

spectrum -- Create, list, delete, and trace changes to spectrum definitions.


spectrum ?-new? name type parameter-list axis-speclist ?datatype?

spectrum -list ?-byid? ?-showgate ?pattern?

spectrum -list -id ?-showgate? id

spectrum -delete name ?name...?

spectrum -delete -id id1 ?id2...?

spectrum -delete -all

spectrum -trace [add ?script? | delete ?script?]


SpecTcl maintains a dictionary of spectra. The size of the parameter dictionary and the total amount of spectrum storage is limited only by the program's virtual memory. Spectrum bulk storage can be placed into a shared memory region whose size is set by the Tcl variable DisplayMegabytes and further limited by system parameters settings (shmmax).

SpecTcl's dictionary maintains objects that hold metadata for all of the defined spectra. The metadata for each spectrum include:


The name you give a spectrum when you create it.


A small integer assigned by SpecTcl to each spectrum. This is generally not useful. It is also not the same as the binding Id produced when you bind a spectrum's bulk storage into shared memory,.


The type of the spectrum. Internally this is the type of object that is representing the spectrum. Externally this is a short (one or two character) string. More on spectrum types when we look at creating spectra in FORMS OF THE COMMAND below.


The parameters the spectrum depends on. The number and organization of these depends very much on the spectrum type and again we'll say more on this in FORMS OF THE COMMAND below.


One or two axis descriptions. The number of axis descriptions also depends on the spectrum type.

channel type

The data type for each channel (byte, word or longword). In the past when systems were heavily memory limited, it was important to make large 2-d spectra word or even byte arrays. This is normally no longer necessary.

applied gate

All spectra have gates applied to them. When they are created spectra have a True gate applied. The apply command changes which gate is applied to a spectrum.

Spectra only increment if their gates are satisfied and the event has defined a sufficient set of parameters.


This section look as the forms of the spectrum command. We look specifically at:

Spectrum creation

Create spectra using commands of the form:

spectrum ?-new? name type parameter-list axis-speclist ?datatype?

name is the name of the new spectrum. This name must be unique over all spectra. If you attempt to redefine an existing spectrum the command will result in an error.

type is the spectrum type. Spectcl supports a rich set of spectrum types. See Spectrum Types below for information about spectrum types and what needs to be supplied to create them.

parameter-list is a Tcl list that, in a spectrum type dependent way lists the parameters the spectrum depends on.

axis-speclist is a list of axis specifications. Each axis specification is a triplet containing, in order, the low and high limits ands the number of bins on that axis. The number of axis specifications is determined by the spectrum type as well.

The optional datatype parameter determines the data type of each channel. It can be byte for eight bit channels, word for 16 bit channels and long for 32 bit channels.

Spectrum Types

SpecTcl provides a rich set of spectrum types. The type of a spectrum determines when and how the spectrum is incremented as well as how to specify its parameter and axis lists when creating the spectrum.

In this section well look at each spectrum type, the number and organization of parameters expected, and the number of axis specifications required.

1 - one dimensional spectrum

This spectrum requires a single parameter. The values of that parameter are the X axis of the spectrum. For each even that satisfies the applied gate and defines the spectrum's parameter, the axis specification is used to compute a spectrum channel which, if it is in the range of the axis, is incremented.

A list containing a single axis specification is required. Recall that an axis specification is a three element list consisting of axis low and high limits and bin count.

See EXAMPLES for concrete examples of spectrum definitions.

2 - two dimensional spectrum.

This spectrum requires a list of two parameters. The first parameter in the list is the x parameter. The second the y. A list of two axis specifications, the first for the X the second for the y are required.

For each event that satisfies the gate and defines both parameters, The X axis specification and X parameter value are used to compute an x channel. The Y axis specification and Y parameter value are used to compute a y channel. If both the x and y channels are within the spectrum bounds, the channel selected by x, y is incremented.

g1 - 1 dimensional gamma spectrum

Actually more useful than that. This spectrum requires an arbitrary list of X axis parameters. It also requires a single X axis axis specification.

For each event in which the spectrum's applied gate is satisfied, and for which at least one of the parameters is defined by the event, the spectrum can be incremented. Each defined parameter in the parameter list computes an x axis bin and, if that bin is in range it is incremented.

Note that this means the spectrum can be incremented several times for each event.

The increment logic can drastically change if the spectrum has a fold applied. In this case, if the fold is satisfied by one or more parameters, the increments are only performed for parameters that do not satisfy the fold.

g2 - 2 dimensional gamma spectrum

This spectrum requires an arbitrary list of at least two parameters. It also requires two axis specification. g2 spectra can be incremented more than once per event.

