

fit -- 1-d Spectrum fitting computation


fit create fitname spectrumname low high type

fit update ?pattern?

fit delete name

fit list ?pattern?

fit proc name


The fit command is a command ensemble that creates and maniuplates fits of spectrum data. At present, SpecTcl only has builtin support for gaussian fits on a constant background and linear fits. The programming guide describes how to add fit types to this subsystem in a seamless manner.

The fit command allows you to specify a region of interest to be fit and update the fit parameters based on current data. A unique feature of the fit command is that it can return the definition of a Tcl proc that can be used to compute the fit value at any point.


The fit command is a command ensemble. This means that what the command does depends on a keyword immediately following the fit command word. The sections that follow will describe the subcommands fit understands.


fit create fitname spectrumname low high type

Creates a new fit. fitname is the name that will be given to the fit. Each fit has a name that must be unique. It is an error to create a fit with a fit name that already exists.

Fits are performed on 1D spectra. spectrumname must be the name of a spectrum that has a single, X axis.

low and high are the channel numbers of the area of interest the fit covers. These must be raw channel numbers.

type is the type of the fit. The builtin types are gaussian, which performs a gaussian fit with a constant background term and linear. See the Programming Guide for information about how to add additional fit types to the system.

This command returns the name of the fit as its result.


fit update ?pattern?

Recomputes fit parameters for all fits that match the optional glob pattern. If the pattern is not supplied it defaults to * matching all fits.

If the Xamine displayer is used, the fitline displayed on the spectrum is updated. Note that with the Root based Spectra displayer it is more normal to use Root's native fitting subsystem.

This subcommand produces no useful output.


fit delete name

Deletes the fit name. All resources associated with that fit are released.


fit list ?pattern?

Lists the fits that match the optional glob pattern. If pattern is not provided on the command line, it defaults to * which matches all fits.

This command returns a (possibly empty) list of fit descriptions. Each fit description is itself a 5 element list containing:

  1. The name of the fit

  2. The name of the spectrum the fit is defined on

  3. The type of the fit (e.g. gaussian). Note that SpecTcl defines both gaussian which is a gaussian function on a constant background and a linear fit types

  4. A two element list that is the area of interest over which the fit was performed.

  5. A property list that describes the fit parameters. A property list is a list of two item sublists. Each item contains a keyword and a value (the keyword is element 0). The parameters returned by each fit will depend on its fit type as each fit type will have a different set of variable parameters. For example, the gaussian fit has a "centroid" parameter, a linear fit might have a "slope" parameter. See the section "Parameters of supported fits" below for the parameters of fits that are a standard part of SpecTcl. for others either list them and look at the fit property list or consult with the author of the fit. Note that all fits should produce a property named chisquare that is the chi-square measure of the goodness of the fit.

Parameters of supported fit types:

Gaussian fits. See the full functional form of the gaussian below.


The constant background the gaussian sits on.


The scaling parameter of the gaussian.


The position of the peak.


The variance of the peak.


The goodness of fit.

Using the above parameterization, the functional form of a gaussian fit is:

 y = baseline + height * exp(-0.5*((x-centroid)/sigma)**2)

Linear fits . The following parameters are defined for linear fits:


The Y intercept of the fit line


Slope of the fit line.


The goodness of fit measure.

The form of the linear fit is, of course:

 y  = offset + slope*x


fit proc name

Returns the text of a Tcl proc that can evaluate the fit line as it is defined at the time of this command (the proc does not reflect later update operations). The proc can be used to evaluate the fit at any point although evaluation outside the area of interest may be meaningless.

The fit proc will be named fitline and will take one parameter, the channel number at which the fit should be evaluated.


Example 1. Using the proc subcommand

foreach fit [fit list] {
  set name [lindex $fit 0]
  eval     [fit proc $name]
  rename fitline $name

The example above uses the fit proc command to get a proc text for each defined fit. The eval command is then used to create the actual fit proc for Tcl. The rename command then renames the proc, which is always called fitline to the name of the fit so that procs don't step on each other's name.