --non-blocking --sample=PHYSICS_EVENT tcp://

Uses the ringselector program supplied with NSCLDAQ to attach SpecTcl to the online system. ringselector accepts data from a ring buffer and outputs it to stdout making it suitable for use as a pipe data source. The switches use ensure that analysis by SpecTcl cannot bottle neck the dataflow.

In this case, it's advisable to issue a ringformat command prior to intiating analysis.

Example 3. Attaching to a compressed datafile:

attach -format ring -pipe zcat /user/fox/stagearea/compressed/run0.gz

This examples hows that pipe data sources can productively be somethingo ther than just connectors to the online system. In this case a gzipped event file is analyzed without requiring the file exist in uncompressed form.