For each event that satisfies the applied gate and defines at least two of the spectrum's parameters the spectrum can be incremented. Each pair of parameters is used as an x/y pair and an increment is done for that pair as if the spectrum were an ordinary 2-d spectrum. For example, suppose that there are three parameters, p1, p2, p3 all of which are defined in an event. Increments will occur for (p1,p2), (p1,p3) and (p2, p3)

As with g1 spectra folds have an effect on the increment logic as well. Increments only occur for parameter pairs that are not involved in satisfying the fold.

s - summary spectrum

A summary spectrum is useful to visualize the health and gain matching of several identical detectors in a system. It has an arbitrary number of parameters and a single (y) axis specification. Each parameter is assigned a sequential position on the X axis. For example, if the parameter list is, in order, p1, p2, p3; p1 is assigned X=0, p2: X=1, p3: x=2.

For each event that satsifies the applied gate and defines at least on of the parameters, the spectrum will be incremented once for each defined parameter. For each defined parameter, the value of the parameter is used, along with the axis specification, to compute a y bin. The channel incremented has an X coordinate determined by the x assigned to the parameter and a Y coordinate determined by the channel value.

A summary spectrum is therefore, effectively a bunch of 1-d spectra where each 1-d spectrum is vertically displayed along a single X channel.

b bitmask spectrum.

A single parameter and a single axis specification are needed. The parameter is assumed to be fundamentally an integer. The axis specification defines how bits in that spectrum map to channels on the spectrum's X axis. Suppose, for example, the axis specification is {0 15 16}. Bits 0-15 are in the range of the axis (bits are numbered from least to most significant). Each of those 16 bits gets its own channel.

For each event that satisfies the applied gate and defines the spectrum's parameter an increment can take place for each set bit in the parameter. The channel for each set bit is incremnted. Suppose, for example, using the axis specification {0 15 16}, the hexadecimal representation of the paramters is 0x10055. The following channels will be incremented 0, 2, 4, 6. This is because 0x55 has is binary: 0101 0101 Note that since the 0x10000 is out of range of the axis (it's bit 16) it does not result in an increment.

S - Strip chart spectrum

This requires two parametrs. The first is an X axis parameter, the second is a value parameter. Only one axis specification (for the X axis) is required and this is an initial condition. While the spectrum is intended cases where the X axis parameter monotonically varies, this is not required.

For each event that satisfies the gate and has defined both parameters, the X parameter is converted into an X axis bin. If the bin is not in the spectrum, the channels are shifted appropriately so that it is (think of a strip chart scrolling). The integer valued value parameter is then added to that channel.

Consider one application. Suppose the X parameter is run time in say minutes and the Y parameter is the number of counts in some scaler. The scaler rate strip chart can then be plotted using one of these spectra.

m2 2-d sum spectrum

Requires an event number of parameters. Each pair of parameters is an X/Y pair. Requires two axis specifications, one for X and one for Y.

If the gate is satisfied for the spectrum, the parameter pairs are iterated over. For each X/Y pair that is defined in the event, bins are computed and, if possible a channel is incremented. The result is a spectrum that would be the sum of 2-d spectra on the individual parameter pairs.

gd - gamma deluxe.

Requires two parameter lists. The first parameter list is the set of X parameters. The second parameter list the set of Y parameters. The spectrum needs both X and Y axis specifications.

If the spectrum's gate is satisifed and the event has at least one X and one Y parameter defined, the spectrum can be incremented. All pairs of X/Y parameters can cause increments. Suppose the X parameters are x1, x2, x3 and all are present. Suppose the Y parameters are y1, y2, y3 and only y1 and y3 are present. Increments can occur for (x1,y1) (x1,y3), (x2, y1), (x2, y3), (x3, y1), (x3, y3).

As with any gamma spectrum folds can be applied in which case increments only occurs for parameter pairs where one or both parameters don't satisfy the fold.


Gamma summary spectrum. This works just like a summary spectrum, however each x channel has a list of parameters and the vertical strip of that channel is a g1 spectrum of the parameters for that X channel.

Listing spectra

The command forms that list spectra are:

spectrum -list ?-byid? ?-showgate ?pattern?

spectrum -list -id ?-showgate? id

The only difference between these two command forms is how the spectrum/spectra to be listed are selected. In the first form, the more usual form, the spectra listed are filtered by an optional glob pattern that the names of listed spectra must match. If pattern is not provided, it defaults to * which matches everything

If -id is used, there must be an id parameter that specifies the numeric id of the one spectrum to be listed.

Both forms of the command have an -showgate which adds an element to the description of each spectrum that is the name of the applied gate. All spectra have an applied gate. Spectra are created with the special true gate named -TRUE- applied to them.

If spectra are selected by name, the default ordering of the output is by spectrum name. If -byid is used, the spectra will be ordered by increasing spectrum id.

The output is a list, where each spectrum is represented by a sublist containing in order: The Spectrum id, spectrum name, spectrum type, parameter list (a properly formatted sub-sublist) axis-definition list (a properly formatted sublist) and data type. As described above, if the -showgate is specified, an additional list element, the applied gate name is appended.

