

treevariable -- List and manipulate tree variables


treevariable -list

treevariable -set name value units

treevariable -check name

treevariable -setchanged name

treevariable -firetraces ?pattern?


The Tree parameter package provides for a binding between a set of Tcl variables and elements of a structured data type. Such bound variables are called treevariables Associated with a tree variable is a units specificationon that can be used to document to the user what is expected for the parameter.

Note in the discussion below, that the ordinary Tcl set command can be used to modify the value of a treevariable, as Tcl's core sees them as ordinary variables.

The first command parameter after the treevariable command is an option that defines the desired operation, the nmber and the meaning of the remaining parameters on the command line. The following section describes each valid switch, its parameters and what it does.


treevariable -list

Lists the properties of all or some of the treevariables. The optional pattern parameter allows you to select which variables are listed (if omitted all are listed). The pattern is a glob pattern which means that all of the wildcard specifications you can use to select Unix filenames are accepted.

The output of this command is a list. Each element of the list describes a single variable. Each parameter is described as a sublist containing the following elements:


The name of the variable. This is a period separated path to a single variable.


The current value of the variable.


Units of measure of the variable. This documents the expected units of measure of the values given to this parameter.

treevariable -set name value units

Modifies both the value and units of a tree variable; name. The new value of the parameter will be value and the new units units.

treevariable -check name

This subcommand returns 0 if the variable's changed flag is false and 1 if it is true. Each tree variable has a changed flag that reflects whether or not the variable's properties have changed. In the case of a treevariable, the properties of a variable are considered to be its value and units.

Being able to determine if treevariable properties have changed allows scripts to know if it is necessary to save these changes.

treevariable -setchanged name

This subcommand allows you to set the variable changed flag. See treevariable -check for more information about what this means.

treevariable -firetraces ?pattern?

If there are traces established on the variable and its value has changed since the last attempt to fire its traces, the variables that match pattern will have Tcl_UpdateLinkedVar called on their behalf.

pattern is a glob pattern. If omitted it defaults to * which operates on all parameters.

Many Tk widgets have a -variable or -textvariable that maps displays the value of a variable in some part of the widget. These widgets rely on traces to know when to update their state.


Example 1. Listing all variables:

treeparam) 10 % treevariable -list

{vars.unused.00 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.01 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.02 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.03 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.04 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.05 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.06 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.07 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.08 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.unused.09 0 furl/fort} 
{vars.w1 1 arb/chan} 
{vars.w2 1 arb/chan}


Example 2. Using a glob pattern; listing variables thaty start with vars.w

(treeparam) 12 % treevariable -list vars.w*

{vars.w1 1 arb/chan} 
{vars.w2 1 arb/chan} 

Example 3. Modifying value and units of a tree variable

(treeparam) 15 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 1 arb/chan}
(treeparam) 16 % treevariable -set vars.w1 0.5 MeV/channel
(treeparam) 17 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 0.5 MeV/channel}

If we only wnat to modify the value of a tree variable, without changing the units, we can take advantage of the fact that a tree variable is a wrapper around a Tcl variable of the same name:

Example 4. Changing only the value of a tree parameter

(treeparam) 17 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 0.5 MeV/channel}
(treeparam) 18 % set vars.w1 1.3
(treeparam) 19 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 1.3 MeV/channel}                

Since the tree variable wraps a Tcl variable with the same name, we can use substitution to ensure we only modify the units of a tree variable. Note that the scope of substitution requires us to quote tha variable name or else Tcl will think the name of the variable stops at the first ..

Example 5. Modifying only the units of a tree variable

(treeparam) 19 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 1.3 MeV/channel}
(treeparam) 23 % treevariable -set vars.w1 ${vars.w1} KeV/channel
(treeparam) 24 % treevariable -list vars.w1
{vars.w1 1.3 KeV/channel}