Deleting spectra

The forms of the spectrum command for deleting spectra are:

spectrum -delete name ?name...?

spectrum -delete -id id1 ?id2...?

Deletes one or more spectra. The difference between the two forms is how the spectra are specified. If -id is not specified the remaining paramters are the names of spectra to delete. If -id is used, they are spectrum ids.0

Estabilishing trace scripts

The command for establishing spectrum traces has the following form:

spectrum -trace [add ?script? | delete ?script?]

First a bit about spectrum traces and what they can be used for. Traces allow Tcl scripts to take actions when changes are made to the SpecTcl spectrum dictionary. There are two types of traces: add trace scripts are run when a spectrum is added to the spectrum dictionary. delete traces scripts are run when a spectrum is removed from the spectrum dictionary.

Trace scripts may, themselves, affect the spectrum dictionary. Therefore tracing is disabled while a trace script is executing. Note that all tracing is disabled. By this I mean that suppose an add trace deletes a spectrum. That won't fire the delete trace.

The command specifies as the first parameter after -trace which trace is affected by this command. Regardless of whether or not a new trace is provided, the command returns the previous trace or an empty string if no trace is established.

script, if provided replaces any existing trace. Note that since only one trace is established at any time, you should memorize the prior script and run it from your trace script unless you know exactly what you're doing. If the script is empty, the trace is disabled.

Trace scripts are invoked with the affected spectrum appended to the script.


Example 1. Creating a 1-d spectrum

(sample) 49 % spectrum ex1 1 raw.00 {{0 1023 1024}}

Example 2. Creating a 2-d spectrum

(sample) 50 % spectrum ex2 2 {raw.00 raw.01} {{0 1023 1024} {0 1023 1024}}

Example 3. Creating a g1 spectrum

(sample) 51 % spectrum exg1 g1 {raw.00 raw.01 raw.02 raw.03 raw.04} {{0 1023 1024}}

Example 4. Creating a g2 spectrum

(sample) 52 % spectrum exg2 g2 {raw.00 raw.01 raw.02 raw.03 raw.04} \
                                {{0 1023 1024} {0 1023 1024}}

Example 5. Creating a summary spectrum

(sample) 53 % spectrum exs s {raw.00 raw.01 raw.02 raw.03 raw.04} {{0 1023 1024}}

Example 6. Creating a bitmask spectrum

(sample) 54 % spectrum exb b {raw.00} {{0 9 10}}

Example 7. Making a strip chart spectrum

(sample) 55 % spectrum exS S {raw.00 raw.01} {{0 1023 1024}}

Example 8. Creating an m2 (multiple 2d spectrum)

(sample) 57 % spectrum exm2 m2 {raw.00 raw.01 raw.02 raw.03 raw.04 raw.05} \
            {{0 1023 1024} {0 1023 1024}}

Example 9. Creating a gd (gamma deluxe) spectrum

(sample) 59 % spectrum exgd gd    \
        {{raw.00 raw.01 raw.03} {raw.04 raw.05 raw.06}} \
        {{0 1023 1024} {0 1023 1024}}

Example 10. Creating a gs (gamma summary) spectrum

% spectrum exgs gs {{raw.00 raw.01} {raw.02 raw.03 raw.04} {raw.05 raw.06} } \
                 {{0 1023 1024}}

Example 11. Listing all spectra

% spectrum -list

{0 raw.00 1 {raw.00} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{1 raw.01 1 {raw.01} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{2 raw.02 1 {raw.02} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{3 raw.03 1 {raw.03} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{4 raw.04 1 {raw.04} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{5 raw.05 1 {raw.05} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{6 raw.06 1 {raw.06} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{7 raw.07 1 {raw.07} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{8 raw.08 1 {raw.08} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{9 raw.09 1 {raw.09} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}
{10 twod 2 {raw.00 raw.01} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024} {0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}


Example 12. Listing only spectra with matching names

% spectrum -list t*

{10 twod 2 {raw.00 raw.01} {{0.000000 1023.000000 1024} {0.000000 1023.000000 1024}} long}


Example 13. Deleting a spectrum

spectrum -delete raw.05	

Example 14. Spectrum traces:

# Prior add/delete traces:

set oldAdd ""
set oldDel ""

proc spectrumadd name {
    puts "Adding spectrum $name"
    if {$::oldAdd ne ""}  {
        uplevel #0 $oldAdd $name

proc spectrumdel name {
    puts "Deleting spectrum $name"
    if {$::oldDel ne ""} {
        uplevfel #0 $oldDel $name

set oldAdd [spectrum -trace add spectrumadd]
set oldDel [spectrum -trace delete spectrumdel]


(sample) 50 % spectrum summary s {raw.00 raw.01 raw.02 raw.03 raw.04} {{0 1023 1024}}
Adding spectrum summary

(sample) 51 % spectrum -delete raw.01
Deleting spectrum raw.01